Heteromysis (Olivemysis) hornimani
Wittmann & Abed-Navandi, 2021
Four new species of the subgenus Heteromysis (Olivemysis) were detected in material from (sub)-tropical aquaria in six public aquarium institutions around the globe. Modifications of pleopods by spines represent the strongest structural complex used for differentiation within this subgenus: male pleopods 1–4 modified in H. smithsoniana sp. nov., male pleopods 2–4 plus female pleopod 2 in H. hornimani sp. nov. and H. waikikensis sp. nov. Additional important diagnostic characters are provided by the antennulae, uropods, and telson. The male of H. sixi sp. nov. represents a very rare case within the genus Heteromysis by having only pleopod 2 modified by flagellate spines. The definition of the subgenus Olivemysis is modified in order to include H. sixi sp. nov. A summary of pleopod modifications in the genus Heteromysis and a key to the species of the subgenus Olivemysis are given. The here described new taxa more than double the number of Heteromysis species known from aquaria yet unknown in nature from three to seven.
Keywords: first description, taxonomy, public aquarium institutions, modified pleopods, key to species
Class Malacostraca Latreille, 1802
Order Mysida Boas, 1883
Family Mysidae Haworth, 1825
Subfamily Heteromysinae Norman, 1892
Tribe Heteromysini Norman, 1892
Genus Heteromysis S.I. Smith, 1873
Species inventory: A total of 39 species, including the new ones, is given in the key below. For 30 species see list in Price & Heard (2011). Nine species of this subgenus described after 2011 are H. cocoensis Price, Heard & Vargas, 2018; H. domusmaris Wittmann & Abed-Navandi, 2019; H. ekamako Wittmann & Chevaldonné, 2017; H. hornimani sp. nov.; H. ningaloo Daneliya, 2012; H. sabelliphila Wittmann & Wirtz, 2016; H. sixi sp. nov.; H. smithsoniana sp. nov. and H. waikikensis sp. nov.
Heteromysis (Olivemysis) smithsoniana sp. nov.
Etymology: The species name is a Latinized adjective with female ending, referring to the Smithsonian Marine Ecosystems Aquarium (Fort Pierce, Florida).
Distribution: The species is so far known only from tanks in the ‘Smithsonian Marine Ecosystems Aquarium’, Fort Pierce, Florida. Origin most likely in coastal marine waters of the subtropical NW-Atlantic (Table 1)

Heteromysis (Olivemysis) hornimani sp. nov.
Etymology: The species name is a masculine noun in the genitive singular, referring to the Horniman Museum Aquarium, London.
Distribution: The species is so far known only from tanks in the ‘Horniman Museum Aquarium London’ (UK), the ‘Oceanopolis Aquarium’ in Brest (France), the ‘Aquarium de Paris’ (France), and the ‘Zoo Wroclaw’ (Poland). The data from Paris suggest a Caribbean origin (Table 1: # 4).
Heteromysis (Olivemysis) waikikensis sp. nov.
Etymology: The species name is a feminine adjective formed by the addition of location suffix, related to the ‘Waikiki Aquarium’ (Honolulu, Hawaii) where the new species was detected.
Distribution: The species is so far known only from an aquarium tank of the ‘Waikiki Aquarium’, Honolulu, Hawaii. Origin most likely in coastal marine waters of the Central Pacific (Table 1).
Heteromysis (Olivemysis) sixi sp. nov.
Etymology: The species name is a masculine noun in genitive singular, dedicated on the occasion of his retirement to Franz Six, citizen scientist and 55 year-long promoter of the ‘Haus des Meeres’, a public marine aquarium in Vienna.
Distribution: The species is so far known only from a service tank of the ‘Waikiki Aquarium’, Honolulu, Hawaii. Origin most likely in coastal marine waters of the Central Pacific (Table 1).
Karl J. Wittmann and Daniel Abed-Navandi. 2021. Four New Species of
Heteromysis (Crustacea: Mysida) from Public Aquaria in Hawaii, Florida, and Western to Central Europe.
European Journal of Taxonomy, 735(1), 133-175. DOI: