Showing posts with label Lincoln (alt rock). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lincoln (alt rock). Show all posts

01 December 2022

LINCOLN Lincoln 1997




Lincoln Review

by Jason Damas

In the late 1990s, alternative rock had divided itself into two camps: frat-boy music and nerd rock. Lincoln fell perfectly into the latter, but their They Might Be Giants-inspired pop is hardly derivative of any one genre. From straight-ahead alt-pop to country-rock and even synth-pop, Lincoln is truly an eclectic mix, borrowing elements from many genres to create a disc packed with humorous, light, and unique pop songs. Lead vocalist Chris Temple constantly changes personas, from the enraged nerd in "Sucker" to a tender, heartbroken and scared man on "Wish You Were Dead." Temple's lyrics are often very personal, but he attempts to put up a macho front to help him from being vulnerable; however, his delivery gives him away. Not all of the 12 tracks are particularly memorable -- the last two seem to be stretching the album a bit -- but this proves to be an excellent souvenir from an unfortunately short-lived pop band. Lincoln broke up in September 1998, making this their first and last release. 



1. Sucker
2. Blow
3. Stop
4. Unhappy
5. Basketball
6. Taller
7. Wish You Were Dead
8. Straight
9. What Up
10. Carversville
11. To Build A House
12. Smashing