Showing posts with label Things Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Things Magazine. Show all posts

16 April 2011

THINGS Magazine gives I Hate the 90's a plug!

A must read site is Things Magazine who recently plugged I Hate the 90s. Nice, very nice. And a huge thank you as well.
As its name suggests, Things Magazine is full of compelling links to ephemera, art, music and so much more. Hours could be spent holing up with a cup of hot tea and this amazing blog.

From Things Magazine/

Other things. Unintentionally Creepy, a tumblr about things that didn’t work out quite as they hoped / I hate the 90s, many, many mp3s / has the proposed reconstruction of the Euston Arch been abandoned? / photography by Roy Caratozzolo / related, a street photography blog sponsored (?) by the new Fuji X100, an accomplished piece of retro design / The Story of Our Rooms / Sinetracts, devoted to ‘Turkish cult films from the 60s and 70s’ / Stewart Mackinnon: Ruptured and Remade, Rick Poynor on an illustrator who vanished.

Here are a few things offered at Things Magazine: