Showing posts with label drunken boat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drunken boat. Show all posts

08 July 2023





Copping their name from a Rimbaud poem, New York's Drunken Boat emerged from the same downtown '80s scene that spawned Bongwater, King Missile and Hypnolovewheel. Led by poet Todd Colby and featuring the twin guitars of Steve Gross and Todd Serbousek, Drunken Boat merged Colby's literary sensibility with driving off-kilter indie rock.

Drunken Boat, produced by ex-Hugo Largo leader Tim Sommer, teems with smart, concise songs characterized by Colby's passionate, aggro vocals, propulsive tom-heavy drumming by Colby's brother Michael and fine guitar work (Steve Gross and Todd Serbousek) throughout. While owing an obvious debt to Patti Smith, Wire, Captain Beefheart and the Fall, the avant-garage approach and Colby's penetrating songs clearly marked the quintet as a band to watch. And don't miss the great cover of Hüsker Dü's "What's Going On."

Drunken Boat's brand of edgy indie rock was swamped in the wake of the post-Nirvana tidal surge. The artsy last-gasp of Dressy Hat came and went virtually unnoticed, but the band's influence could clearly be heard later in the decade in such bands as Soul Coughing and Guided by Voices.

Since the band's demise, Colby has continued to write and perform spoken word, publishing a book of poems, Riot in the Charm Factory, and creating poemfone, a daily dial-a-poem telephone service. 


New Pop
Shut Up
Salad Days

21 February 2017

DRUNKEN BOAT Dressy Hat 1995

by request

Copping their name from a Rimbaud poem, New York's Drunken Boat emerged from the same downtown '80s scene that spawned Bongwater, King Missile and Hypnolovewheel. Led by poet Todd Colby and featuring the twin guitars of Steve Gross and Todd Serbousek, Drunken Boat merged Colby's literary sensibility with driving off-kilter indie rock.

Drunken Boat, produced by ex-Hugo Largo leader Tim Sommer, teems with smart, concise songs characterized by Colby's passionate, aggro vocals, propulsive tom-heavy drumming by Colby's brother Michael and fine guitar work (Steve Gross and Todd Serbousek) throughout. While owing an obvious debt to Patti Smith, Wire, Captain Beefheart and the Fall, the avant-garage approach and Colby's penetrating songs clearly marked the quintet as a band to watch. And don't miss the great cover of Hüsker Dü's "What's Going On."

Drunken Boat's brand of edgy indie rock was swamped in the wake of the post-Nirvana tidal surge. The artsy last-gasp of Dressy Hat came and went virtually unnoticed, but the band's influence could clearly be heard later in the decade in such bands as Soul Coughing and Guided by Voices.

Since the band's demise, Colby has continued to write and perform spoken word, publishing a book of poems, Riot in the Charm Factory, and creating poemfone, a daily dial-a-poem telephone service.


1 Food Eating Grin 2:36
2 Fight? 3:55
3 Neighborhood 4:53
4 Post Punk 3:00
5 Apple Wine 3:26
6 Glued 3:53
7 I Love You 4:35
8 Before You Sleep 3:31
9 Circus 1:20
10 Bad Time 4:18
11 Angry 2:16
12 Uncle Knuckle 10:57

29 August 2013

I HATE THE 90S Volume 8

And as always, like in the 90's, this mix fits on a CD.

1. BEATNIK FILMSTARS Bigot Sponger Haircut Policy
2. THE FLUID Our Love Will Still Be There
3. PJ HARVEY Sheela-na-gig
4. IDAHO One Sunday
5. POND Grinned
6. CLEM SNIDE Uglier Than  You
7. ROBYN HITCHCOCK Madonna of the Wasps
8. THE TELESCOPES And Let Me Drift Away
9. MIKE WATT Chinese Firedrill
10. SVELT Not My Type
11. THE WRENS Pretty O.K.
12. SHRIMP BOAT Back to the Ukraine
14. DRUNKEN BOAT Tragic Hands
15. FONDA One of a Kind
16. TEXAS Dream Hotel
17. LLOYD COLE AND THE COMMOTIONS She's a Girl and I'm a Man
18. THE DEVLINS I Knew That
19. SUPER DELUXE Your Pleasure's Mine
21. OUTHOUSE Genius Boy
24. GASTR DEL SOL Black Horse

22 March 2011

DRUNKEN BOAT See Ruby Falls 1992

By request


See Ruby Falls Review

by Ned Raggett

An equally fine follow-up to the band's self-titled debut, See Ruby Falls again assayed a sharp take on indie rock/punk fire that was completely obscured in 1992's rampage of commercial grunge. Heard on its own away from all that, it's so ridiculously good that one has to wonder why both band and album didn't get at least a well-respected cult rep. Again produced and musically assisted by Tim Sommer, perhaps his last act of undisputed cool before giving into the VH1/Atlantic Records beast -- Drunken Boat rips and tears through a searing set of edgy, emotional aggression. Todd Colby once again heads up the vocals and the Steve Gross/Todd Serbousek guitar team is intact, but otherwise changes abound. Colby's brother Michael is out on drums in favor of Hadley Kahn; if not quite as perfectly precise as his predecessor, Kahn still shows a good sense of timing and performance that suits the songs well. Bassist Kris Frieden's replacement Glenn Petry, meanwhile, also adds trumpet, piano, and "relaxing Chinese silver ball chimes." Songs this time generally take more of their time -- only one, "Necktie," is anything close to the series of quick, abrupt numbers from earlier. If that feel is gone, though, the group's overall delivery is unchanged, able to also try quieter turns, as on the gentle chime of "Timidity" or the well-titled, semi-sing-song "Shuffle," without losing its nervous edge. Colby's delivery also shows more levels of expression -- a little less frenetic but no less fine as an instrument, his wry imagery and sometimes wounded narratives suiting the material excellently. A real ringer of a cover pops up halfway along -- War's funk classic "Low Rider" -- but Drunken Boat doesn't let up the side with a drone-tinged, moody version, keeping the legendary horn hook for good measure.


1 Pool 4:02
2 Day Long Day 3:59
3 Go Driving 3:57
4 Necktie 1:10
5 Shuffle 4:57
6 Yard 2:39
7 Low Rider 4:58
8 Dream Wagon 3:38
9 Balloon Song 3:18
10 Timidity 4:46
11 Flatland 9:15
12 A Gift 4:52

08 May 2010

DRUNKEN BOAT Drunken Boat 1991

Back in about 1991 or so, Drunken Boat made its way to Pensacola. Of course I went to go see them after hearing this CD. The singer was getting into the song he was singing, moving his feet and flapping his arms when this drunk guy named Jeff got all excited and ended up knocking the microphone and stand right into the singer's teeth. Ouch. Nevertheless, the show continued. The singer and the rest of us weren't too happy with Drunken Jeff but we did like Drunken Boat. 



Copping their name from a Rimbaud poem, New York's Drunken Boat emerged from the same downtown '80s scene that spawned Bongwater, King Missile and Hypnolovewheel. Led by poet Todd Colby and featuring the twin guitars of Steve Gross and Todd Serbousek, Drunken Boat merged Colby's literary sensibility with driving off-kilter indie rock.

Drunken Boat, produced by ex-Hugo Largo leader Tim Sommer, teems with smart, concise songs characterized by Colby's passionate, aggro vocals, propulsive tom-heavy drumming by Colby's brother Michael and fine guitar work (Steve Gross and Todd Serbousek) throughout. While owing an obvious debt to Patti Smith, Wire, Captain Beefheart and the Fall, the avant-garage approach and Colby's penetrating songs clearly marked the quintet as a band to watch. And don't miss the great cover of Hüsker Dü's "What's Going On."

Drunken Boat's brand of edgy indie rock was swamped in the wake of the post-Nirvana tidal surge. The artsy last-gasp of Dressy Hat came and went virtually unnoticed, but the band's influence could clearly be heard later in the decade in such bands as Soul Coughing and Guided by Voices.

Since the band's demise, Colby has continued to write and perform spoken word, publishing a book of poems, Riot in the Charm Factory, and creating poemfone, a daily dial-a-poem telephone service.

  1.Tragic Hands
  2. New Pop
  3. Accidents
  4. Home
  5. Skull Crusher
  6. Pony
  7. Jubilee
  8. Lisa's Dream
  9. Shit Suit
10. Uniform Gold
11. Stacko
12. Spin Around
13. What's Going On