Showing posts with label Lecythidaceae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lecythidaceae. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

[Botany • 2019] Rhaptopetalum rabiense (Lecythidaceae) • A New Species of Rhaptopetalum from south-western Gabon

Rhaptopetalum rabiense  Kenfack & Nguema

in Kenfack & Nguema, 2019.

Rhaptopetalum rabiense Kenfack & Nguema, sp. nov. from the Rabi forest in south-western Gabon is described, illustrated and assigned a provisional conservation status of “Critically Endangered”. An identification key to the five Gabonese species of Rhaptopetalum is also provided.

Keywords: ForestGEO, Gabon, IUCN Red List, new species, permanent plot, Rabi, rainforest, taxonomy

Figure 1. Rhaptopetalum rabiense 
A flowering twig B close-up of the lower surface showing the indumentum and the punctate lamina C detail of inflorescence and stem showing lenticels D flower bud E opened flower F flower with pseudocorolla and stamens removed showing superior ovary G longitudinal section of F showing pendulous ovules H fruiting branch. 

Figure 2. Rhaptopetalum rabiense 
A flowering branch B lateral view of the flower C flower view from above showing the poricidal anthers and the gynoecium D fruiting branch. Photographs by Diosdado Nguema.

Rhaptopetalum rabiense Kenfack & Nguema, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Rhaptopetalum rabiense is similar to R. belingense by its dome-shaped ovary, its entire calyx margin, its apex placentation and smooth fruits, but differs by its pubescent (vs. glabrous) young branches, its longer pedicel (5–7 mm vs. 3 mm) articulated 1 mm below the calyx (vs. articulated directly below the calyx), and its uni-ovulated loci (vs. multi-ovulated) (Table 1).

 David Kenfack and Diosdado Ekomo Nguema. 2019. A New Species of Rhaptopetalum (Lecythidaceae) from south-western Gabon. PhytoKeys. 128: 39-46. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.128.34640