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Showing posts with label Door Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Door Decor. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Good Things Are "POPPING" Up in Bible Class-- Door Decor

Just a quick post of a FUN door we have in our hallway.  

This door leads to our 2-4 year old classroom.  I think this door makes you wanna POP right in for some FUN Bible learning!! 

We have DUTCH doors in our classrooms.  (My KIDDOS call it the TRAP DOOR.)  So, when we decorate them we have to keep that in mind.  So, we always have a TOP portion and a Bottom portion in our DOOR DESIGNS.   This ended up being a relatively inexpensive door to do.  

Since I already had all the POP CORN Themed items....we had used them in my classroom for an Attendance Chart Theme.  We just added the POP CORN bags with "POP CORN" in them--(the popcorn in the bags is really tissue paper crumbled up.) 

These POP CORN bags were purchased at DOLLAR TREE!!! We did add a Picture of each KIDDO to each of the BAGS.  

I think it turned our FUN and INVITING!!!  




Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Save The Header Cards From Purchased Visuals!!

When you buy a BULLETIN BOARD SET or a VISUAL AID PACKAGE they sometimes come with FREEBIES!!!    

What I mean is the HEADER Card.  You know the card that normally has a hole in it and is hung on the display.  

When you open the package make sure to SAVE the header cards!!!  They can provide you with wonderful SMALLER visuals....They are PERFECT for Review GAMES. You can make them into GAME PIECES (MARKERS TO HOP AROUND A GAME BOARD.)  You can add magnets to them and use them for TABLE TOP DISPLAYS---JUST USE A COOKIE SHEET.  You can glue them to flannel and use them on a FLANNEL BOARD.    You can turn them into FINGER PUPPETS. 

THE POSSIBILITIES are ENDLESS!!!  I will even cut out the small pieces that advertise OTHER visuals from the same company. 

I recommend LAMINATING any and all visuals.  If it is worth MAKING or BUYING you should LAMINATE it!!!  So, when I BUY a visual that comes with a header card I LAMINATE the HEADER CARD right along with the VISUALS!  :-)

This is another set that was purchased for one of our teachers.  We went ahead and laminated the SMALL Header Card....These will be great for a magnet board or a file folder game. 

If you are going to spend money on VISUAL DISPLAYS, I say GET EVERY BIT OF YOUR MONEY'S WORTH!!!!  



Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Theme for The Classroom.

We're WILD about Bible Class!!!!!!!!

I am so excited.  Life seems to be getting back to a "normal" state.  My husband says it is just the "NEW NORMAL."  I love my hubby...he keeps me grounded when life gets nutty.  

I have been spending the last few days  updating my Bible Classroom!!

I decided to use a JUNGLE theme.  On the Door I included pictures of my students.  They LOVE seeing their pics. being used in a visual.  I think it helps give them the feeling of being IMPORTANT!!!  Which they are very important to me!!!  I found the little frames at our local Dollar Tree. Placed pictures of my students in them and attached them to the door using COMMAND HOOK.  I LOVE COMMAND HOOK!!! 

I also found the Monkey on the vines and other vinyl wall clings at the Dollar Tree too.  Those are simple to use just PEEL and STICK.  :)  

To go along with our JUNGLE THEME I made a new attendance chart.  The kiddos will add a JUNGLE animal to their attendance chart every time they come to class.    I LOVE new attendance charts. They just SCREAM..."fill me up with stickers by coming to class."

The kiddos saw the changes this past Wednesday Evening....can you say EXCITED!!!  Well, they were so excited....I love it when they are as excited as I am about changes in the classroom.  

To add to the JUNGLE THEME I decided to hang some "SWINGING" Monkeys from the ceiling.  They are just for FUN!  I think they add to the atmosphere.  

The Monkeys and vines came from Dollar Tree.  

I LOVE changing things up for the kiddos.....It keeps them excited!!!!  I know I am "WILD" about Bible Class....and always want the kiddos to be excited about Bible Class too!!!!

I have a few more FUN ideas in the works.  Keep checking back as I hope to post them soon.  

