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Showing posts with label 66 Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 66 Books. Show all posts

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Divisions of The Bible Stepping Stones

I am excited to share this with y'all!!    I bought these stepping stones back at Christmas time.  

I bought them as a gift for myself/my KIDDOS!!!    

As soon as they came up in my AMAZON recommendations I knew I "needed" them and what I was going to do with them.  

Just for clarity, I bought two sets and bought them as an "OPEN BOX" warehouse deal.  I have look them up since then and they are more expensive that what they were when I bought them.    

This is what they are called on Amazon:  Kids Balance Stepping Stones, 5pc Stackable Wave Blocks Indoor and Outdoor Exercise Coordination and Stability, Rainbow Crossing River Stone for Children Boys Girls

As soon as they arrived in the mail, I did some altering to them.  I used a Sharpie Marker and wrote a Division of the Bible on Each Stone.   


The KIDDOS use them to review the divisions of the the Bible and  which books go in which division of the Bible!!   Example:  If I say "RUTH" one of the KIDDOS will go and stand on the OLD TESTAMENT "HISTORY" stone. 

They are great for an Early Arriver Activity and a General Review. 

 I have even used them as a PLACE for the Kiddos to stand.  For EXAMPLE:  I would say, "Molly please go stand on GOSPELS."  The KIDDOS have really enjoyed using these as a way of learning and reviewing!!  

The stepping stones are perfect for stacking too!!  They don't have to be left laying around,  If you want to stack them up and put them in the corner of the room they are easy to stack.   

The KIDDOS love to stack them in the correct order!  This makes them a multi-purpose learning tool!!!  

I'm always looking for fun ways to teach the KIDDOS things they need to know.  If I come up with something, see something or am shown something, I try to share the ideas with others.  Please know, I DO NOT receive any compensation for sharing this product!!  I'm simply sharing the product, because I have found it to be beneficial in teaching BIBLE truths, stories, or facts.  



Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Dollar Tree Match Boxes---Mini Books of the Bible

 My KIDDOS have been learning all about THE BIBLE.  We will continue this study until October.  It has been a fun and exciting undertaking to get the KIDDOS to Memorize the Books of the Bible, The Sections of the Bible and a simple Synopsis of each book of the Bible.  

To help with this adventure, I decided to make some SMALL BIBLE BOOKS out of Match Boxes.  I purchased the Match Boxes at the Dollar Tree.  ---The Matches will be used when lighting our outdoor fireplace.  :-)    

Once the matches were removed from each box--remember we needed 66 boxes---one for each book of the Bible.  I wrapped each box with various colors of scrap paper.  I then glued the paper onto the 3 sides of the box and TA-DA they began to look like little BOOKS!!!!  

I then delivered the little books to my classroom helper.  She has the ability to write small and neat.  I have very BIG handwriting with lots of loops and curls.      She neatly wrote the name of each book of the Bible on all 66 Match Box Books.  

I decided I wanted to have the KIDDOS use these as a REVIEW GAME.   So, I made up some DIVISIONS of the BIBLE HEADER CARDS and printed and laminated them.  I attached them to milk caps---y'all know I save those caps!!!---I then made circles with the NUMBER of each books for each SECTION of the BIBLE.  EXAMPLE:  GOSPEL--4,   LAW---5,  HISTORY--12, NT HISTORY--1!  I'm sure you understand.  

First we would start by getting the categories in order.  Then the  KIDDOS would DRAW out a BOOK of the BIBLE from that GREEN BUCKET and then place it in the correct place.  Then we would work together to get the books in the correct order!!  It was so much fun!!!!!  The KIDDOS really enjoy the hands-on experience!!!  

I also decided to make a small "bookcase" for the KIDDOS to place the BOOKS of the BIBLE in order on.  This was a great way to store the "books" from week to week.    It was a cracker box and foam core.  It would not be something to keep LOOOONG term.  But, it worked for the KIDDOS while we were practicing memorizing our books of the BIBLE.

These now reside in that GREEN BUCKET---we call them REVIEW BUCKETS!!!  The KIDDOS can get them out prior to class time and REVIEW concepts that they have already learned. Sometimes, we have BUCKET REVIEW SUNDAY.  The KIDDOS move from BUCKET TO BUCKET working on PASSED LEARNED CONCEPTS!!!  They seem to enjoy doing this from time to time and it allows me to make sure they REMEMBER things they have LEARNED!!!



Sunday, August 18, 2013

Toddler Class Updates!!!

I LOVE seeing PROGRESS and EXCITEMENT build in both the KIDDOS and the TEACHERS!!!  

I recently mentioned that our congregation has had an EXPLOSION of KIDDOS, which created a WONDERFUL "problem."  We had to EXPAND our classes!!!!  We ended up needing to split the Nursery Class and thus creating a TODDLER Class!

The Teachers and KIDDOS LOVE the BUCKET system!!!  We are still EXPANDING the BUCKET LESSONS, adding more and more BIBLE STORY BUCKETS!!!  With that being said, we are going to go get two more bookcases!!!  We LOVE how this system has been working!!!  

The teachers have been busy adding VISUALS to the walls.  So, I thought I would SHARE with you some of the progress.  

They recently put up the NEW TESTAMENT Bible Characters!!!  

The Teachers have added MORE and MORE items to the "DAYS OF CREATION" wall!  I LOVE it!!!

As you can tell, we USED what we had...we just turned a bookcase on its side...that gave the teachers and KIDDOS a nice storage area for puzzles, games and extra needed items

The KIDDOS LOVE the "Choo Choo Train/Bible Song."  Knowing how much they LOVE that song, the teachers decided to hang a TRAIN on the wall---the train has POCKET CARS and in the POCKETS are Laminated Cards with the Books of The Bible Printed on them.    

During "CARPET TIME," the KIDDOS will get to put the BOOKS in the correct BOX CAR.  The Teacher will be very HANDS ON during this activity!!!  

I LOVE this KID FRIENDLY Bible.  It has very IMPORTANT information coded on it...These are Bible FACTS that the teachers review with the KIDDOS each class period!!

NOTICE that we even have "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" on the wall in this Bible Class room.  It allows the teachers to mention the TIME PERIOD and GOD'S PLAN as they review.  (Of course this is done a very SIMPLE level.) I love that the KIDDOS see these displayed in EVERY classroom!!  

I LOVE this IDEA!!!  Each FISH has a BUBBLE. The teachers have REVIEW QUESTIONS for the KIDDOS.  Such as, How many books are in the BIBLE? What did GOD make on day 4?  etc. When the KIDDOS are able to answer the questions they get to add a FUN little sticker to their FISHES Bubble. The KIDDOS LOVE THIS!!!

The teachers have a wall prepared for the KIDDOS---they are getting ready to FOCUS on NOAH'S ARK!!!  I LOVE the 3D!!

I LOVE the progress they are making with this class!!!  We are BLESSED to have dedicated and motivated teachers!!!  



Thursday, June 20, 2013

Milk Cap Mania!!! Memorizing the Books of The Bible Using Milk Caps!!!

I know I have posted about this before....but, I wanted to give you a PROGRESS UPDATE!!  

Click on this link to see the previous post Memorizing The BOOKS OF THE BIBLE using MILK CAPS!!

I am THRILLED with the KIDDOS progress in Memorizing the BOOKS of THE BIBLE!!!  They are all doing sooo well.    It AMAZES me when I see them get so excited to "EARN" their NEXT Milk Cap.  Proves to me that SIMPLE things are meaningful! 

This is our PROCEDURE.  The KIDDOS pick up their MILK CAPS from the TABLE after they put their ATTENDANCE STICKER (BUGS) onto their Attendance Chart.  

Once the KIDDOS return to the "TEACHING TABLE"  they pour the caps out on to the table and begin putting the Milk Caps in ORDER.  Some of the KIDDOS (mainly my very young ones) still need a bit of help with this activity....BUT, they are GETTING IT!!!  Plus,  they are able to SAY all the BOOKS in ORDER!!! 

Once all of the KIDDOS have their CAPS in the correct order we say the BOOKS as a CLASS.  We point to each BOOK as we say its name.

Then we "figure" out what the next Book of The Bible is....some of my older KIDDOS are really good helpers with this procedure.   Then I pass out the NEWEST Milk Cap to the KIDDOS.  They place it where it belongs.  We then SAY the Books together AGAIN.  (If I have time---I will have the KIDDOS say them individually.)  

Then we say them ONE MORE TIME...But, this time we are placing the caps into our MILK CAP CONTAINER!!  

Currently, the KIDDOS have the 5 Books of Law, the 12 Books of History, and the 5 Books of Poetry Memorized.  


Each MILK CAP set is unique in COLOR.  However, I do make sure that each "Division" is in a new color cap for each KIDDO. 

 This week we begin working on getting the 5 Major Prophets Memorized!! 

All the CAPS are ready!!!  The KIDDOS earn a CAP a week.  But, to earn the cap they have to be able to say the books up to the last CAP received. 

This Memorization Reward System has been so exciting.  

I LOVE how excited the KIDDOS are about  earning their next MILK CAP. 
I Love that the members of the Congregation are so willing to save and donate their CAPS.  

I Love that the Similac Containers were donated by one of our young families.

I Love how something so inexpensive can be so exciting to the KIDDOS.  They are WORKING so hard to get the Books of The Bible Memorized!!!  

Hope this excites you to do something SIMPLE and YET EFFECTIVE for your KIDDOS.  Milk Caps have so many possibilities.  Apostles, 10 Commandments, Be-attitudes, Attributes of Love 1 Cor. 13., Fruit of The Spirit, Armor of GOD, Sons of Jacob, etc. 

