Showing posts with label Sincola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sincola. Show all posts

24 January 2012

SINCOLA Crash Landing in Teen Heaven 1996

by request


by John Bush
Guitarists Wendel Stivers and Kris Patterson, bassist Chepo Pena, drummer Terri Lord and vocalist Rebecca Cannon formed Sincola in Austin, TX, in 1993. The band honed its punk-pop approach on three singles before their 1995 album debut, What the Nothinghead Said, on Caroline Records. 


1 Rundown 2:51
2 Not 100% Pure 2:25
3 Happy M.F. 3:20
4 One Hit Wonder 2:31
5 Nerd God 3:00
6 Legendary Nowhere 3:05
7 Letterbomb 3:05
8 Star '79 2:36
9 In The Bone Garden 3:10
10 Start/Stop 2:17
11 Canal 3:12
12 Red Danube 4:44

19 August 2010

SINCOLA What the Nothinghead Said 1995

by request



1 Hint Of The Titty 2:18
2 Bitch 3:43
3 1000 Miles 5:04
4 Girlfriend 2:28
5 Sedate Me 3:45
6 Cement Shoes 3:06
7 Hey Artemis 4:46
8 Hymn 13 3:10
9 Drive 2:44
10 Sud 2:53
11 Amazing 5:36