Showing posts with label Beltbuckle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beltbuckle. Show all posts

25 September 2022

BELTBUCKLE Beltbuckle 7 inch 1993




Belt Buckle Review

by Jason Ankeny

Talk about odd couples: Bringing together lo-fi paragon Lou Barlow and chamber pop maestro Eric Matthews, the one-off Belt Buckle definitely skews closer to Barlow's end of the musical spectrum, specializing in noisy, lurching pop melodies (albeit with a '60s folk-pop influence that seems to denote Matthews' input in the project). Of the four songs that make up the single, the two side-enders -- "Pocket Skylab Love" and "Girl Who Reads" -- are brief, abrasive throwaways firmly in the early Sebadoh mode; much better are "Judas Suicide" and "Mary Hair," which belie the stark simplicity of their four-track origins with moody, spacious arrangements and surprisingly complex vocal harmonies. It's not going at the top of either Barlow's or Matthews' resumé, but fans of both will want to track it down anyway.



Judas Suicide
Pocket Skylab Love
Mary Hair
Girl Who Reads