Released in the U.S. several months after the import,
an annoying tendency of Columbia's that has earned the ire of
British-music fans, Heartworm is an earth-shatteringly powerful
experience from a previously unheralded band. Light years ahead of this
Irish quartet's obscure, out of print debut, Submarine (in terms of
production, scope, songwriting, and ability), this sophomore LP is no
"slump." Instead, it's filled with tense guitars, on-the-brink anxiety,
guts, passion, brains, and fantastic production by Wayne Livesey with
mixing help from sharp-eared Bostonian Lou Giordano (who did Sugar's
colossal Copper Blue and Beaster). From the gripping, cello-crying,
opening moment of "Twinkle," Whipping Boy (not the early-'80s San
Francisco hardcore band of the same name) puts the listener on notice
that a topsy-turvy ride is coming, and all 11 songs deliver. "Twinkle"
is the standout, the cliché of the chorus ("She's the only one for me")
cleverly obfuscating rigid self-defilement and disillusionment. But the
barking twin guitars of Ferghal McKee and Paul Page blow Heartworm into
the stratosphere on each free moment, and McKee sings like a man coolly
possessed, like a devil neatly stepping from the flames of such
breakdowns as "We Don't Need Nobody Else" (in the belly of the beast of
spousal violence) and the self-explanatory "The Honeymoon Is Over." Yet,
for all this fierce determination, McKee and band are also capable of
tenderness ("Morning Rise") and the comic wonder of existence
("Personality"). This LP is so f****** good, so unsettling and
dangerous, yet beautiful and moving, that Whipping Boy should be
headlining Lollapalooza instead of the weak, pathetic pretenders with
all their hollow gestures we get every year. But maybe we can't handle
the real thing.
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