Showing posts with label Mind Sirens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind Sirens. Show all posts

22 July 2012

MIND SIRENS Decatur Cherry Smash 1994


 Mind Sirens

Brian Butler-Guitar, Vocals Mike Barker-Bass Ian Davis-Drums
Longtime Chapel Hill, NC band (they first recorded in 1990) finally gets the full-length treatment on this co-release with Durham, NC's Jettison Records. The current lineup includes Barker and Butler, as well as Simeon from Dickweed and Go-Botz on guitar, and Dave Dixon from 81 Mulberry on drums.
The band mixes murky new-south melodies with Dinosaur Jr.-style guitar wigouts, while Baker's multi-octave vocals weave a tender trap on top of it all. "Alaska", reprised from an earlier Jettison 7" single, makes the entry fee worth it all by itself, with its soaring beauty.
Produced by Todd Goss and Caleb Southern at Kraptone Studios. Cover art was done by Laird Dixon of the band Zen Frisbee.
The band have had a number of exhausting and confusing lineups over the years; the one constant has been guitarist/vocalist Brian Butler. Past members of the band include Chris Eubank of Spatula, Paige Ivey, Bill McCormick (solo artiste and member of Evil Weiner), and Ian Davis (formerly of Bicentennial Quarters). Someday somebody needs to do one of those "family tree" things for Chapel Hill...
Brian was previously in a band called Other Bright Colors who toured around quite a bit and released a 7" and an LP during their six year life span. Look for their stuff.
With the songs: "Redesign My Mind", "Thinking Without Seeing", "Back Of My Mind", "My Reasons", "Ant History", "Head-Stomach Highway", "Lifeline", "Undone", "Alaska" and "Breton".


1 Redesign My Mind
2 Thinking Without Seeing
3 Back Of My Mind
4 My Reasons
5 Ant History
6 Head Stomach-Highway
7 Lifeline
8 Undone
9 Alaska
10 Breton