Showing posts with label Tetrigidae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tetrigidae. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Parahirrius gen. nov., Guentheracris gen. nov. & Zvierckia gen. nov. • Revision of the polyphyletic Genus Hirrius Bolívar, 1887 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae), with Descriptions of Three New Genera and insights into antennal sensilla morphology

 Hirrius Bolívar, 1887
Skejo, Patano et Kasalo gen. nov. 
Zvierckia Skejo, Tumbrinck et Pushkar gen. nov. 
Guentheracris Skejo, Tumbrinck et Pushkar gen. nov. 

 in Skejo, Husemann, Patano, Tumbrinck, Pushkar, Pavlović, Mohagan, Pamin et Kasalo, 2024. 
Discotettiginae were recently synonymized with Scelimeninae, but the polyphyletic genus Hirrius Bolívar, 1887, with five species endemic to the Philippines and Sulawesi, remained an unsolved issue. Besides similarly widened subapical antennomeres, head and pronotum, other traits suggest that Hirrius members belong to different subfamilies.

The genus is now split into four genera, with four new species. Hirrius (Tetrigidae: incertae sedis) now includes three species, one of which is new, all endemic to Mindanao, the Philippines: H. punctatus (Stål 1877), H. mindanaensis (Günther, 1938), and H. ruber Skejo, Patano et Kasalo sp. nov. A lectotype is designated for H. punctatus, because the type series was found to contain two different species belonging to two different genera. Three new genera are described. Genus Parahirrius Skejo, Patano et Kasalo gen. nov. (Tetrigidae: incertae sedis) consists of P. parvus Skejo, Patano et Kasalo sp. nov. and P. amorosus Skejo, Patano et Kasalo sp. nov., both endemic to Mindanao. Genus Zvierckia Skejo, Tumbrinck et Pushkar gen. nov. (Scelimeninae: Discotettigini) includes Z. montana (Günther, 1937), comb. nov.Z. sarasinorum (Günther, 1937), comb nov., and Z. storozhenkoi Skejo et Tumbrinck sp. nov., all endemic to Sulawesi. Genus Guentheracris Skejo, Tumbrinck et Pushkar gen. nov. (Tetrigidae: “Asian Metrodorinae”) includes G. scrobiculata (Günther, 1937), comb. nov. from Sulawesi.

Subapical antennomeres of Zvierckia storozhenkoi sp. nov. and Phaesticus mellerborgi (Stål, 1855) were scanned for the first time and compared to Discotettix belzebuth (Serville, 1838). Zvierckia gen. nov. and Discotettix Costa, 1864, both Scelimeninae: Discotettigini members, share many features of the antennal morphology, such as many basiconic sensilla on the antennal margins giving the ridge a saw-like impression. On the other hand, antennae of Phaesticus Uvarov, 1940 contain many elongated placoid sensilla, which are fully absent in the subapical widened segments of Zvierckia gen. nov. and Discotettix.

Orthoptera, Scelimeninae, Metrodorinae, taxonomy, new taxa, new combinations, morphology, antennae, coeloconic field, basiconic sensilla, cuticular plates, elongated placoid sensilla


Josip Skejo, Martin Husemann, Romeo Patano Jr., Josef Tumbrinck, Taras I. Pushkar, Marko Pavlović, Alma Mohagan, Jan-Henrik Pamin and Niko Kasalo. 2024. Revision of the polyphyletic Genus Hirrius Bolívar, 1887 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae), with Descriptions of Three New Genera and insights into antennal sensilla morphology.  Zootaxa. 5524(1); 1-61. DOI: 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Storozhenkotettix, A New Genus of Trusmaditetrigini (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Mindanao, with notes on Bolivaritettix

Storozhenkotettix gen. nov.
Storozhenkotettix amphinotoides comb. nov.

Patano, Skejo, Amoroso & Kasalo, 2024

The Philippine archipelago houses an incredibly diverse biota, among which are 122 species of pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae). Many of them belong to genera without proper taxonomic assignment and some genera, e.g., Bolivaritettix are so speciose and ill-defined that working with them is practically impossible. Here, we make a step toward the resolution of these problems by describing a new genus, Storozhenkotettix gen. nov. for Bolivaritettix amphinotoides, resulting in a new combination, S. amphinotoides comb. nov. This species does not seem to be closely related to the type species of Bolivaritettix, but rather to Trusmaditetrix, which is a member of the tribe Trusmaditetrigini. We provide new records of S. amphinotoides comb. nov., together with photographs of living specimens and habitat descriptions. The species was observed along the edges of montane forests and in the disturbed parts within forests. It seems to prefer partially shaded humid habitats.

Orthoptera, Cladonotinae, Metrodorinae, Philippines, taxonomy, variability 


Storozhenkotettix gen. nov.
Storozhenkotettix amphinotoides comb. nov.

Romeo R. Patano Jr., Josip Skejo, Victor B. Amoroso and Niko Kasalo. 2024. Storozhenkotettix, A New Genus of Trusmaditetrigini (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Mindanao, with notes on BolivaritettixZootaxa. 5453(4);  577-586. DOI:

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Phelene reinschmidti • A New Species from Ecuador with Notes on the Subfamily Lophotettiginae (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae)

Phelene reinschmidti  Kasalo, Husemann & Skejo,

A. Regions where Phelene species have been found, red shapes represent type localities, star–P. reinschmidti, circle–P. turgida, triangle–P. maroon

in Kasalo, Husemann, van de Kamp et Skejo, 2024. 

Lophotettiginae Hancock, 1909, endemic to the Neotropics, is one of the most ill-known subfamilies of Tetrigidae. Until now, there have not been any hypothesis on its relationship with other subfamilies. Lophotettiginae comprise only two genera, Lophotettix Hancock, 1909 and Phelene Bolívar, 1906, both with an arduous taxonomic history. Here, we describe a new species, Phelene reinschmidti from Ecuador, and compare it with its congeners: P. turgida from Peru and P. maroon from French Guiana. We found the subfamily Lophotettiginae to most closely resemble the Neotropical subfamily Metrodorinae, meaning that the two are likely related. We also provide a 3D scan of the holotype, a first for Tetrigidae. The 3D model contains all the important taxonomic characters and much more data could be extracted in the future using artificial intelligence-assisted approaches.

Key Words: 3D scan, Neotropics, taxonomy, pygmy hoppers, grouse hopper

Phelene reinschmidti sp. nov.
A. Regions where Phelene species have been found, red shapes represent type localities, star–P. reinschmidti, circle–P. turgida, triangle–P. maroon;
B. Frontal view; C. Dorsal view; D. Ventral view; E. Abdominal apex in ventral view; F. Lateral view; G. Image of the 3D model we generated.

 Phelene reinschmidti Kasalo, Husemann & Skejo, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Easily separated from the congeners by the following set of characters: (i) median carina forming a low elongated crest which extends from between the prozonal carinae to the base of hind legs; (ii) vertex a little less than two eyes wide; (iii) brown body without distinct patterns; (iv) rounded pulvilli of hind tarsi; (v) female subgenital plate oval with moderately protruding triangular apex; (vi) alae dark brown with venation of the same color. Differs from P. maroon by characters iii, iv, v, and vi.

Etymology: The new species is named after Prof. Dr. Matthias Reinschmidt, the current director of the Karlsruhe Zoo for his dedication and investments in nature protection in Ecuador and around the world.

Niko Kasalo, Martin Husemann, Thomas van de Kamp and Josip Skejo. 2024. Description of Phelene reinschmidti from Ecuador with Notes on the Subfamily Lophotettiginae (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). Evolutionary Systematics. 8(1): 119-125. DOI: 10.3897/evolsyst.8.124285

Friday, May 31, 2024

[Entomology • 2023] Caribbean Pygmy Jumping Leaves (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Cladonotinae: Choriphyllini)

Choriphyllum wallaceum Skejo, Kasalo & Yong,  

in Skejo, Yong, Bogić et Kasalo, 2023.
The tribe Choriphyllini Cadena-Castañeda & Silva, 2019 consists of only two genera, Choriphyllum Serville, 1838 and Phyllotettix Hancock, 1902b, combining leaf-like Caribbean wide-nosed pygmy grasshoppers (Tetrigidae, Cladonotinae). The genus Choriphyllum has four species, C. bahamense Perez-Gelabert & Otte, 1999 from the Bahamas (Hummingbird Cay Island), and C. sagrai Serville, 1838, C. saussurei Bolívar, 1887 and C. wallaceum Skejo, Kasalo & Yong, sp. nov. from Cuba. The gender of C. bahamensis is changed to C. bahamense in order to match the grammatical gender of the genus, which is neuter. Silva’s designation of C. sagrai, the type species of Choriphyllum, as nomen dubium in 2019 was incorrect as Serville’s drawing clearly points to this species, endemic to Cuba, so nothing about its identity is doubtful. The genus Phyllotettix is endemic to Jamaica, where four species live: P. rhombeus (Felton, 1765), P. foliatus (Hancock, 1902a), P. compressus (Thunberg, 1815) and P. plagiatus (Walker, 1871), comb. nov. of Choriphyllum plagiatum. Choriphyllum westwoodi Hancock, 1902a, syn. nov. is synonymous with Phyllotettix rhombeus and not with P. compressus. A new subgenus is established, Phyllotettix (Rhombotettix) subgen. nov. for P. (R.) plagiatus comb. nov. and P. (R.) rhombeus. A new species complex, Phyllotettix (compressus) sp. complex nov. is established for two morphologically close species, P. compressus, and P. foliatus; while another new species complex, Choriphyllum (sagrai) sp. complex nov. includes C. sagrai and C. wallaceum sp. nov. An annotated key to genera, subgenera, species groups and species is provided.

Key Words: Alfred Russel Wallace, Bahamas, complex, Choriphyllum, Cuba, iNaturalist, Jamaica, new species, Phyllotettix, revision, species group, subgenus, synonym

Choriphyllum (sagrai) wallaceum Skejo, Kasalo & Yong, sp. nov.
Vernacular name: Wallace’s Cuban Dancing Leaf
Choriphyllum seoanei”, not published “new species” by Bolívar (París 1994: 255). Taxonomic and nomenclatural history.

Etymology: Named after Alfred Russel Wallace, the father of biogeography, modern evolutionary thought and a contributor to many fields of biology. The species name is a neuter gender adjective, second Latin declension, derived from Wallace, i.e. wallaceus, wallacea, wallaceum. The specific epithet celebrates the 200th anniversary of Alfred Russel Wallace birth (8 January 1823).


A new species complexPhyllotettix (compressus) sp. complex nov.
 P. compressus, and P. foliatus

 A new species complexChoriphyllum (sagrai) sp. complex nov. 
C. sagrai and C. wallaceum sp. nov. 

Josip Skejo, Sheyla Yong, Domagoj Bogić and Niko Kasalo. 2023. Caribbean Pygmy Jumping Leaves (Tetrigidae, Cladonotinae, Choriphyllini). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 70(1): 129-141. DOI: 10.3897/dez.70.98982

[PaleoEntomology • 2019] Danatettix hoffeinsorumThe Last batrachideine of Europe: A New Genus and Species of Pygmy Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Eocene Baltic Amber

Danatettix hoffeinsorum
 Thomas, Skejo & Heads, 2019

A new genus and species of pygmy grasshopper (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) is described from Eocene Baltic amber. Danatettix hoffeinsorum gen. et sp. nov. is assigned to the subfamily Batrachideinae based on antennae with more than 19 antennomeres, sulcate mesofemora, and rectangular paranota. This species is readily distinguished from other batrachideines by a markedly produced vertex, pronotum with divergent internal and external lateral carinae, and highly setiferous female lateral basivalvular sclerite with scabrose integument. The morphology of Danatettix suggests placement within the here defined Tettigidea genus group (comprising Eutettigidea Hancock, 1914, Paurotarsus Hancock, 1900, and Tettigidea Scudder, 1862) and suggests that the latter had diverged from the new Scaria genus group (comprising Eotetrix Gorochov, 2012, Rehnidium Grant, 1956 and Scaria Bolívar, 1887) by the Early Eocene.

Keywords: Orthoptera, Caelifera, Tetrigoidea, pygmy locusts, grouse locusts, groundhoppers, Cenozoic, Paleogene, Baltic amber, fossil insects

 Danatettix hoffeinsorum [holotype 1084-4]
 Dorsal oblique view;  Line drawing.
 (scale bar = 1 mm)


Danatettix hoffeinsorum gen. et sp. nov. 

 Danatettix hoffeinsorum
Fig 3. Ventral view of holotype 1084-4 (scale bar = 1 mm).
Fig 4. Close-up ventral view of ovipositor valvulae and subgenital plate of holotype 1084-4 (scale bar = 0.2 mm)

M. Jared Thomas, Josip Skejo and Sam W. Heads. 2019. The Last batrachideine of Europe: A New Genus and Species of Pygmy Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Eocene Baltic Amber. Zootaxa. 4686(3); 435–445. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4686.3.9

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

[Entomology • 2021] Tegotettix derijeiHorned and Spiky: A peculiar New Pygmy Grasshopper Species (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Mindanao, Philippines

Tegotettix derijei
 Patano, Mohagan, Tumbrinck, Amoroso & Skejo, 2021

A new peculiar, spiky, and yellowish species of the genus Tegotettix Hancock, 1913 is described from the Davao region of the island of Mindanao (the Philippines)—Tegotettix derijei sp. n. (Mindanao horned pygmy devil). The species is visually similar to T. cristiferus (Günther, 1935) from Borneo and T. armatus Hancock, 1913 from Borneo, which is the type species of the genus, and of which a new record from Sabah is also presented in the study. The new species is also similar to an undescribed species from Bukidnon, which we presented by photographs in its natural habitat. To date, T. armatus was known only from old descriptions and drawings and has not been reported for more than 100 years. A brief overview of the species of the genus Tegotettix, with its division into three species groups, is presented.

 Keywords: Orthoptera, taxonomy, endemism, groundhopper, convergence, Xistra, Scelimeninae, island, the Philippines

Romeo R. Jr. Patano, Alma B. Mohagan, Josef Tumbrinck, Victor B. Amoroso and Josip Skejo. 2021. Horned and Spiky: Tegotettix derijei sp. n. (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) is A peculiar New Pygmy Grasshopper Species from Mindanao. Zootaxa. 4933(2), 198-210. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4933.2.2 

Friday, April 19, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Exanimus somniator, Fijixistra drobnaki, Gammonotus draudrau, Salomonotettix vincekae, etc. • Atlas of Fijian Pygmy Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with New Taxa Descriptions and an Identification Key

Gammonotus draudrau,
somniator, E. torviscriba,
Fijixistra tvrtkoviciF. drobnaki, F. teo,
 Salomonotettix vincekae
 Kasalo, Tumbrinck, Pavlović & Skejo, 2024

Fiji is an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean from which only four species in four genera of Tetrigidae had previously been reported. We report the results of our examination of the Fijian Tetrigidae from the Queensland Museum, Brisbane, and additionally the Nederlands Centrum voor Biodiversiteit (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, formerly Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis), Leiden. The Fijian fauna is found to be similar to, and therefore likely derived from, the New Guinean fauna. The validity of Asian Metrodorinae is called into question. The following new taxa are described: tribe Exanimini trib. nov. including genera Exanimus gen. nov. (including E. somniator sp. nov. and E. torviscriba sp. nov.) and Fijixistra gen. nov. (including F. abbreviata (Bolívar, 1887) comb. nov. of Amphinotus abbreviatusF. drobnaki sp. nov., F. teo sp. nov., and F. tvrtkovici sp. nov.); tribe Fijitettigini trib. nov. including genera Fijitettix gen. nov. (including F. godeffroyi (Günther, 1939), comb. nov. of Salomonotettix godeffroyi) and Salomonotettix Günther, 1939 (including S. vincekae sp. nov.); genus Gammonotus gen. nov. including Gammonotus draudrau sp. nov. Exanimini trib. nov. and Fijitettigini trib. nov. are of uncertain taxonomic placement, Gammonotus gen. nov. is assigned to Cladonotini Bolívar, 1887, and Thyrsus tiaratus Bolívar, 1887 is transferred from Cleostratini Bolívar, 1887 to Clinophaestini Storozhenko, 2013.

KEYWORDS: Orthoptera, Melanesia, Cladonotinae, Metrodorinae, New Guinea, island biogeography

 The following new taxa are described: 
tribe Exanimini trib. nov. 
Exanimus gen. nov. (including E. somniator sp. nov. and E. torviscriba sp. nov.
Fijixistra gen. nov. (including F. abbreviata (Bolívar, 1887) comb. nov.F. drobnaki sp. nov., F. teo sp. nov., and F. tvrtkovici sp. nov.); 

tribe Fijitettigini trib. nov.
Fijitettix gen. nov. (including F. godeffroyi (Günther, 1939), comb. nov. of Salomonotettix godeffroyi) and Salomonotettix Günther, 1939 (including S. vincekae sp. nov.); 

Cladonotini Bolívar, 1887
Gammonotus gen. nov. including Gammonotus draudrau sp. nov. 

 Clinophaestini Storozhenko, 2013
 Thyrsus tiaratus Bolívar, 1887

Niko Kasalo, Josef Tumbrinck, Marko Pavlović, and Josip Skejo. 2024. Atlas of Fijian Pygmy Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with New Taxa Descriptions and an Identification Key. Annales Zoologici. 74(1); 43-70. DOI: 10.3161/00034541ANZ2024.74.1.003

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

[Entomology • 2023] Aryalidonta itishreea • A New Genus and Species of Thoradontini (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Nepal honors the Emperor of Laughter

Aryalidonta itishreea 
Subedi & Kasalo, 2023
Aryal’s Ten Avatar Groundhopper | DOI: 10.3897/jor.32.94918
अर्यालको दश औतारी भुइँफड्के ||

Aryal’s Ten Avatar Groundhopper, Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov., named in honor of the late Bhairav Aryal, an iconic Nepali satirist, is a new genus and species of Tetrigidae described as a part of the tribe Thoradontini. The species is native to Nepal, a country with a rich tetrigid fauna in need of taxonomic revisions. This monotypic genus can be easily separated from other Thoradontini genera by its enlarged proximal halves of middle femora, a peculiar lateral lobe morphology (small caudal protrusion in its caudal part and a sharp lateral tip), a triangular, anteriorly narrowing vertex, and by its unique head morphology. The species was observed in its natural habitat. It was found to harbor many color variations that are cryptic in nature. It feeds on detritus, algae, lichen, and moss. Specimens heavily infested by mites were found, as well as those in interaction with wasps (possibly Eulophidae), but the nature of the latter could not be determined.

Keywords: Bhairav Aryal, ecology, Eulophidae, Gorkha, groundhopper, Himalayas, Scelimeninae

Type specimens of Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov. in their natural habitat.
A–C. Holotype (♀); D. Paratype 1 (♂) (left) with Criotettix sp. (middle) and an individual of Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov. (right); E. Paratype 1 (♂) in dorsolateral view; F–G. Paratype 2 (♀); H–I. Paratype 3 (♂).

Family Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838
Tribe Thoradontini Kevan, 1966

Genus Aryalidonta gen. nov.
Justification of the tribal assignment and the genus description.—
The herein described species shares many similarities with members of Thoradontini, the most notable of which are as follows: (i) the u- or v-shaped carinae of the vertex visible in frontal view, (ii) high-placed frontal costa bifurcation and usually low-placed antennal grooves, (iii) a vertex that is usually triangular and narrowing anteriorly, (iv) eyes adjacent to the anterior margin of the pronotum, (v) bilobate lateral lobes, (vi) wings approximately equally long as the pronotum, and (vii) nodulate surface of the pronotum. Although an overview of the material showed that the tribe requires a thorough revision, we place the new genus and species within it to allow for easier revision in the future.

The new species does not fit with the type species of any of the relevant genera and is thus described under its own genus. It is possible that the subsequent revisions will recognize more species that belong in this genus, so it is important that the genus be defined by a well-documented species.

Etymology.— Patronymic. The genus is named in honor of the late Bhairav Aryal (Nepali: भैरव अर्याल), an iconic satirist of Nepali literature popularly known as the Emperor of Laughter (Nepali: हाँस्य सम्राट). The second part of the name, -donta, derives from the Greek word “ὀδών”, meaning “tooth,” and is a reference to Bhairav Aryal’s iconic smile. The genus name is of feminine gender.

Aryalidonta itishreea sp. nov.
 Etymology.— The specific epithet is derived from the Nepali word “itishree”, which is the title of one of Bhairav Aryal’s books and translates to “The End”. The name is also a reference to the tragic end of Bhairav Aryal’s life, as well as to his unyielding belief that an end is an invitation to a new beginning. The name is Latinized with the suffix “-a” to form a noun in the nominative case and is feminine in gender.

Common name.— Aryal’s Ten Avatar Groundhopper 
(Nepali: अर्यालको दश औतारी भुइँफड्के).

Common name etymology.— Named after one of Bhairav Aryal’s masterpieces, Dash Autar (Nepali: दश औतार; English transl. Ten Avatars). The name symbolically refers to the many color forms observed among individuals of this species.

Type locality.— Amaldarchaur, Ghyalchok, Gorkha, Nepal (Nepali: अमलदारचौर, घ्याल्चोक, गोरखा, नेपाल) situated at an altitude of 465 ± 10 m asl (approximate) ...

Individuals of Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov.  on different food sources.
 A. Lichen growing on the stones; B. Detritus on a desire path; C. Algal growth on the banks of a freshwater stream (Note: soft algal growth on the body surface indicated by greenish–yellow coloration); D. Moss growth on the desire path.

Variability of coloration in Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov. 

Different Tetrigidae species found in close proximity to Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov.  in their natural habitat.
A. Coptotettix annandalei; B. Criotettix sp. (bottom left) with Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov. (top right);
C. Hebarditettix quadratus; D. Teredorus carmichaeli (right) with Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov. (left);
E. Thoradonta sp. (bottom right) with Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov. (top left); F. Xistra angusta.

Different nymphal instars of Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov.
 (Note: the images are not on the same scale).

Madan Subedi and Niko Kasalo. 2023. Aryalidonta itishreea, A New Genus and Species of Thoradontini (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae) from Nepal honors the Emperor of Laughter. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 32(1): 63-80.  DOI: 10.3897/jor.32.94918


Saturday, January 13, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Zhengitettix binduseni • The Genus Zhengitettix Liang, 1994 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Scelimeninae) from Thailand, with Description of A New Species

 Zhengitettix binduseni
Dawwrueng & Vitheepradit, 2024

Four species of the genus Zhengitettix Liang, 1994 from Thailand are listed. A new distribution of Z. albitarsus Storozhenko, 2013 is reported from Ratchaburi Province in the Tenasserim Range with a coloration description of live specimens. Zhengitettix binduseni sp. nov. is described from Ratchaburi Province, Thailand. This new species is easily distinguished from other member in this genus by the larger body size, the fastigium of vertex between eyes distinctly narrower toward end, the slender and long spines of lower part of lateral lobe of pronotum which slightly upward in male, and almost straight in female, and the shaped of female subgenital plate with shallow transversal creases. The updated key to all species occurring in Thailand is provided here.

Orthoptera, tetrigid, Zhengitettix, new species, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand 

Zhengitettix binduseni
male, dorsal view; female, dorsal view

Zhengitettix binduseni

Pattarawich Dawwrueng and Akekawat Vitheepradit. 2024. The Genus Zhengitettix Liang, 1994 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Scelimeninae) from Thailand, with Description of A New Species.  Zootaxa. 5397(4); 589-597

Thursday, May 18, 2023

[Entomology • 2023] Skejotettix kasalo • A New Species of the Genus Skejotettix (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Nepal

 Skejotettix kasalo
Subedi, 2023

This paper describes a new species of Skejotetix Subedi, 2022, S. kasalo sp. nov., from the temperate forests of Bajung, Parbat, Nepal. The genus was known only from the subtropical regions of Nepal. The new species and its different life stages were observed in the natural habitat. It was found to have many colors that match perfectly with the surroundings. The genus Skejotettix was considered brachypronotal until now, but a macropronotal form was also found alongside the typical brachypronotal form in S. kasalo sp. nov. The macropronotal form is an important piece of the puzzle in determining the relationship between Skejotettix and Ergatetttix Kirby, 1914.

Keywords: Gandaki Province, habitat, Parbat District, pygmy grasshoppers, sloping grassland, taxonomy, temperate forests, Tetriginae

The type specimens of Skejotettix kasalo sp. nov. in their natural habitat.
A–C. Holotype (♀); D–E. Paratype 1 (♂);
F–H. Paratype 2 (♀); I. Paratype 3 (♂); J–L. Paratype 4 (♀).

Skejotettix kasalo sp. nov.

Diagnosis.— Skejotettix kasalo differs from the type species of Ergatettix Kirby, 1914, E. dorsiferus (Walker, 1871) in having a wider vertex with parallel lateral borders instead of a narrow vertex with lateral borders usually converging towards the front, with convex vertex (in frontal view) without horns instead of being concave with the presence of horns, and with the middle femora being robust instead of being slender. However, the species also share similarities: (i) presence of a notch on the scapus of the antenna; (ii) wings extending beyond the pronotum (valid in macropronotal form of S. kasalo); (iii) antennal grooves distinctly below the ventral margins of compound eyes; and (iv) median carina (in lateral view) undulated.

Etymology.— The species is named after Niko Kasalo, an emerging tetrigidologist from Croatia and a good friend of mine. The specific epitheton is a Latinized noun in apposition referring to the surname of Niko Kasalo (patronymic).

Common name.— Bajung’s cliffhopper.
Common name etymology.— The first part of the name is after the village of Bajung where the species was discovered. The second part of the name denotes the habitat type of the species.

Different nymphal instars of Skejotettix kasalo sp. nov. in natural habitat.
 (Note: the images are not on the same scale.)

 Madan Subedi. 2023. A New Species of the Genus Skejotettix (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae) from Nepal. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 32(1): 81-92. DOI: 10.3897/jor.32.97276