Showing posts with label Entourage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entourage. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Emmys 2011 - now I want to watch

Have seen bits and pieces, but am now going to make a concerted effort to watch FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!

And can't wait for the last season of ENTOURAGE after seeing the boys together again!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

They Paid How Much???

The gated Tuscan Villa that was the TV home for Vincent Chase and the boys on Season 7 of  "Entourage" has been sold for $4.2 million.  Wonder if Vinny is thrown in with it?

Entourage House

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Entourage

Following is the new season's trailer for ENTOURAGE. It's messing with me. Feels different. Feels a whole lot of serious. Can't wait, although, we of course won't get it for months yet

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Mark Wahlberg confirmed that a big-screen adaptation of the show is in the works.  Mark said an "Entourage" movie is more than just a possibility — it's the project he's most determined to see in theaters.
How fantastic - I was discussing this very thing last night with 'Duffy' and this morning I wake up to find it may actually be a reality.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Matt in demand

Hot off his brilliant performance on ENTOURAGE, word is he is now signed on for an ep of 30 ROCK. This man's talents never end!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This excites me.....

(Not quite as much as the previous photo), but the idea of an ENTOURAGE movie. Mark Wahlberg, EP on Entourage, is apparently floating around the idea of a movie. Too much fun! And the boys are back on our screens (in Oz) in a couple of weeks!!!! Can't wait!

Friday, October 2, 2009

matt on entourage

When I saw this last week, I knew something was up! It's from the last ep of ENTOURAGE this season. Huge season ahead cameos from Zac and Matt.......can't wait

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Zac's Entourage

Here's a screen shot of Zac in his upcoming episode of Entourage. Nice to see the long hair again.

Here's a synopsis of the episode he is appearing in. - The boys worry about security at the house. Adam Davies’ revenge for Ari stealing Zac Efron as a client involves Lloyd. Drama turns into a private eye to find Vince’s new stalker. Ashley demands a more honest relationship with Eric.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

it's all about me.....

Therefore I am allowed to post Matt as often as i like. Him and Luciana popped out for dinner the other night in LA. so cute. But notice the cute tanned freckly nose from his holiday in hawaii (see post from last week!!!) And now for the best news of all, he is going to do a cameo on the new season of ENTOURAGE. Life is good. That means that series 6 of one of my very favourite shows ever is going to star both matt and Zac. TOO EXCITED!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Couple?

Entourage actor Adrien Grenier has hooked up with a new lovely lady. Adrian previously dated Isabel Lucas, yes she of the fabulous interview skills, but discovered a fascination for Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) at a surfing event in California.
Now that is an interesting pairing. I'm looking forward to hearing more about these two handsome creratures.

By the way - how good is that photo of Adrian - I'm loving it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Picking His Projects Well.

Our boy filmed an episode of ENTOURAGE today. What a ripper - can't wait to see it. Zac is certainly making all the right moves career wise. Ditch the potentially dodgy remake, do a couple of smaller artsy films, up your cool on the hottest show around. He's either got an Ari Gold working for him or he's just plain smart.
(Don't ask me who Caroline is - I'm not supposed to let on that it is his code name for moi)

During filming Zac and Jeremy Priven posed for some photos with a mum and her toddler - Aaah! Notice her legs are wrapped around Zac not Jeremy!

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