I cannot believe we are coming to the end of our study of the Fruit of the Spirit. The kiddos have enjoyed this material very much. They have learned sooo much. This material was a continual challenge for me....normally I write my material in a chronological fashion....however, with this material we looked at several different Bible examples/stories. We used events from the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS so as to "drive" home the meaning of the attribute. I have enjoyed the challenge of coming up with these lessons. However, I have more enjoyed the excitement I see in the faces of the children each week. I am sad to see us finish this study and yet am looking forward to the next EXPLORATION we will be making. I am in hopes of writing material about Eli, Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon. This should be a wonderful adventure and I am praying fervently about this undertaking. :-)
We had our lesson on Self-Control this past Sunday. I decided to use the story of Adam and Eve...and their partaking of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Showing that they LACKED SELF-CONTROL. I figured that this story would help the children understand the concept of controlling oneself. IT WORKED!!!!!! I was so pleased with the kiddos. They really seemed to understand that SELF-CONTROL IS ---to control your own actions, reactions and behavior. YAY!!!!! They made me smile!!!!!!
The book reads....
Self-Control means I will...
Think and Pray Before I Act.
Control My Sudden Desires.
Weigh Consequences.
Make Good and Safe Choices.
I just used computer clip art to illustrate the book.
1. The student answers a question from the Tree of Good Knowledge...see pic on left.
2. They line up.
3. You say: READY, SET, _____!
They cannot "GO" froward 1 step until you say "GO." However, for fun I used all sorts of "G" words. (Gravy, Goodness, Granny, Grapes, Greek, Giant, etc.) If they moved before they heard the word "GO" they had to take a step back. This was sooooo fun. They could pick a fruit...answer the question...then CONTROL THEMSELVES....waiting till I said, "GO!" FUN TIME and TEACHES THE CONCEPT!!!!!!
We added a few new words to our "WORD WALL." We added the words: Self-Control, Impulse and Consequence. The children are THRILLED WITH all the words they are learning. I am glad to have the WORD WALL...it helps me BRING UP the words they have learned in the past. Progress and Review....Two very important things in my Bible Class!!!
On Wed. Evenings the children do an activity that they add to their EXPLORER JOURNAL. For this story they colored the picture of Adam and Eve (I believe this is from a FREE coloring page website) and added the Serpent in the tree. We just cut two slits for the snake to be threaded through....the snakes came from Walmart. They enjoyed making these and adding them to their NOW COMPLETED Explorer Journal.
Next week we will spend our time REVIEWING ALL that we have learned over this study....then the kiddos will get to take home their EXPLORER JOURNALS!!!! We will have a short (in the classroom) conference with the parents...and the kiddos will get to GIVE their Explorer Journal to their parents. This is one of MY FAVORITE things to do. I look forward to "Explorer Journal Presentation Day!!!!!!!!" I am going to try to remember to take PICS of the children presenting their Explorer Journals....that way you can see their excitement!!!!