Showing posts with label Cosmic Psychos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosmic Psychos. Show all posts

03 November 2022




Compilation on Amphetamine Reptile Records


2Helmet (2)Born Annoying
3Helios CreedThe Warning
4MelvinsNight Goat
5Gear Jammer2 Tons Of Chrome
6Today Is The DayThe Kick Inside
7Cosmic PsychosChampagne Sunday
8Boss HogSome Sara
9Vertigo (12)Driver #43
10Hammerhead (2)Evil Twin
11Janitor JoeStinker
13Halo Of FliesHuman Fly
14Surgery (2)Little Debbie


10 April 2020

AMREP 1993 SAMPLER Various Artists 1993



1 Chokebore Coat
2 Cows Sugar Torch
3 Boss Hog Some Sara
4 Guzzard Tex
5 Surgery (2) Kickin Around
6 Helios Creed The Federation
7 Janitor Joe Boys In Blue
8 Cosmic Psychos Rain Gauge
9 Today Is The Day I Bent Scared
10 Hammerhead (2) Tuffskins
11 Vertigo (12) King Of Terror
12 X (10) I Don't Wanna Go Out
13 Helmet (2) Born Annoying

09 April 2020

AMREP MOTORS (1995 MODELS) Various Artists 1995



1 Love 666 MDMA
2 Cosmic Psychos The Man Who Drank Too Much
3 Today Is The Day Willpower
4 Guzzard Sixed
5 Halo Of Kitten I Hate Porn
6 Chokebore Cursor
7 Cows The Bucket
8 Hammerhead (2) Swallow
9 Supernova (11) Math
10 Helios Creed Tele-Vision
11 Janitor Joe Fragile X
12 Snivlem* Larry
13 Party Diktator Stand Behind Me
14 Gear Jammer He Drinks
15 SWAT* In The Ghetto

08 March 2018

COSMIC PSYCHOS Blokes You Can Trust 1991

by request

Artist Biography by

One of the most notorious Australian pub rock bands, the Cosmic Psychos officially began their journey together in 1985. Living by the rule of thumb that you should drink before you play a show because your friends might drink all of the beer, the Psychos gained a reputation for not caring about money so much as the free alcohol, laughs, and overseas traveling involved with being in a rock band. Over the course of seven full-length albums, one best-of collection, one EP, 11 singles, and more than five compilation appearances, the group has sang with Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder, befriended Mudhoney, and supplied beer to Silverchair at Australia's Big Day Out festival. Bassist Ross Knight was playing in a high school punk band in the late '70s, called Rancid Spam, in Victoria, Australia, located two hours north of Melbourne. In the meantime, guitarist Peter Jones and drummer Bill Walsh were performing together in the Melbourne group Spring Plains with a bassist and vocalist. After the bass player left in 1982, Walsh and Jones asked their friend Knight for his assistance. Knight and the singer from Rancid Spam had relocated to Melbourne in the early '80s. When they arrived in the city, Walsh was one of the first people who Rancid Spam's singer met at university. The singer introduced Knight to Walsh, and they became fast friends. Knight agreed to join Spring Plains on bass and by 1985, the threesome handed the original singer his walking papers. After deciding that Knight would take over vocal duties, the group changed its name to the Cosmic Psychos. 


1 Back At School
2 Dead Roo
3 I'm Up Your Out
4 Loser
5 Nightshift
6 Hooray Fuck
7 Do It To Me
8 Never Grow Old
9 What
10 Elle