Two sightings that i must report on - neither at this point in time verified with photos, which in a way is kinda cool, as this means that maybe these people can enjoy some time in Australia without being majorly hassled by the paps!.
Firstly, Miley Cyrus in Phillip Island! This does make me giggle! Of course she is there with Liam, who has apparently already taken her to see the penguins, well why wouldn't you see the penguins if you are at phillip Island!!!
And secondly, and most excitedly, reported by the Hollow's cub reporter TT, Matt Damon has apparently been spotted buying prawns from a fish and chip shop in Bateman's Bay! word is he is on a cruise boat and hopped off to check out the dolphins and the fireworks in Sydney harbour on NYE. There are also reports that he was in Massachusetts for NYE, so I will keep investigating and let you know if either can be verified!!!