Welcome to BOX 5.
This is our period of the KINGS BOX.
Here is a QUICK PEEK.
This is what I currently have in this box. I do NOT have all my little KINGS of JUDAH in the box---they are currently on display on the table, since we are learning about them!
Here are our KINGS from the UNITED KINGDOM. King Saul, King David and King Solomon.
Notice, I have several item to go along with David.....Sheep, Sling Shot, Bag of Stones, Harp.
For King Solomon I have the TEMPLE behind him!
(At some point I hope to find some small donkeys to go along with King Saul.)
The little windup toys represent PROPHETS, in general....the KIDDOS get sooooo excited when I get them out and we sing, "A PROPHET IS A MESSENGER."
I am enjoying sharing these boxes with all of you. Hope you are RETHINKING about TOYS. Sometimes toys are the PERFECT teaching TOOL!!