Showing posts with label The Jackofficers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Jackofficers. Show all posts

08 January 2015

THE JACKOFFICERS Digital Dump 1990

by request
Review by
At the dawn of consumer-level computer recording, fellow Butthole Surfers Gibby Haynes and Jeff Pinkus -- vocals and bass, respectively -- discovered that sampling, cutting and pasting, tagging on some weird blips and beeps, as well as the occasional vocal, could be an amusing lark. Never ones to offer a straight answer to the public, this was just another flight down the sonic rabbithole for the Butthole Surfers during their transition from an independent to a major label. At best, this is a goof-off captured to disc; at worst, well, the joke's on the listener. At least someone paid them to release this. And from Pinkus himself, someone even paid the duo good money to push play on the tape deck on stage in Europe for a two-week tour in support. Borrowing from recording lexicon, the album is literally -- as is almost everything recorded from the early '90s onward -- a digital dump: music created and dumped -- transferred -- to the digital domain. Most certainly, the title's irony was not lost on Haynes and Pinkus. Unfortunately, this type of sound and recording -- though far more fleshed-out, even if that would be digital flesh -- became the Butthole Surfers' complete methodology years down the line, long after Pinkus had split camp. 


1 Love-O-Maniac 3:07
2 Time Machines Pt. 1 4:57
3 Time Machines Pt. 2 4:05
4 L.A. Mama Peanut Butter 3:28
5 Do It 3:21
6 Swingers Club 4:19
7 Ventricular Refibulation 4:03
8 #6 2:45
9 Don't Touch That 3:09
10 An Hawaiian Christmas Song 3:33
11 Flush 1:21