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Showing posts with label 2nd-4th Grade Kiddos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd-4th Grade Kiddos. Show all posts

Sunday, July 9, 2017

When You Can't Find Visuals---Make Them, Use What You Have, Be Resourceful

Recently our 2nd through 4th graders were learning about Paul's Missionary Journeys.  However, we could not find a really good POSTER/BULLETIN BOARD set for the classroom.  So, what we decided to do was PART and PIECE various visuals for their "Bulletin Board" wall.  (As you can see they do not have a Bulletin Board in their classroom, so we use the wall.)

      We had the MAPS in our MAPS POSTER FILE.  
We had the Laminated Yellow Posters.

The KIDDOS get to Write the Name of Each City on these. 

PAUL, is borrowed from the 2-4 year old classroom.

  We have a Bible Character Set (no longer in print.)  We believe in sharing from classroom to classroom when needed.  

I printed the Boat and Anchors.  

I use the Printmaster Program.  I love that it does poster size!!  

For clarity, we know Paul did not SAIL to every stop he made.  But, for this display we had each ANCHOR for each Journey.  They wrote Paul's stops on each anchor ---First Journey on one Anchor.  Second on another.  Third on another.  

We have decided to PRINT the SHIP out on a much larger scale for the next time they teach the Journeys of Paul.

They displayed my 1st Missionary Journey song Poster Size.  I am still working on songs for the 2nd and 3rd Journey.  

The KIDDOS Added a "Paul" sticker for Attendance and a "Ship" sticker for arriving with a completed lesson. They printed the map from a website.  

They also reused our ABC'S though ACTS posters. These have a basic synopsis of each chapter based upon the letters of the Alphabet.  
   Chapter One

 Ascension of Christ

I want to suggest you laminate everything!!!  If you take the time to make something---LAMINATE if for later use!!!  



Monday, January 6, 2014

The BOOK of ACTS 2nd-4th GRADE Classroom

Please remember, I AM NOT the teacher for this CLASS full of KIDDOS. I love "visiting" this classroom...and am BLESSED to be asked to "help" come up with ideas, bulletin boards and decorations.    :-)  

THIS is their NEW Information Wall!! The KIDDOS will be MEMORIZING what is in each chapter of ACTS....They will be doing this based upon the ABC'S!!!   So, we entitled this "ACTS As Easy as ABC'S."    

I had salvaged these FLAMES from a former project...they were belonged to someone else and they were going to throw them away....I asked them if I could have them and they said I could! SCORE!!!!  I knew I would put them to use one day.  :-)

If you notice the teacher has MEMORY verse TRACKERS up on the wall....The KIDDOS will add a FLAME each time they say their MEMORY VERSES!!  

I think I am going to use this method to MEMORIZE what is in each chapter of ACTS!!!!  :-)

Above the white board we placed a BANNER....This banner is a quote from my Themes of the Books of the Bible Books.  

Sine the Book of ACTS is all about the GOSPEL being SPREAD throughout the WORLD....the Teacher decided to go with an EARTH themed WORD WALL.  I had purchased the little earths at the Dollar Tree a while back. When I find items like this I will purchase them and place them in the church 's Teacher's Resource Room.

This age group LOVES LAPBOOKS.  I am excited to SEE how these LAPBOOKS look when they COMPLETE their study of the Book of ACTS!!!  I think they are off to a great start!!

I LOVE "NEW QUARTERS!"   There is always a surge of excitement and business during quarter changes.  It is also a VERY BUSY time!!!  :-)  



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2ND-4TH Graders Class---Classroom Decotations and Ideas. Lapbooks.

How is it that LIFE get soooo crazy.  I have been wanting to SHARE some of the ideas from the 2nd-4th graders Bible Class room.  Please remember, I am NOT the teacher of this WONDERFUL class.   This is a VERY active group of KIDDOS.....I am always AMAZED when I walk into this classroom.  

These KIDDOS are learning about JESUS and HIS LAST WEEK ON EARTH.    Our congregation uses Discovering GOD'S Way Curriculum for our 2nd graders-High school curriculum.                                                                                                          Discovery God's Way Curriculum

The teacher has displayed the "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN"  timeline under the windows.  

On the "MAP WALL" the teacher has displayed  pictures that show all the events that took place during JESUS' LAST WEEK on EARTH.  

The KIDDOS MEMORY VERSE TRACKERS are displayed on this wall as well.  

Above the window are various "REALISTIC" pictures of Jesus' Last Week on Earth. 

On this LITTLE wall there is a POSTER that shares "ALL ABOUT JESUS" facts to know and remember.  

On the WHITE BOARD WALL are displayed items of IMPORTANCE!!  All of these "items" have an important part in  Jesus' Last Week on Earth.  

Up high on the wall---that is a CHILD friendly Bible Story Time Line.  

 I LOVE here "WORD WALL!"  She went with the SEASON.  The KIDDOS will add APPLES and LEAVES with WORDS they "AUTUMN" Know.  

Right NEXT to the DOOR, the TEACHER has on DISPLAY all sorts of INFORMATION about the BIBLE.  This display is normally up on the wall in this classroom.....It gets moved around a bit.  I really like it here.  

I LOVE LAPBOOKS!!!    This teacher is GREAT with LAPBOOKS.    She takes the KIDDOS learning to a HIGHER level....she does not "just" do the LESSON...she gets the KIDDOS involved in learning through the making of LAPBOOKS.  


The KIDDOS added a "BOTTLE of OIL."

The KIDDOS added "PALM LEAVES" foam stickers. 

Small brass brads make great "COINS" for when Jesus overturned the money changers tables.  

They have pages that FLIP, TURN and OPEN.  I LOVE the adventure of LAPBOOKS.  

Adding a toy golden COIN...adds some BLING.  

Another page that FLIPS open for more information!!

Coloring in GOLD SHARPIE is so exciting for KIDDOS.  LOL

Adding SILVER brads make this an exciting page to MAKE and REVIEW.  

They still have several more lessons....I hope to be able to share their progression.  I LOVE seeing WHAT other BIBLE CLASS Teachers DO!!!  Hope you enjoyed this POST.   



Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

I love being able to highlight some of our other teacher's work and ideas.  We are blessed, at our congregation, to have very creative,  dedicated and talented teachers.  

I have previously highlighted the BEAUTIFUL LAPBOOKS that our 2nd-4th grade class have made.  This is their LATEST Lapbookk.  They have been leaning about the Divided Kingdom, The Captivity and the Return.    The LAPBOOK in not part of the curriculum that they is a SUPPLEMENTAL project that the teachers use to further the KIDDOS understanding and excitement about the lessons they are learning.  Just so you know we use the Discovering God's Way Curriculum, for this age group.  It can be purchased at  CEI BOOKSTORE

Please note, I do not receive any financial support from the above mentioned bookstore.  NOR do they pay to be advertised here on my website.  I am just including a link to their website in case you are interested in their materials. 

On a personal note, my youngest son in in this class and he  LOVES his  Lapbook.  Several times, through out the quarter, he has asked me to come in his classroom and SEE what they are adding to their LAPBOOKS! I love it that HE is so excited....but, HE IS NOT ALONE!!!  I have heard several of the other KIDDOS ask their parents to come in and see their LAPBOOK!!!  I love it when KIDDOS are excited about their Bible Class!!!  

These LAPBOOKS are made from FILE FOLDERS, COPYABLE pictures, CLIP ART  and Previously USED DGW lesson books.  As you all know, I am a KEEPER---NOT A HOARDER (please do NOT call that show to report me!!!)

I KEEP ALL previously USED BIBLE CLASS BOOKS!!!  So often we will have 2 or 3 books that are PARTIALLY used --visitors, people move, books got lost then found, etc.  Well, we KEEP them all!!!  Then we can go through and CUT out USEFUL PICTURES, MAPS, CHARTS, etc.  They are GREAT for LAPBOOKS!!!!  We have even had Parents offer back their KIDDOS OLDER USED BOOKS....that way the pictures can get USED for some other PURPOSE!!! 

We are also blessed to have several Copyable coloring books, puzzle books, activity books, clip art books, etc.  These have proven to be a wonderful resource for the teachers using LAPBOOKS as a teaching tool. 

The KIDDOS LOVE anything that MOVES, OPENS, LIFTS, HAS TEXTURE, or is 3D!!  The teachers try to add this to their LAPBOOKS.  

LAPBOOKS do not have to be expensive to make!  Matter-of-Fact they are a very inexpensive activity to do with the KIDDOS.  

Velcro DOTS, FOAM MOUNTING STICKERS, POM POM BALLS, and 3D OBJECTS make these LAPBOOKS come to LIFE!!!  Most of the items came from the Resource Room we have at the church building. 

These LAPBOOKS are really beautiful.  BUT, the REAL benefit to them--THE KIDDOS REALLY KNOW THEIR BIBLE HISTORY!!!    I am so impressed by the KIDDOS ability to WALK me through the HISTORY of the KINGDOM'S FALL, CAPTIVITY and RETURN!!! 

One of the KIDDOS favorite stories was the VALLEY of DRY BONES---  Well, just after Halloween, I was in Walmart and they had those GUMMY, STRETCHY Skeletons REALLY CHEAP!!! (They were marked 75% off!)   

Because I was aware that the KIDDOS in Sister Decker's Classroom were going to be learning this lesson I bought a BUNCH of these!!!!  They worked GREAT and the KIDDOS loved the GUMMY, STRETCHY Skeletons!!---  Ask other teachers if there is anything they are needing!  You just might have what they need or find what they need....WE NEED TO HELP EACH OTHER!!!  :-)

I would suggest you keep a supply of FAKE coins in your Resourses...I bought a BAG of colorful plastic COINS at a yardsale a LONG time ago!!!  We have used them for SEVERAL different Bible Stories, Crafts, Take Home Projects, etc.  and I still have a BUNCH left!!!


I LOVE how this HUGE LAPBOOK fold up into this NICE SIZE TREASURE!!!  This is a wonderful ENRICHING activity to do with KIDDOS!!!  You will be AMAZED at how much the KIDDOS LEARN and HOW EXCITED they GET about LEARNING while making a LAPBOOK!!!  

