Don't Eat the Yellow Snow

Released around 1993
(notice the dot matrix print label)
One of the many benefits of working at a college radio station and being the music director was that I got to open up all the packages that came through the station. I usually didn't pay too much attention to the videos I got because most of them I thought sucked to high heaven. For some reason, I apparently chose to keep this one called Don't Eat
But here's the odd part...I just found this video in a box in the bottom of my closet a couple of weeks ago while rummaging through some old boxes looking for rare cassettes of 90's music and radio station ID's. I couldn't believe it when I pulled it out of the box. If I'd lost it I never would have noticed. But now, thanks to a nice friend of a friend who let me borrow h

Oh, and Frank Zappa is nowhere to be found on this comp.

Lemonheads - The Great Big No
Tori Amos - God
Jawbox - Savory
Unsane - Body Bomb
King's X - Dogman
Melvins - Hooch
Stone Temple Pilots - Creep
13 Engines - Smoke and Ashes
Moxy Fruvous - My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors
The Dylans - Grudge
Bad Religion - American Jesus
Total running time: 38:20
And if you're really good boys and girls, there might be more surprises like this ahead.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Tori, King's X & Unsane on the one comp? I must be dreaming!
I give up! How do I join these files?
Hagus - just double click on the part 1 .rar file and they should all unzip. If you have any more problems please email me.
ihatethe90s at g mail
Freshman year of college - '93-'94 - drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes and studying late into the night at the OtherSide Cafe across from Tower records in Boston. A very sophisticated and mature-looking 22 year old woman walks up and dumps a bunch of promo materials on me including the tape cassette version of "Don't Eat Yellow Snow" and another Atlantic compilation, "Spew 4th". Lost them both somewhere down the line, but I still have most of the albums the tapes were promoting though.
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