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Showing posts with label Anna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anna. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2017

Baby Jesus' Presentation in the The Temple

Our newest lesson is when Mary and Joseph take Baby JESUS to the Temple and they meet Simeon and Anna.   This was a fun lesson to teach.  It was fun to point out that even as a child one can be dedicated to serving GOD.      The KIDDOS should be able to answer all the questions from our DO YOU KNOW? Wall, by the end of the lesson.  

We added a new card with Simeon, Anna and Baby Jesus on it, to our GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN...timeline.  

We had three NEW words for our WORD WALL!!   It was important for the KIDDOS to understand these words so they could understand the lesson. 

The KIDDOS new Memory Verse is LUKE 2:30-31.   If you would like to hear how the Memory Verse Song goes, click on this link.  Luke 2:30-31 Memory Verse

We added the Memory Verse to our Memory Verse Construction Zone!!!  

I decided to use a Visual Aid that I had made a few years ago, when teaching about the United and Divided Kingdom.  The KIDDOS loved this visual and it was great to use to "act" out the story and events.  The little "people" I used came from a set I purchased from Oriental Trading a loooong time ago.   

I did make some modifications to some of the little people....that way they serve the purpose, I needed.  

We had a new SONG to learn.  I love having a song that goes with each story.  It amazes me how well the KIDDOS remember the lesson when they have a song that goes along with the lesson.   If you would like to hear this song click on the following link.  

We added new QUESTIONS to the KIDDOS "Life Of Christ Questions Cards."  These have made for a wonderful opportunity for our families to review the QUESTIONS from each lesson with their KIDDOS.   

The KIDDOS TAKE HOME Project was a Simeon and Anna Stand Up Paper Doll set, complete with "baby Jesus."  

I am please with how these turned out...they were fun to use while singing our "new" song.    

Our REVIEW GAME for this LESSON was a BINGO style Game.  

The KIDDOS would answer a question from the lesson, I would draw a picture out of my bucket and the KIDDOS would put a "MARKER" on the picture on their game card.  By the way, the plastic markers are lids from fruit packets, baby food packets, applesauce packets, etc.    They are perfect for little hands!!!    We had a LOT of fun playing this game and the KIDDOS were ON TARGET answering the questions.    

On our second week of this LESSON the KIDDOS will Review The Lesson, Say their Memory Verse from Memory, and Make their EXPLORER JOURNAL activity.   The KIDDOS will color their page and add 3D Baby Jesus sticker to Simeon's hands!!!

Just a reminder, while the KIDDOS are coloring/working on their EXPLORER JOURNAL activity, we sing the song from the lesson, ask review questions from the lesson, sing the memory verse from the lesson, etc.  Don't want to waste a minute of teaching time----and my KIDDOS LOVE to color!!

I am truly enjoying teaching the LIFE of CHRIST.  I am amazed at how much the KIDDOS are soaking in the lessons!!!  Just makes me smile!!

