Showing posts with label Beak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beak. Show all posts

18 June 2016

BEAK Autoselfreplicationalism 1995

by request
sort of like The Jesus Lizard with saxophone
From LastFM:
Blowing up in the face of the San Francisco pop punk expulsion came Beak, who served up a throbbing cocktail of Flipper-like noise on this Insignificant Records CD. Blarin' sax, wailin' vox, and a would-be Muppet behind the drumkit – you tell me what's not to love.
1. Airplane
2. Plastic Man
3. Doon Grade
4. Vege-All
5. In the Wall of Tongues
6. Quequeg
7. He-She Light Speed
8. Tornado
9. Burning Flyback Transformer
10. Amerigo