Showing posts with label Greek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greek. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ode To St Elmo

GREEK - if you haven't got on to it, please do!  They love an 80's homage and this cast photo I particularly love.

Friday, February 11, 2011

This Should Be Reason Enough To Tune In To GREEK

Greek has never been shy about its ’80s pop culture references, and this coming season, the show is going all out — dedicating itself to the spirit of St. Elmo’s Fire. And it’s not just the promo art that pays deep homage to the Brat Pack classic: With the show in its final ten episodes (alas!) and the season kicking off with the graduation of the upperclassmen characters, much of the Greek gang will be dealing with the tricky transition to adulthood that wracked Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, and company with angst. “St. Elmo’s Fire captured that post-college experience, how lost people graduating are,” creator Sean Smith says. “The expectation with a show like ours is always that graduation has to be the end of the story, and I like subverting that. There is life after college, which can be just as interesting as life in college.”

To that end, the season will focus on Casey (Spencer Grammer) finding her way into law school at CRU
(Thanks Inside TV)

GREEK is one of my TOP 5 TV shows and although I am devastated that it is finishing I'm going to savour every one of the last 10 episodes. Any show that references St Elmos's has my vote!

Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm Back

Which means there may be a little less Ryan but I'm sure you'll cope.  I'm not the only one back from holidays - lots of our favourite TV gems are back in the next week or so and we even have some new favourites starting.

To begin the TV fest here is a promo for the season return of the fabulously dysfunctional New York brats at Gossip Girl which premieres on January 24th for those of you waiting to download it from the US!

Looks Like I'd better catch up with what's going on in the Upper East Side - Chace Crawford needs my attention!

The very next day - 25th Jan - we get to see just what happens to the sexual tension between Marti and Dan on HELLCATS.  There is nothing quite like a couple who should be together but never quite do, episode after episode - think Rachael and Ross, Lucas and Peyton, Clark and Lois - it's a formula guaranteed to get viewers tuning in every week and it's definitely working for me on HELLCATS.

Exciting news for Australian viewers with the launch of Channel 11 tomorrow!  Not only will the fabulous SMALLVILLE feature, but 90210 is finally getting a go on Australian Television.  Can't wait!!
ONE TREE HILL also returns in January but more about that later...

But my personal favourite return is that of GREEK for it's final season.  I'm devastated that it's coming to an end but I must admit that they have been smart to end it when the characters finish up at Cyprus Rhodes College rather than trying to follow them into their new lives.  It's a mistake many shows have made and it rarely works. 
So I will just have to enjoy it while it lasts and resign myself to reruns for my 'Cappie' fix.  It airs tonight so you know what I'll be doing!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A New Girl Crush & A Face To Watch

I have a new girl crush so I thought I would introduce you to her...

Her name is Amber Stevens and she plays Ashleigh Howard on GREEK.

Amber not only acts but is a talented musician, having sung back-up vocals on American Idol with such artists as Gladys Knight. She has also started to record demo tracks that feature her self-written lyrics and vocals and performs at venues in L. A. In addition to her TV and film credits, Amber has also landed national Ad campaigns for Old Navy, Verizon, Payless, and is the new face of Soulmates clothing.

With the announcement of GREEK coming to an end I'm looking forward to seeing where Amber heads next.  I just hopes she pops up on our screens again soon as she is a joy to watch.

Watch this clip from GREEK where Ashleigh introduces her 'film major' boyfriend to 'Clueless'.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I hate it when I'm cruising around the web and I discover that one of my favourite shows is ending.  This has just happened and it's ruined my day.
Apparently GREEK will film it's final season this year - that's all she wrote for the girls of Zeta Beta Zeta.  Gee I'm going to miss Cappie and Beaver! 
Here's some Cappie moments to keep me going... (Oh and I think Scott Michael Foster - Cappie - might just have to go on my D.F. List)
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