Showing posts with label Solid Frog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solid Frog. Show all posts

08 April 2014

SOLID FROG Pepper Spray 1997

by request

Thanks to Dsvvsd

Artist Biography by

By melding together a tightly wound post-grunge sound with the decidedly more unpopular flavor (for the time) of late-'70s/early-'80s hard rock, Solid Frog was one of the most inimitable groups to arise from the Ann Arbor area in the early to mid-'90s. Comprised of guitarist/lead vocalist Andy Patalan, lead guitarist Kyle Neely, bassist Jeff Hayes, and drummer Mike Purcell, the band released their first album, Supercoat, on the local Overture Records label in 1995. Assisted by regional radio support for the single "Standard Day," the group began to build a following and gig steadily in the area, with occasional jaunts to the East and West Coasts. Their sophomore album, Pepper Spray, followed in 1997, at which point the group decided to start shopping their wares to various major labels by playing showcases and snagging opening slots for national acts. Unfortunately, the bubblegum pop and nu-metal that began to dominate the airwaves during this time was not in tune with Solid Frog's unique musical outlook, and the band floundered for years at gaining wider recognition. The group finally decided to put Solid Frog out to pasture in late 2000, reinventing themselves as Throttlebody, with a new, more easily marketable sound and image.


1 Stalking '101' 3:31
2 Goin Pro 3:07
3 12 3:49
4 Kill The Guy With The Cue Card 3:10
5 I Bum 3:01
6 Pepper Spray 2:55
7 Sun 2:46
8 Telluride 4:00
9 Feardom 3:12
10 Lice 3:55
11 And Sometimes Pluto 12:52

08 October 2011

SOLID FROG Supercoat 1995

By request


by Steve Bekkala

By melding together a tightly wound post-grunge sound with the decidedly more unpopular flavor (for the time) of late-'70s/early-'80s hard rock, Solid Frog was one of the most inimitable groups to arise from the Ann Arbor area in the early to mid-'90s. Comprised of guitarist/lead vocalist Andy Patalan, lead guitarist Kyle Neely, bassist Jeff Hayes, and drummer Mike Purcell, the band released their first album, Supercoat, on the local Overture Records label in 1995. Assisted by regional radio support for the single "Standard Day," the group began to build a following and gig steadily in the area, with occasional jaunts to the East and West Coasts. Their sophomore album, Pepper Spray, followed in 1997, at which point the group decided to start shopping their wares to various major labels by playing showcases and snagging opening slots for national acts. Unfortunately, the bubblegum pop and nu-metal that began to dominate the airwaves during this time was not in tune with Solid Frog's … » Read more