Showing posts with label Erebidae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erebidae. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

[Entomology • 2025] Lemyra rubripecta, L. densimacula, L. pinus, ... • Taxonomic Review of the Genus Lemyra Walker (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) from India


[1–2] Lemyra neglecta, male, (Jang, Arunachal Pradesh, India); 
 [4–5] L. rubripecta sp. nov., holotype male, (Old Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, India); [6] L. rubripecta sp. nov., female, dorsal side (Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, India);
[7] L. biseriata, female, (Jatinga, Assam, India);
[10–11] L. densimacula sp. nov., male, (Kohima, Nagaland, India).  

H. SinghRaha, Kirti & N. Singh, 2025
In the present manuscript, we review the genus Lemyra Walker, 1856 from India by examining the specimens collected freshly from different parts of India from 2016 to 2019 and from the National Zoological Collection of the Zoological Survey of India (NZCZSI). The revised status of Lemyra in India is presented by describing seven new speciesLemyra (Thyrgorinarubripecta sp. nov., L. (T.) densimacula sp. nov., L. (T.) fortiorspina sp. nov.L. (T.) apatani sp. nov., L. (T.) adunca sp. nov., L. (T.) obsoleta sp. nov. and L. (T.) pinus sp. nov., synonymizing equal number of species: L. (T.) punctilinea (Moore, 1879), syn. nov. under L. (T.) flavalis (Moore, 1865), L. (T.) magnaproteus N. Singh & Kirti, 2016, syn. nov. under L. (T.) proteus (De Joannis, 1928), Thanatarctia costalis Kaleka, 2012: 51, syn. nov., Thanatarctia collarlis Kaleka, 2012: 53, syn. nov., L. (T.) collarlis N. Singh, Kirti & Kaleka, 2016: 15, syn. nov. (objective synonym of T. collarlis Kaleka, 2012), L. (T.) pseudocollarlis N. Singh, Kirti & Kaleka, 2016: 16, syn. nov. under L. (T.) nigrescens (Rothschild, 1910) and L. (T.) angularis (Strand, 1919) under L. (T.) spilosomata (Walker, [1865]). The status of L. (T.) aurantiaca (Fang, 1985), a new record to India, is upgraded to species level. Additionally, two species i.e., L. (T.) kaikarisi Saldaitis et al., 2019 and L. (T.) persephone Saldaitis et al., 2020 are reported for the first time from India. An updated checklist of 117 species (including the nominotypical subspecies) and 10 subspecies of Lemyra is provided with 48 species (including the new records and new species described herein) from India. Of the 48 species from India, the systematics of 42 species is provided based on their voucher specimens. We could not study the rest of the six species with their voucher specimens. The detailed diagnoses with closely similar congeners, genitalia illustrations, distributions, individual variations and sexual dimorphism, if any, and bionomics is provided.

 Lepidoptera, Arctiini, checklist, new records, new species, new synonymies, species groups, status revisions, Thyrgorina

 Habitus of Lemyra spp.
1–2, L. neglecta, male, dorsal and ventral sides (Jang, Arunachal Pradesh, India); 3. ditto, dorsal side, male (Pfutsero, Nagaland, India);
4–5, L. rubripecta sp. nov., holotype male, dorsal and ventral sides (Old Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, India); 6. L. rubripecta sp. nov., female, dorsal side (Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, India);
7. L. biseriata, female, dorsal side, (Jatinga, Assam, India); 8–9. ditto, male, dorsal and ventral sides (Kohima, Nagaland, India);
10–11. L. densimacula sp. nov., male, dorsal and ventral sides (Kohima, Nagaland, India).  

 Habitus of Lemyra spp.
74–75. L. nigrescens, male, dorsal and ventral sides (Jatinga, Assam, India);
76. L. collarlis, syn. nov., male, dorsal side (Jatinga, Assam, India); 77. L. pseudocollarlis, syn. nov., male, dorsal side (Jatinga, Assam, India);
78. L. wokhaensis, male, dorsal side (Wokha, Nagaland, India); 79. L. pseudoneurica, male, dorsal side (Wokha, Nagaland, India); 80. L. cernyi, male, dorsal side (Vadaserikara, Kerala, India);
81–82. L. stigmata stigmata, male, dorsal and ventral sides (Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India);
83–84. L. aurantiaca, male, dorsal and ventral sides (Pange (TWLS), Arunachal Pradesh, India).

Harsimranjeet SINGH, Angshuman RAHA, Jagbir Singh KIRTI and Navneet SINGH. 2025. Taxonomic Review of the Genus Lemyra Walker (Erebidae: Arctiinae) from India.  Zootaxa. 5454(1); 1-69. DOI: [2024-05-23] 

Friday, February 7, 2025

[Entomology • 2025] Tigridania magdalenae • A New Trasandean Species of the Genus Tigridania Kaye, 1918 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) from Colombia

Tigridania magdalenae 
Alzate-Cano, Wolff & Laguerre, 2025

During curatorial work at the Entomological Collection of the Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia), we discovered a recently collected pair of Euchromiina in copula (Fig. 1B) in the department of Antioquia, Colombia (Fig. 1A). It was a large and robust species, with translucent wings and a striking yellow and red abdomen. This species resembled Autochloris thyestes Druce, 1883, described from Ecuador, but certain details and characteristics suggested a more complex situation. After reviewing recent literature, we found the revision of the genus Tigridania Kaye, 1918 by Grados & Ramírez (2021). The genus Tigridania is monotypic, containing only the type species Tigridania quadricincta Kaye, 1918, described from the Rio Ucayali in the upper Amazon. The species Isanthrene flavizonata Gaede, 1926 which is also a large and robust species with translucent wings, was synonymized with T. quadricincta, by Grados & Ramirez (2021). However in T. quadricincta the abdomen is creamy-yellow with broad black bands and a black tip, markedly different from our species. On the other hand, the male genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics are very similar to those of the type species. Therefore, we have decided to describe it below as a new species, under the name Tigridania magdalenae sp. nov.

Tigridania magdalenae sp. nov.

Julian David ALZATE-CANO, Matta WOLFF and Michel LAGUERRE. 2025. A New Trasandean Species of the Genus Tigridania Kaye, 1918 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini: Euchromiina) from Colombia.  Zootaxa. 5583(3); 597-600. DOI: [2025-02-04]

Thursday, April 28, 2022

[Entomology • 2022] Ivela yini • A New Species of the Genus Ivela Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Lymantriinae) from Guangdong, China

 Ivela yini Xie & Wang, 

in Xie, Li, Chen & Wang, 2022.

Ivela yini sp. nov., is described from Guangdong, China based on morphological characters and molecular data. Adults, including genitalia and wing venation, and pupa are illustrated and compared to those of similar species. A key to Chinese Ivela species is provided. Assignment of the new species to Ivela Swinhoe is based primarily on a molecular phylogenetic analysis and is corroborated by morphology. Life histories of I. yini and Dendrophleps semihyalina Hampson are discussed.

Keywords: adults, Dendrophleps, Leucomini, molecular data, phylogenetic analyses, pupae

Adults 3‒6 Ivela yini sp. nov. (3 male, holotype 4 female, paratype 5 male, paratype 6 female, paratype)
7, 8 Dendrophleps semihyalina (7 male 8 female). Scale bars: 10 mm.

Field images of adults 9‒11 Ivela yini sp. nov. male (9 dorsal view 10 lateral view 11 ventral view of head)
12, 13 Dendrophleps semihyalina (12 male, dorsal view 13 female, dorsal view).

 Ivela yini Xie & Wang, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: This new species is diagnosed by a combination of characters. Superficially, the thorax and abdomen of the adult are white without black markings (Figs 3–6, 9, 10), the palpi are white (Fig. 11), and the forelegs are orange with white rings on the tarsal segments (Figs 9–11). In the male, the asymmetrical valvae are wide and truncated, with a deeply concave cucullus (Fig. 15). The uncus of I. yini (Fig. 15) is more than twice as long as the uncus of I. auripes (Fig. 17) and I. ochropoda (Inoue 1956: fig. 25). The female corpus bursae of I. yini has a pair of caudal projections (Fig. 16). The pupa has white hairs on the prothorax, on segments A2 and A3, and near the posterior end (Figs 21–24).

Etymology: The species is named after Ran Yin, who discovered the pupa of the new species. The name is in the genitive case.

Pupa of Ivela yini sp. nov.
21 dorsal view 22 lateral view 23 ventral view
24 pupa on Idesia polycarpa Maxim.

 Lin-Zhe Xie, Kun-Yuan Li, Liu-Sheng Chen and Hou-Shuai Wang. 2022. A New Species of the Genus Ivela Swinhoe (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Lymantriinae) from Guangdong, China. ZooKeys. 1097: 103-116. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1097.79109

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

[Entomology • 2019] A Revision of the Genus Drasteria (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) of Central Asia and Kazakhstan with Special Attention to the Adjacent Areas

Drasteria christophi (Alphéraky, 1895)

in Matov & Korb, 2019. 

A revision of the genus Drasteria within Central Asia and Kazakhstan with attention to the adjacent areas is presented. The status and position of all Drasteria taxa known from this area is clarified, the primary types are revised, primary types and their genitalia are illustrated. The following lectotypes are designated: Leucanitis aberrans Staudinger, 1888, Leucanitis tenera var. antiqua Staudinger, 1889, Leucanitis axuana Püngeler, 1907, Leucanitis cailino var. obscura Staudinger, 1901, Leucanitis cailino forma baigacumensis John, 1921, Euclidia сatocalis Staudinger, 1882, Ophiusa astrida Eversmann, 1857, Leucanitis herzi Alphéraky, 1895, Leucanitis chinensis Alphéraky, 1892, Ophiusa flexuosa Ménétriés, 1849, Leucanitis flexuosa var. caspica Staudinger, 1901, Leucanitis indecora John, 1910, Leucanitis kabylaria A. Bang-Haas, 1906, Leucanitis kusnezovi John, 1910, Syneda langi Erschoff, 1874, Leucanitis obscurata Staudinger, 1882, Leucanitis cailino var. picta Christoph, 1877, Leucanitis picta var. radapicta Staudinger, 1901, Leucanitis saisani var. clara Staudinger, 1894, Leucanitis scolopax Alphéraky, 1892, Leucanitis sculpta Püngeler, 1904, Leucanitis pamira John, 1921, Leucanitis sesquilina Staudinger, 1888, Leucanitis sinuosa Staudinger, 1894, Leucanitis tenera Staudinger, 1877. The type locality of Drasteria antiqua corrected to “Chinese Kashgaria”. The following synonymy is established: Drasteria flexuosa mongolica (Staudinger, 1896) = D. pulverosa pulverosa Wiltshire, 1969, syn. n.; = D. pulverosa intermedia Ronkay, 1985, syn. n.; D. picta (Christoph, 1877) = Drasteria austera (John, 1921), syn. n. The following new statuses are proposed: D. langi obscurata (Staudinger, 1882), stat. n.D. axuana indecora (John, 1910), stat. n. A new species, Drasteria pseudopicta Matov et Korb, sp. n., from the vicinities of Dosang (Astrakhan Province, Russia) is described. The brief DNA analysis (COI sequence) of the closely related taxa of the Central Asiatic Drasteria is presented. A key to species of the genus Drasteria of the studied area is compiled.

Keywords: Lepidoptera, owlet moths, distribution, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, systematics, nomenclature

Drasteria christophi (Alphéraky, 1895), Syr-Darya river coast near Aksuat, Kazakhstan.
Photo: E. Komarov. 

Alexey Yu. Matov and Stanislav K. Korb. 2019. A Revision of the Genus Drasteria of Central Asia and Kazakhstan with Special Attention to the Adjacent Areas (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). Zootaxa. 4673(1); 1-104. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4673.1.1

Monday, June 17, 2019

[Entomology • 2019] A Review of the Barsine hypoprepioides (Walker, 1862) Species-group (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae), with Descriptions of Fifteen New Species and A New Subspecies

Barsine compar (Fang, 1991)

in Volynkin, Černý & Huang, 2019. 
 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4618.1.1

The Barsine hypoprepioides (Walker, 1862) species-group is reviewed. Forty seven species and one subspecies belong to the species-group. Among them, fifteen species and one subspecies are new for science and described in the present paper: B. amoenissima sp. n. (Myanmar), B. selene sp. n. (Thailand and Laos), B. cao sp. n. (Thailand, Laos and Vietnam), B. speideli sp. n. (SE China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam), B. mesomene sp. n. (NE India, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam), B. pandeia sp. n. (Vietnam), B. karenkensis wushipheri ssp. n. (S Taiwan), B. euryphaessa sp. n. (Vietnam), B. ivanovamariae sp. n. (Vietnam and SE China), B. eos sp. n. (Thailand), B. mene sp. n. (Thailand), B. syntypicoida sp. n. (Malaysia and Indonesia), B. dubatolovi sp. n. (The Philippines), B. visaya sp. n. (The Philippines), B. nemea sp. n. (The Philippines) and B. kishidai sp. n. (The Philippines). Eight new combinations are established: B. parameia (Rothschild, 1913), comb. n. B. takamukui (Matsumura, 1927), comb. n., B. karenkensis (Matsumura, 1930), comb. n., B. rhipiptera (Wileman & West, 1928), comb. n., B. chi (Roepke, 1946), comb. nov., B. salakia (Schaus, 1922), comb. n., B. marginis (Fang, 1991), comb. nov. and B. dentata (Wileman, 1910), comb. nov. The lectotype is designated for Lithosia hypoprepioides Walker, 1862. Adults, male and female genitalia of all species are illustrated.

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Asia, lectotype, Lithosiini, new combination

Barsine compar (Fang, 1991) 
Anton V. Volynkin, Karel Černý and Si-Yao Huang. 2019. A Review of the Barsine hypoprepioides (Walker, 1862) Species-group, with Descriptions of Fifteen New Species and A New Subspecies (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae). Zootaxa. 4618(1); 1-82. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4618.1.1

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

[Entomology • 2019] A Review of the Barsine phaeodonta (Hampson, 1911) Species-group (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae), with Descriptions of Four New Species from Indochina and India

Barsine sp.
Volynkin & Černý, 2019

The Barsine phaeodonta species-group is reviewed. The new combination is established: Barsine phaeodonta (Hampson, 1911), comb. nov. Four new species are described: Barsine joshii, sp. nov. (South and North East India), Barsine meyi, sp. nov. (North West Myanmar), Barsine mophi, sp. nov. (North Laos) and Barsine arrigera, sp. nov. (Central Myanmar and North Thailand). Adults, male and female genitalia of all species are illustrated.

Anton V. Volynkin and Karel Černý. 2019. A Review of the Barsine phaeodonta (Hampson, 1911) Species-group, with Descriptions of Four New Species from Indochina and India (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae). Ecologica Montenegrina. 21; 70-79.