Showing posts with label Grover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grover. Show all posts

12 July 2023





Compilation featuring 19 bands from Bellingham, Washington on the Gritty Kitty record label



1. Fat - Take It Away
2. Grover - Spiral Of Archimedes
3. Medlicious - Beverly
4. Wicker Biscuit - Rodney's Mouthpiece
5. Crayon - Crown
6. Stagnant Water - I Wanna Hold My Hand
7. Dunebuggy - Big Shoes
8. Sourmash - Alright Captain
9. Jerkwater - Pusshead
10. Game For Vultures - Arizona
11. Noggin - (too obnoxious for me to put here. If you want to know the title, click the Discogs link)
12. Outside - This Is Sickness
13. Saucer - Chicky Chicky Frown
14. Rambis - Velvet Room
15. Lawndart - Horses
16. Hussy - Steel Trap
17. Nowhere Garden - 1/2 The Things I See
18. The Meek - Emily
19. Loaf - Terrasmad

09 July 2022

THE VANS WARPED TOUR 96 Various Artists 1996

by request





1Goldfinger (7)Anxiety2:21
2S.C.O.T.S.*White Trash2:01
3Dimestore HoodsMinds Of Confusion3:38
4Red Five (2)Space2:36
5Dance Hall CrashersQueen For A Day2:48
7CompulsionAll We Heard Was A Dull Thud4:00
8Sublime (2)Paddle Out/Wrong Way3:30
9Steve WynnWhy2:48
10Loud LucyDown Baby2:30
12Kicking HaroldKill You3:48
13Boss HogWinn Coma2:16
14Grover (6)My Wild Life2:42
15Spot (3)Moon June Spoon5:13
16HogGet A Job2:49
17Reel Big FishSnoop Dog, Baby3:36
18China DrumCan't Stop These Things2:59
19Possum DixonCrashing Your Planet2:59
20Mr. MiraingaJalopeno Eyes3:32
21BeckMake Out City (Where Its At Remix)3:08

14 January 2012

GROVER My Wild Life 1996

Upped by

Grover: My Wild Life
Speaking of Mitch Easter and Let's Active, Grover marks the resurfacing of Let's Active's Angie Carlson, and Mitch himself even produces four of these songs. The others, for another Boston connection, are produced by Kevin Salem, once of the band Dumptruck (and whose solo album Soma City, from last year, I got recently, and really like). And to tie all stray elements together, My Wild Life ironically bears more than a little resemblance to Slip It Under the Door. Angie's dense waves of distortion color what might have been cheery pop songs, and give them an ominous haziness. Angular twists of guitar remind me a little of the Breeders, and Angie's raw, slightly-chirpy, English-accented voice then bends the mood in yet another direction, making Grover sound a little like Elastica without so much Wire in it.
When this works, as it does arrestingly in the raspy bass pulse and airy vocals of "Yeah, I'm Dumb", the This Mortal Coil-like vocal flourishes in "Bend", the jumpy and good-natured bop of "My Wild Life", the frantic verses of "Sweet Thing", the distinctly Big Star-ish "Anesthesia", the snarling (and Sleeper-like) "Superhero", the swirling atmosphere of "Heavy Past" and the twangy Byrds-y chorus of "Damaged Girl", it's quite intriguing and effective, indistinct in a good way, preserving some animating mystery. When it doesn't work, though, it can just sound muddy and strained, as if the music can't quite extricate itself from aural quicksand. Several of these songs, despite the sterling production credits, sound an awful lot like demos, and while this is appealing in some ways, in some ways it also makes me impatient to hear what Grover will be able to do when they really have time to get things right.


1 Yeah, I'm Dumb
2 Hole In My Eye
3 Bend
4 My Wild Life
5 Pretty Machine
6 Sweet Thing
7 Anesthesia
8 Superhero
9 Parachute
10 Heavy Past
11 Damaged Girl
12 I'm Dreaming