Showing posts with label Sausage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sausage. Show all posts

09 June 2020

I HATE THE 90s Volume 24

 As always, just like in the 90's, this compilation will fit on a CD. Enjoy!

1. SAUSAGE Prelude to Fear
 2. THE STEREO BUS Shallow
 3. TWIG Phantom Ranch
 4. SLOAN Shame Shame
 5. WCKR SPGT Singles at Church
 7. WATTS Cool American
 8. SUPERETTE Touch Me
 9. KUSTOMIZED Permission
10. BAND OF SUSANS Not In This Life
11. HUM Sundress
12. THE MAD SCENE Strange to Be Here
13. MOJAVE 3 Sarah
14. PAN SONIC Lomittain
15. TARIQ Chevrolet Way
16. WILL AND THE BUSHMEN The Blunderbuss
17. VPN Skywriting
19. VELO-DELUXE Dirtass
20. KLOVER Our Way
21. BRAD JONES Nicole's Been Strange
22. URINALS I Hate

16 December 2019

SAUSAGE Riddles Are Abound Tonight 1994


Artist Biography by

Riddles Are Abound Tonight
Sausage is the original lineup of the California Bay Area group Primus. Like Primus, the group is led by bassist/vocalist Les Claypool, yet his playing doesn't dominate the band like it does in Primus. Instead, its more of a collective, with guitarist Todd Huth and drummer Jay Lane providing a solid groove, not fractured rhythms. Huth, Lane, and Claypool formed Primus in the late '80s, releasing a demo tape called Sausage. Claypool remained with Primus while Lane wound up in the hip-hop/jazz collective Alphabet Soup and the jazz group, the Charlie Hunter Trio; Huth became a member of Porch. In 1994, the group reunited under the name Sausage, releasing Riddles Are Abound Tonight, and went on a short tour.


1 Prelude To Fear 3:19
2 Riddles Are Abound Tonight 3:55
3 Here's To The Man 5:14
4 Shattering Song 7:06
5 Toyz 1988 5:50
6 Temporary Phase 5:59
7 Girls For Single Men 6:31
8 Recreating 4:22
9 Caution Should Be Used While Driving A Motor Vehicle Or Operating Machinery 6:21