The ROCK is to represent Jesus's statement---"UPON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH."
The LITTLE Knight---Armor of GOD!
The Heart--LOVE the BRETHREN---1 Cor. 13.
Again, please remember this box is NOT complete....I want to add so many different items to this BOX.
I want to add the NUMBER 1---for ONE BODY, One SPIRIT, One HOPE, One LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM. I want to add FRUIT for Fruit of the Spirit. I want to add Maps of Paul's Journeys, I want to add "letters" to represent the Epistles sent to the churches...etc. So many ideas...JUST need to find the PERFECT items to represent these.... :-)
Only one more BOX to go. YAY!!! Hope you are enjoying these POSTS.