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Showing posts with label Statue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Statue. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2013


This is BOX 6!!  This is the box about the time period that the Hebrews were in Exile.  

Here is your sneak PEEK into the box.    

Here is what I have inside this box.    I have a "Ball and Chain" to represent the Hebrews being carried into captivity.  I have King Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Statue.    I have the Furnace.  I have a HAND for the hand writing on the wall.   I have the Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream.  I have Daniel and the lions and Queen Esther.  

The "BALL & CHAIN" came from Dollar Tree. 
The GOLDEN STATUE is a THRIFT STORE find. I just painted the black stand GOLD.   
The HAND came off a POINTER....I have seen them at Dollar Tree....although, this one came from a Garage Sale, FREE BOX.  
The FURNACE is from a DOLL HOUSE set.  E-BAY purchase.  (Better Picture of this later in the post.) 
The DREAM Statue is a former ACTION figure toy---I purchased it at the Dollar Tree and then Painted it, attached it to a base and added a rock.  

Queen Esther is a Baby Toy from Walmart.  (Found her in the Baby Section.)  

I have had Daniel for a LOOOOOONG time.   

The Lions came from the Safari Sets I received as a Mother's Gift---the one's that had the TENTS for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  

Here is a close up of the FURNACE.  I LOVE IT!!!!!  

We are almost through the OLD TESTAMENT BOXES....Just one more to go.....Can't Wait to share that one with all of you.  



Thursday, October 11, 2012

Making Visuals for Bible Class

Let me first say this has been a CRAZY few weeks.  Some of the CRAZINESS has taken me SHOPPING!!!!   LOL.    I love it when CRAZY means it is time to shop!!!

So, my first excursion took me to the Dollar General.  I have not done a LOT of shopping there..but, after these FINDS I will have to add them to my list of places to CHECK out  a little more often.  

I found these adorable little skeletons....I bought them for the FUTURE.  I will be teaching on Ezekiel and The Valley of Dry Bones....although it will be a while before, I actually teach a this lesson....NOW is the time to find things like Skeletons.  And, I LOVED the fact that these are an OFF white color.  Kinda look OLD and Dry.  

I also picked up two packages of these battery operated flickering candles.  These are really cool...when they are on they are orangy/red.  I think they will be great for Altars...and I am even thinking about the Cloven Tongues of Fire on the Day of Pentecost.   Not sure yet...but, I loved the COLOR...and I am SURE I will do something FUN with them!!!

I also found these little POTS...I know they are supposed to be Cauldrens...BUT, I am thinking they will work for any BIBLE Story that calls for a POT.  Jacob/Esau.  Elisha and Jericho.  ETC.  

I was REALLY excited when I found these.  It will be a long time before I get the the Birth Of Jesus....But, when I do...each of my KIDDOS will get to MAKE their OWN STABLE.  Of course, I will not be giving them the Wise men since we all know that the Wise men did not actually visit the stable.  


While looking around the Dollar General Store, I stumbled across their clearance section.  They had these trays on sale for 50 Cents each.    I picked up several of them....with my thought being that in the future, we will use them for the Creation Story.  It will be a REALLY LONG time before I get back to the Creation Story...But, when I do we will use these to SORT the Days of Creation into each section.  

Then next shopping excursion took me to the DOLLAR TREE!!!  I know you ALL know I LOVE the Dollar Tree!!!  It is a wonderful place to FIND items for Bible Class.

Well, the first things I found got me to thinking about the Book of Daniel.  I am going to need a golden statue when we get the the story of Nebuchadnezzar.  So what spawned all the thinking about Nebuchadnezzar well it was a Ninja Action figure and a Golden Trophy.    I don't know why...but, as soon as I saw the golden cup...then the Ninjas ---I just started thinking...Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Statue. 

All it needed was a little bit of glue and some GOLD spray paint!!!

Then, I found these FOAM Door Hangers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I nearly let loose with one of my REALLY Happy Squeals...but, caught myself...and so, it sort of sounded like an over excited mouse.   

Each of these packages comes with 3 Door Hangers...and I quickly did the math.  19 Kings of Israel and 19 Kings of Judah  plus 1 evil Queen.... means I need a total of 39 Door Hangers.  So that meant I needed 13 Packages....Holding my breath, I began to put them in the cart.  There was plenty!!!!  YAY!!!!

   Sorry for the blurry picture!  Phone Camera in Use.

This is WHY I got so excited!!!  I was not going to be using them as DOOR HANGERS....I wanted to make them into a fun way to REVIEW the KINGS.  (I only have the Kings of Israel made at this time...)  All of the Kings of Israel were, ALL of these have a SAD face.    

When I make the Kings of Judah set, we will finally have a few Kings that get to have a smile!! 

Each card has the King's name, How LONG they Reigned, Wicked/Righteous, 
A major FACT about that King and the Scripture References to the King.

 This is going to be a fun Review "GAME" to "PLAY" with the KIDDOS.  We will talk about each King..and then put them in order, etc. 

 Hope you enjoyed my crazy shopping trips!!!!  

