Each of my KIDDOS have one of these Binders in our classroom. We call them Explorer Journals.
Inside you will find several plastic sheet protectors that we place our activities in with each lesson.
Just a reminder, each of our lessons are a two week lesson. The first week we introduce the lesson, learn the songs that goes with the lesson, teach the memory verse, do a take-home (craft style) project, and play a review game.
The second week of the LESSON is when we REVIEW. This week is important as it gives me opportunity to correct any misunderstandings. It also, gives opportunities for the KIDDOS who missed class the first week to "CATCH UP."
This is also the week that the KIDDOS say their SAY the MEMORY VERSE from MEMORY and we do an ACTIVITY we add to the KIDDO'S EXPLORER JOURNAL.
The EXPLORER JOURNALS stay in the classroom for the duration of our topic.
By collecting their activities in an EXPLORER JOURNAL it give the KIDDOS a special BOOK to look back through and remind them of all the LESSONS they have learned.
If their activity has a moving part, a textured part, etc. I will cut the plastic sleeve so that the KIDDOS can make their activities still do what they did prior to placing them in a plastic sleeve.
I enjoy presenting the KIDDOS their EXPLORER JOURNAL at the end of our topic in a special way. I love to invite the parents to our classroom for a "conference." During this time we show the parents the KIDDOS EXPLORER JOURNALS and the KIDDOS get to tell their parents all about what they made and what the LESSONS were all about!! The parents seem to treasure these EXPLORER JOURNALS and those activities did not end up lost, torn up, left behind in the building, or ruined in the floorboard of the car.
I feel these EXPLORER JOURNALS are a very special addition to our KIDDOS learning and retaining the LESSONS learned.
Hope you consider making some sort of Journal for saving your KIDDOS handiwork.