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Showing posts with label Garage sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garage sales. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Elijah's Whirlwind Ride

 Have you ever been so excited about a lesson...that you could hardly wait to teach it to the KIDDOS?  Well, I have been SOOOOOO excited about this lesson for a really LOOOOONG time.  As I was writing my lesson, coming up with activities, memory verses, crafts, etc.  I could not help but imagine the MAJESTY of this event.    I LOVE to think about "being" there....  

This Sunday the KIDDOS will be learning about Elijah and his Majestic trip to heaven in a Whirlwind.  There is a LOT of information I will be covering with the KIDDOS. Elijah will meet Elisha.  They'll travel from Gilgal, to Bethel, to Jericho, and to the Jordan.    I cannot wait for the KIDDOS to EXPLORE this Journey with Elijah and Elisha.    We have several PLACES to add to our MAP...we placed Bethel on the map when we learned about Jeroboam and his altars.  

We have a few new words to add to our EVER GROWING WORD WALL.  Being that we live in Oklahoma, I know the KIDDOS are familiar with Tornadoes...So, I want them to understand that this was LIKE a Tornado...but a little different.   I also, want them to know what a Mantle is...we do NOT use terms like this....and I want to make sure they truly UNDERSTAND what we are learning about.   

 We have a NEW PROPHET to talk about too...Elisha!!!  So, we have added him to our LINE of PROPHETS.  

We will also be adding this CARD to our "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" Timeline.  This clipart is free from  His clipart is very sweet and my age group really seems to like it... 

 Our memory verse, this week, comes from  2 Kings 2::11.  We will sing it to the tune: "Three Blind Mice."  I can pretty much guarantee the KIDDOS will ALL have it memorized before leaving the classroom.  :-)

As a TAKE HOME project the KIDDOS will be making a "WHIRLWIND" and Chariot craft.  I designed the WHIRLWIND on my computer...but, ELIJAH is clipart from    (I was recently told, by a representative from coolcliparts,  that if you want the black and white versions of these cliparts---you have to order the CD.  It is so worth it!!!  You can print these out and the KIDDOS can color them!!!)

BTW, the RING that hold the strings---CHEAP SHOWER CURTAIN RINGS.  They were actually FREE at a GARAGE SALE!!!!!  I LOVE finding FREE things that I needed!!!  Make sure you check out the "FREE" box at Garage Sales!!  You never know what you might find!! 

We will also have a "NEW" song for the KIDDOS...This is a fun song to sing...and it tell of the Journey that Elijah and Elisha make together.

Our REVIEW game for this lesson will be a BOARD GAME.  I am THRILLED with how this turned out!!!!  It is a 3D board game, complete with Mount Carmel, a RAVEN and WHIRLWIND.      This board game takes the KIDDOS through the life of Elijah God's Prophet.  The KIDDOS will start the game this SUNDAY and continue it on Wednesday, Sunday and Wednesday...So, they should have PLENTY of time to complete the JOURNEY!  


This is how we will play the game...The KIDDOS will ROLL the dices.  BUT, before they can MOVE that number of spaces they will HAVE to answer a question about the life of Elijah GOD'S Prophet.  This will make a GREAT way for me to see if they need some clarification, explanation or review.


I made this board game on the BACK of an MONOPOLY board.  (I collect Monopoly pieces...It is a STRANGE thing to collect, but, I LOVE them.)   So, I have an ABUNDANCE of Monopoly boards....So, when it comes time to MAKE a board game...they make for a great base! (BTW, I glued the MONOPOLY board to and old spinning Scrabble base...this makes the game board ROTATE!)

Since each of my lessons are designed for 2 weeks...NEXT SUNDAY we will REVIEW this lesson and the KIDDOS will be doing their EXPLORER JOURNAL activity.

For their EXPLORER JOURNAL ACTIVITY they will be making a WIRE WHIRLWIND and adding FLAMES to add to Elijah's Chariot! 

The wire that we will be using came from Dollar Tree.  I bought it a while back and I am not sure if they still have it....but, I bought BLUE, GREEN, RED and GOLD.  So, the KIDDOS will get to choose the color of their Whirlwind.    This wire is really easy to bend...yet, it is sturdy.  I LOVE it!!    Now,  this is how I made the cone shape to the Whirlwind...and the KIDDOS will get to do this too!!!  I have these small "TRAFFIC CONES" from the teacher section of the Dollar Tree.  They have words like FABULOUS, TERRIFIC, etc. printed on them.  I wrapped the wire around the cone part and WALLAH it made a Whirlwind!  So SIMPLE!!!!  I LOVE they way it turned out!!!!!  

The FLAMES are printed in COLOR, LAMINATED, CUT OUT and then I MADE them POP OFF THE page by using FOAM, double sided sticky DOTS.     

I get so excited when "THINGS" come together!!!  I have even been know to squeal with excitement when something WORKS!!  I know my HUBBY must have the patience of JOB!!  You see, I often go running into his office and say, "HONEY, what do you think about THIS?"  I show him my crafts, games, sing him my songs, share with him my ideas and he is always so encouraging.  

