Showing posts with label Liparidae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liparidae. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

[Ichthyology • 2024] Careproctus io • A New Snailfish (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) from the Western North Pacific, with Comments on Generic Limits


 Careproctus io 
Kai, Morikawa & Misawa, 2024

The new snailfish Careproctus io is described on the basis of three specimens collected from the western North Pacific, off northeastern Honshu Island, Japan. The new species can be distinguished from congeners by the following characters: vertebrae 40–42; dorsal-fin rays 36 or 37; anal-fin rays 30; pectoral fin deeply notched with 28 or 29 rays, lower lobe reaching to anal-fin origin; large pelvic disk 34.2%–34.5% HL (10.3%–10.9% SL); teeth strongly trilobed on both jaws, inner teeth weakly trilobed or shouldered; cephalic pore pattern 2-6-7-2, chin pores paired; gill slit above pectoral-fin base; body bright red, non-variegated in life. Species of Careproctus Krøyer, 1862 typically have fewer pectoral-fin rays than anal-fin rays, although some recently-described species, including the present new species, have similar ray counts in both fins. The relationships between such counts, as well as pelvic disk size, are investigated for various snailfish, genera, and the generic limits of Careproctus discussed.

Keywords: Actinopterygii, Scorpaeniformes, Careproctus, COI, pelvic disk size

Schematic drawing of Careproctus io, holotype, FAKU 148130, 37.3mm SL.
A, Lateral and ventral views of head; B, teeth; C, pectoral girdle.
 Abbreviations: C, coracoid; DR, distal radials; F, interradial fenestra; MX, maxillary pores; N, nasal pores; PM, preoperculo-mandibular pores; PR, proximal radials; S, scapula; SP, suprabranchial pores. Scale bars: B, 0.25mm; C, 1.0mm.
Holotype of Careproctus io, FAKU 148130, 37.3mm SL.
A, Micro-CT scan image of head; B, fresh condition.

Careproctus io sp. nov.
[New standard Japanese name: Mini-kon’nyakuuo]
Diagnosis. A species of Careproctus with the following combination of characters: vertebrae 40–42; dorsal-fin rays 36 or 37; anal-fin rays 30; pectoral fin with 28 or 29 rays, deeply notched, lower lobe reaching to anal-fin origin; large pelvic disk 34.2%–34.5% HL (10.3%–10.9% SL); teeth strongly trilobed on both jaws, inner teeth weakly trilobed or shouldered; cephalic pore pattern 2-6-7-2, chin pores paired; gill slit above pectoral-fin base; body bright red, non-variegated in life.

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition after Io, a Greek mythological character who wandered the world without rest, due to the unsettled phylogenetic position of the new species (see under Remarks). The standard Japanese name “Mini” reflects its small body size.

Yoshiaki Kai, Eisuke Morikawa and Ryo Misawa. 2024. Careproctus io (Teleostei: Liparidae), a New Snailfish from the Western North Pacific, with Comments on Generic Limits. Species Diversity. 29(1); 111-117. DOI: 10.12782/specdiv.29.111

Sunday, November 22, 2020

[Ichthyology • 2020] Careproctus ambustus • A New Species of Snailfish (Cottiformes: Liparidae) Closely Related to Careproctus melanurus of the Eastern North Pacific


Careproctus ambustus Orr

in Orr, Pitruk, Manning, et al., 2020.

A new species, Careproctus ambustus, is described from 64 specimens based on evidence from morphological and molecular data. Specimens of Careproctus ambustus, new species, have been historically misidentified as the common Blacktail Snailfish, C. melanurus. The new species is distinguished from C. melanurus by its higher numbers of vertebrae (62–66 vs. 56–62 in C. melanurus), dorsal-fin rays (57–63 vs. 53–58), and anal-fin rays (51–55 vs. 46–51), and longer pelvic disc (14.1–21.2 vs. 12.6–20.7 % HL). In addition, the new species differs from C. melanurus by seven base pairs within a 492-base-pair region of the cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 region, a 1.4% sequence divergence. Careproctus ambustus, new species, is found at depths of 58–1,172 m and ranges from Japan, through Alaska, to the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, where its distribution overlaps with C. melanurus, which ranges from southern Alaska and British Columbia to Baja California.

(A) Careproctus ambustus, new species, UW 152101, 323 mm, holotype, Aleutian Islands, 51.8402°N, 173.886°W, 330 m depth, photographed before fixation and preservation; 
(B) Careproctus melanurus, UW 47264, 205 mm, Oregon, 44.3993°N, 124.8355°W, 447 m depth, photographed before fixation and preservation.

Careproctus (Allochir) ambustus, new species, Orr
Scorched Snailfish

Diagnosis.— Careproctus ambustus is distinguished from all other North Pacific species of Careproctus except C. melanurus by the combination of the shape of its pelvic disc, which is oval, longer than wide (vs. round or wider than long in other species of Careproctus), shallowly cupped (vs. flat or deeply cupped), and somewhat smaller than the orbit (vs. minute or large); shallowly notched pectoral fin with elongate rays in the lower lobe (vs. deeply notched with elongate or short rays, or shallowly notched with short rays in other species of Careproctus); and unique COI haplotypes (Orr et al., 2019). It is further distinguished morphologically from C. melanurus, with which it has been historically confused, by its higher vertebral and median fin-ray counts (vertebrae 61–67 vs. 56–62, dorsal-fin rays 57–63 vs. 53–59, anal-fin rays 51–57 vs. 46–52 in C. melanurus), in combination with its longer pelvic disc (14.1–21.2 vs. 12.6–20.7 % HL in C. melanurus).

Distribution.—Careproctus ambustus is known in the North Pacific Ocean from British Columbia, Alaska, Russia, and Japan (Fig. 3) at depths of 58 to 1,172 m, based on material examined and confirmed field identifications (Tokranov, 2000; Orr et al., 2014a, 2014b; G. R. Hoff, pers. comm., 2016). In the eastern North Pacific, it ranges from British Columbia off central Vancouver Island, throughout the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands, and into the eastern Bering Sea to at least 60.3°N (Hoff, 2016) and off Cape Navarin in the western Bering Sea (Parin et al., 2014). In the western North Pacific, it ranges from Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands, Russia (Orlov, 1998, 1999, 2001; Sheiko and Fedorov, 2000; Orlov and Tokranov, 2011), to the northwestern coast of Honshu, Japan (Kido and Shinohara, 1997).

Etymology.—The specific epithet of Careproctus ambustus is taken from the Latin ambusti, meaning “scorched,” referring to the black tail that contrasts with the pink to red anterior part of the body.

Distribution of Careproctus ambustus, new species (black), and C. melanurus (white) in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean based on material examined. Each symbol may represent more than one capture. Bottom contour illustrated is 200 m.

James W. Orr, Dmitry L. Pitruk, Rachel Manning, Duane E. Stevenson, Jennifer R. Gardner and Ingrid Spies. 2020. A New Species of Snailfish (Cottiformes: Liparidae) Closely Related to Careproctus melanurus of the Eastern North Pacific. Copeia. 108(4); 711-726. DOI: 10.1643/CI2020008

Sunday, February 23, 2020

[Ichthyology • 2020] Careproctus shigemii • A New Species of Careproctus (Cottoidei: Liparidae) from the Sea of Okhotsk and A Redescription of the Blacktip Snailfish Careproctus zachirus

Careproctus shigemii
Matsuzaki, Mori, Kamiunten, Yanagimoto & Kai, 2020

A new snailfish, Careproctus shigemii, is described on the basis of three specimens collected in the southern Sea of Okhotsk, off Hokkaido, Japan. The new species has previously been confused with Careproctus zachirus Kido 1985, known from the Aleutian Islands, eastern Bering Sea, the Pacific Ocean off southeastern Kamchatka and the northern Kuril Islands, and the southern Sea of Okhotsk off Hokkaido, Japan, because of their similar appearance, including a noticeably elongate pectoral fin extending beyond the anal-fin origin, the gill slit entirely above the pectoral fin, no opercular flap projection, one suprabranchial pore, and trilobed teeth. However, C. shigemii is clearly differentiated from C. zachirus in having dorsal and anal fins margined with black (vs. white margined dorsal and anal fins with a black submarginal band), and a black caudal fin (vs. pale pink caudal fin), when fresh. Careproctus shigemii differs additionally from C. zachirus in having the cephalic pore pattern 2-6-6-1 (vs. 2-6-7-1), 30–35 pyloric caeca (vs. 20–31), and a shorter pectoral fin lower lobe, 8.2–9.9% SL (vs. longer lobe, 15.9–25.6% SL). A large sequence divergence between C. shigemii and C. zachirus (0.028 in uncorrected p-distance) in the DNA barcoding region (COI) also supports the validity of each species. A redescription of C. zachirus is also provided on the basis of the holotype, paratypes and non-type specimens.

Keywords: Careproctus shigemii, COI, Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, Western North Pacific

Careproctus shigemii sp. nov. 
AMF-2-11-04-00-0031, paratype, 231.4 mm SL.

Careproctus shigemii sp. nov.
(New Japanese name: Otohime-Kon’nyaku-uo)

Distribution. Known only from the southern Sea of Okhotsk off Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan. Collection depths ranged from 200 to 300 m. By comparison, C. zachirus in the same area occupies depths of ca. 500–800 m.

Etymology. Named after the late Shigemi Fujimoto, a fisherman of Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan, who assisted our team in collecting various marine organisms, including the present new species, and contributed significantly to our efforts to understand the marine biodiversity of Rausu and Shiretoko Peninsula, a World Heritage Area.

Koji Matsuzaki, Toshiaki Mori, Moeko Kamiunten, Takashi Yanagimoto and Yoshiaki Kai. 2020. A New Species of Careproctus (Cottoidei: Liparidae) from the Sea of Okhotsk and A Redescription of the Blacktip Snailfish Careproctus zachirus. Ichthyological Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00734-w

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