Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Twitter Update

Keith Urban

Australia... it's so good to be here. Can't wait to put on a few more shows for you all.

22 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Twitter Update - Kristen Bell

Well we've seen what Dax is up to but what is his fiance doing while he's swanning around? 

Apparently my postman is a perv. Sent a box home from alaska and the only thing hanging out were my undies. - Kristen Bell (Twitter)

If they are not the perfect couple than I don't know who is!

Twitter Update - Dax Shepard

In case you've been wondering what Dax is up to....  I know I have been.

Tried to look super incognito in Rome, but ended up looking decidedly assholish. - Dax Shepard (Twitter)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Twitter Making Me Laugh - James Van Der Beek

@cquanrun - do u ever get sick of seeing the freeze frame of u crying when joey left 4 pacey? i sure don't!

vanderjames - No, 'cause the hair was awesome!

and here's the shot they're talking about...... hilarious!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twitter Update

vanderjames - Oprah will go off the air in 2011.....Mayan calendar has the world ending in 2012. Coincidence? I think not...
about 5 hours ago from web

Loving James Van Der Beek at the moment!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Twitter Update

Not only is Dax Shepard dating the amazing Kristen Bell but today he posted this! What a legend!

daxshepard1 Lauren Graham has joined Parenthood. This makes me very, very happy. Over the moon happy.

from web

P.S. - who knew comedians could look like this!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Twitter Update - Lindsay Lohan

@samantharonson doesn't respond 2me b/c her family will cut her off if she contacts me...They control the one I love&im incapable of making

Any sort of difference. I'm in love with her, as she is in love with me....but her loved ones-hate her brilliance&resent her happiness

from UberTwitter

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Twitter Update

HellenCellar: Not surprised Jennifer's Body is underperforming. Most women I know would donate to breast cancer before supporting Megan Fox.

3 minutes ago on twitter

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Twitter Update

Kristen is pissed off and she's not going to take it any more...

IMKristenBell read in star mag that i fell asleep making eggs, set off an alarm & almost burned my house down till neighbors banged down my door & woke me

IMKristenBell which by the way, never happened.

IMKristenBell people actually get paid to make things up. that story wasnt even interesting or funny and someone got paid for it. boggles my mind.

IMKristenBell go to , is the only place they tell the truth and bust everyone else for being a dingbat & paying their bills by fibbing.

IMKristenBell this weekend im planning on wheeling my grill indoors and searing a feast, then playing opossum till my neighbors come and pick my locks.

IMKristenBell listen. i fell asleep in a carwash recliner last weekend! but nobody printed that!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Want To Be At That Dinner

chrisatkins10 had a nice italian dinner with scott baio his wife rene their beautiful daughter bailey and rene's cousin

from web

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Twitter Update

IMKristenBell today i had a plate of broccoli and and 2 big bowls of a caramel bread pudding. i am incapable of consistency. And staying away from sugar.

2 hours ago from web

Just another of the many reasons I love Kristen Bell.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Twitter Update

@jennaldewan: I'm just so proud of this..and yes it looks like us.

Apparently they had it custom made to look like them!!! How's the position she's in - dirrrty.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Twitter Update - Seriously Miley??

mileycyrus If I could have one wish I would be in Downtown Franklin right now, having Starbucks and reading my bible =]
from web

Monday, July 20, 2009

Twitter Update

Just left the Keith Urban show at Staples in LA...incredible!! from TwitterFon

He's such a killer guitar player! from TwitterFon


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Twitter Update

Me and mom are seriously sitting here staring at zac efron on google images. Girls I totally get it! He is gorgeous!

mileycyrus about 16 hours ago from UberTwitter

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jeff's Dead? Doesn't Look It

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Jeff Goldblum Will Be Missed
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorJeff Goldblum

Have a watch of this to see how outrageously the media can get things wrong when they take technology like Twitter too seriously.

The day MJ died Australian morning news also reported the death of Jeff Goldblum after falling to his death in New Zealand....

Turns out Jeff says it isn't true! How embarassing!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Twitter Update

The 80's taught me that there are no winners in Global Thermonuclear war, also Mum jeans look bad on anyone but especially Ally Sheedy.

6.49am from web
Sophia Bush

Monday, June 29, 2009

Twitter Update - Kevin Rudd after ROVE

I'm now confirmed in my determination to remain a fashion dork.
from web
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