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Showing posts with label Division of the Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Division of the Bible. Show all posts

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Divisions of The Bible Stepping Stones

I am excited to share this with y'all!!    I bought these stepping stones back at Christmas time.  

I bought them as a gift for myself/my KIDDOS!!!    

As soon as they came up in my AMAZON recommendations I knew I "needed" them and what I was going to do with them.  

Just for clarity, I bought two sets and bought them as an "OPEN BOX" warehouse deal.  I have look them up since then and they are more expensive that what they were when I bought them.    

This is what they are called on Amazon:  Kids Balance Stepping Stones, 5pc Stackable Wave Blocks Indoor and Outdoor Exercise Coordination and Stability, Rainbow Crossing River Stone for Children Boys Girls

As soon as they arrived in the mail, I did some altering to them.  I used a Sharpie Marker and wrote a Division of the Bible on Each Stone.   


The KIDDOS use them to review the divisions of the the Bible and  which books go in which division of the Bible!!   Example:  If I say "RUTH" one of the KIDDOS will go and stand on the OLD TESTAMENT "HISTORY" stone. 

They are great for an Early Arriver Activity and a General Review. 

 I have even used them as a PLACE for the Kiddos to stand.  For EXAMPLE:  I would say, "Molly please go stand on GOSPELS."  The KIDDOS have really enjoyed using these as a way of learning and reviewing!!  

The stepping stones are perfect for stacking too!!  They don't have to be left laying around,  If you want to stack them up and put them in the corner of the room they are easy to stack.   

The KIDDOS love to stack them in the correct order!  This makes them a multi-purpose learning tool!!!  

I'm always looking for fun ways to teach the KIDDOS things they need to know.  If I come up with something, see something or am shown something, I try to share the ideas with others.  Please know, I DO NOT receive any compensation for sharing this product!!  I'm simply sharing the product, because I have found it to be beneficial in teaching BIBLE truths, stories, or facts.  

