Showing posts with label Adrianichthyidae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adrianichthyidae. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2024

[Ichthyology • 2024] Oryzias chenglongensis • A New ricefish of Genus Oryzias (Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae) from western Taiwan

Oryzias chenglongensis 
Chen & Lai, 2024

The new brackish ricefish were collected recently from western Taiwan which has been identified as the species new to science. The new species, Oryzias chenglongensis n. sp. can be well distinguished from other congeners by the following unique combination of features: (1) fin-ray counts: dorsal-fin rays 6 (6 seen in holotype); anal-fin rays 19–20 (19); pelvic-fin rays 6 (6); pectoral-fin rays 10 (10); principle caudal-fin rays i,4/5,i (i,4/5,i); (2) body compressed laterally with body depth at pelvic origin 24.0–24.3 (24.3), body depth at anal fin origin 15.5–20.4 (20.4); (3) the dorsal-fin origin inserted almost at the vertical of 14th anal-fin rays, membrane between dorsal-fin 5th and 6th rays without distinct notch in adult male; and (4) body translucent, light yellowish green or brown, scattered with minute melanophores, a narrowly dotted, longitudinal black line along the middle forward to vertical above pelvic fin; T-shape black mark of caudal fin base in male; operculum and pre-pectoral region slivery, no any silvery scales on lateral body, lip color grayish or creamy yellow and eye bluish silvery dorsally. The diagnostic characters, and comparison with related species would be also provided.

Pisces, New species, fish fauna, Oryzias, fish taxonomy, brackish, conservation, Taiwan

Oryzias chenglongensis n. sp., Chenglong wetland, Yunlin County, Taiwan.
male, NTOUP-2018-06-310; 24.8 mm SL, 
female, NTOUP-2018 -06-311, 26.6 mm SL, 

Oryzias chenglongensis new species

Diagnosis: The new species, Oryzias chenglongensis can be well distinguished from other congeners by the following unique combination of features: (1) fin-ray counts: dorsal-fin rays 6 (6 seen in holotype); anal-fin rays 19–20 (19); pelvic-fin rays 6 (6); pectoral-fin rays 10 (10); principle caudal-fin rays i,4/5,i (i,4/5,i); (2) body compressed laterally with body depth at pelvic origin 24.0–24.3 (24.3), body depth at anal fin origin 15.5–20.4 (20.4); (3) the dorsal-fin origin inserted almost at the vertical of 14th anal-fin rays, membrane between dorsal-fin 5th and 6th rays without distinct notch in adult male; and (4) body translucent, light yellowish green or brown, scattered with minute melanophores, a narrowly dotted, longitudinal black line along the middle forward to vertical above pelvic fin; T-shape black mark of caudal fin base in male; operculum and pre-pectoral region slivery, no any silvery scales on lateral body, lip color grayish or creamy yellow and eye bluish silvery dorsally.

Etymology: The specific name, chenglongensis, is referred to names of the fish holotype locality collected “Chonglong wetland”, western Taiwan although its available geographical range may from Yun-lin, Chiar-Yi, to Tai-Nan of western Taiwan.

I-Shiung CHEN and Hong-Thih LAI. 2024. A New ricefish of Genus Oryzias (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae) from western Taiwan.  Zootaxa. 5550(1); 320-327. DOI: