Showing posts with label Author: M. Sabu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Author: M. Sabu. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2022

[Botany • 2020] Hedychium mechukanum (Zingiberaceae) • A New Species from the eastern Himalayas, India

Hedychium mechukanum M.Sabu & Hareesh  

in Sabu & Hareesh, 2020. 
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore. 72(2)
 The new species Hedychium mechukanum M.Sabu & Hareesh is described from Arunachal Pradesh, India. It shows similarities to Hedychium urophyllum G.Lodd., H. coronarium J.Koenig, H. flavum Roxb. and H. chrysoleucum Hook. from Northeast India, and to H. qingchengense Z.Y.Zhu from China. A detailed description along with colour photographs are provided for ease of identification. 

Keywords: Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India, Quing, Zingiberales

 Hedychium mechukanum M.Sabu & Hareesh.
A. Habit. B. Leafy shoot, arrow mark indicating ligule. C. Young inflorescence. D. Close-up of flower. E. Cincinnus with bract removed. F. Bract. G-I. Bracteoles. J. Single flower. K. Corolla tube split open. L. Calyx. M. Stamen. N. Corolla lobes. O. Lateral staminodes. P. Labellum. Q. Ovary with epigynous glands. R. Cross section of ovary.
(Photos: M. Sabu and V.S. Hareesh).


Hedychium mechukanum M.Sabu & Hareesh sp. nov.

The new species is morphologically similar to Hedychium urophyllum but differs from the latter in having glabrous ligules, larger flowers, labellum which is white and yellow-tinged towards the base, glabrous calyx, internally glabrous corolla tube, and longer stamens (see Table 1).

Etymology. The specific epithet of the new taxon comes from the name of a small town, Mechuka, which borders China at about 1850 m above sea level in Shi-Yomi District of Arunachal Pradesh. This taxon was collected from the Mechuka valley on the way to Mechuka from Along.  

M. Sabu and V.S. Hareesh. 2020. Hedychium mechukanum (Zingiberaceae), A New Species from the eastern Himalayas, India. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore. 72(2); 291 - 297.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

[Botany • 2012] Amomum nilgiricum (Zingiberaceae) • A New Species from Western Ghats, India

  Amomum nilgiricum VP.Thomas & M.Sabu

in Thomas, Sabu & Prabhu Kumar, 2012. 

A new species of Amomum Roxb. from Western Ghats of Kerala is illustrated and described. Amomum nilgiricum VP.Thomas & M.Sabu, sp. nov. shows similarity with Amomum masticatorium Thwaites in having long drying ligule with an acuminate apex, pubescent anther and echinate capsules, but differs in clump forming habit with non-stoloniferous rhizomes, tomentose lamina beneath, long corolla tube, obovate to rhomboid labellum with clefted apex and without any colour design, emarginate anther crest and reduced staminodes. Detailed description, illustration, photographs, conservation status, and distributional details are provided.

Keywords: Amomum, Zingiberaceae, Western Ghats, Kerala, India

Figure 2.  Amomum nilgiricum VP.Thomas & M.Sabu
A habit B ligules C inflorescence D rhizome with inflorescences E bract F bracteole G flower with a bract H calyx I corolla lobes J stigma K ovary with epigynous glands and style L stamen M labellum N infructescence.

Amomum nilgiricum VP.Thomas & M.Sabu, sp. nov.

Etymology: the specific epithet nilgiricum indicates the place of collection Nilgiri Hills, a part of Western Ghats.

V. P. Thomas, M. Sabu and K.M. Prabhu Kumar. 2012. Amomum nilgiricum (Zingiberaceae), A New Species from Western Ghats, India. PhytoKeys. 8: 99-104. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.8.2152

Monday, January 28, 2019

[Botany • 2019] Amomum nagamiense (Zingiberaceae) • A New Species of Amomum Roxb. from Nagaland, India

Amomum nagamiense  V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu

in Thomas, Sabu & Nissar, 2019. 

A new species of Amomum from Nagaland is described and illustrated. The photographs and illustrations are provided. The species shows similarity with A. maximum in having bi-lobed ligule and white flowers and non-stoloniferous rhizome, but differs in slender habit, glabrous lamina, ligule with rounded apex, nonperishable, smaller bracteole, obtuse dorsal corolla lobe, pubescent anther lobe and ridged fruits.

Keyword: Amomum; India; Nagaland; New species; Zingiberaceae

Fig. 2. Photographs of Amomum nagamiense.
 A: habit. B & C: inflorescences. D: inner bract. E: bracteole. F: flower. G: calyx. H: corolla lobes. I: labellum. J: stamen. K: ovary with epigynous glands and style. L: stigma. M: fruit. Photos by V.P. Thomas.

Fig. 1. Illustration of Amomum nagamiense.
 A: habit. B: ligule. C: inflorescence. D: inner bract. E: bracteole. F: flower. G: calyx. H: corolla lobes. I: stamen. J: labellum. K: ovary with epigynous glands and style. L: stigma. M: cross section of ovary. N: fruit. Illustration by V.P. Thomas 

Amomum nagamiense V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu, sp. nov.

Similar to Amomum maximum in having bilobed ligule, white flowers, and non-stoloniferous rhizome, but differs in slender habit, glabrous lamina, ligule with rounded apex, non-perishable, smaller bracteole, obtuse dorsal corolla lobe, pubescent anther lobe and ridged fruits.

Distribution: India (Nagaland).

Ecology: Found growing as undergrowth in the semi-evergreen forest at an altitude of 1000 m asl in NE India. 

Etymology: Named for the Indian State Nagaland

Affinities: The species shows similarity with Amomum maximum in having bi-lobed ligule, white flowers, and non-stoloniferous rhizome, but differs in many attributes. A comparison with two other related species Amomum glabrum S. Q. Tong and A. menglaense S. Q. Tong are also presented (Table 1).  

Valukattil Ponnachan Thomas, Mamiyil Sabu and Vettathukattil Abdul Gafoor Muhammed Nissar. 2019. A New Species of Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) from Nagaland, India. Taiwania. 64(1); 9-12. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2019.64.9