Showing posts with label Inside Out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inside Out. Show all posts

06 November 2021

STATE OF THE NATION State of the Nation 1995



The Story

In between railing against the unjust imprisonment of Native American activist Leonard Peltier and touring with their comrades in Rage Against The Machine, State of the Nation actually found themselves to be an indomitable force of politically-fueled punk in their own right. Ex-members of Hard Stance, Farside, and Inside Out get collective and pro-active over a soundtrack of Twin Tone-inspired revolution rock.



A Piece2:46
Sky Is Falling3:48
Matter Over Mind3:13
State Of The Nation3:51
Fine Day5:04
Kill Your Revolution4:03


16 August 2013

INSIDE OUT No Spiritual Surrender 1990

Biography from Wikipedia

Inside Out existed from August 1988 to roughly fall of 1991, releasing a single 7" EP, No Spiritual Surrender, in 1990, on Revelation Records (later converted to six song CD). They played up and down the West Coast and even toured the East Coast once before their breakup in 1991. They had written material for a second record, to be titled "Rage Against the Machine" (whence the name for de la Rocha's next band came), but the band broke up shortly after their guitarist, Vic DiCara, left the band to become a Hare Krishna monk. Inside Out performed on California radio station KXLU, showcasing a number of new songs including the song "Rage Against the Machine", which had become a staple in their recent live sets. The quality of the recording on the show, while adequate for a radio broadcast, is not on par with that of the band's EP recording. Copies of their live radio appearance and various live sets have circulated the tape trading underground and file sharing world for years as popular items. In early 2013, a high quality version of one of their final shows from May 1991 surfaced and was remastered and made publicly available. Lyrics to the previously unreleased songs "Rage Against the Machine" and "Darkness of Greed" were deciphered, and together they give new context to the early beginnings of Rage Against the Machine. [2] Some of their songs focus on issues in society and in the USA (Redemption, Burning Fight) and some are personal to members of the band (Sacrifice, By a Thread). Many of their songs themes are spiritual, but not necessarily religious.