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Showing posts with label Tissue Box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tissue Box. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tissue Box Turned Review Game!!!! KING SAUL

Today has be one of  "THOSE" days.  I had a TON of things to get done and nothing seemed to be working out right.  So, when I began working on this idea I was NOT sure how it would turn out.  However, I am happy to say that I am happy with the results.  This is a fairly simple thing to make....and I feel it will be VERY useful in my efforts to teach the kiddos about the first 3 Kings of Israel.  

Today, I was able to make the REVIEW box for Saul.  As, I get the other two made--I am currently waiting for some of the tissue boxes around the church building to be emptied---I will post pics here on the blog.  I have been going around all the classrooms and checking to see if any of the boxes happened to be emptied.  Not yet, but I have my eye on one box...I figure it will be emptied either tonight or at least by Sunday.  I know I lead an exciting life---waiting around for boxes of tissues to get emptied----how exciting is that!!!!!!  :-)

So, this is what I did....  I took an empty tissue box and traced it onto the self-adhesive Fun Foam.  (I had bought a TON of this at the local Hobby Lobby during one of their clearance sales.)  I then applied the fun foam to each side of the box.  I did attach the top then cut slices in the opening area.  I just pushed the foam up to the bottom of the top of the box.  I did make several slices in the opening area...that made it easier to push it up under and stick it to the inside top.  I did NOT like the "raw" edges at the corners of the box.  So, I cut strips of yellow fun foam and covered the edges!  I LOVE how the box looks!!!!

Next, I printed out "FACTS" about KING SAUL.  These are facts that the kiddos know or WILL LEARN in the next few lessons.  We will review ALL these facts about KING SAUL...and I will allow them to put them in the box.  However, it will become more and more challenging of a REVIEW...when we add a DAVID box and fact cards and then a SOLOMON box and fact cards.  I want to challenge my kiddos in fun and exciting ways.   I know they will amaze me and do GREAT with this type of REVIEW!    


The possibilities with this type of idea are endless....You could make a box for each division of the the Bible.  LAW, HISTORY, POETRY, MAJOR PROPHETS, MINOR PROPHETS.  GOSPEL, HISTORY, EPISTLES, PROPHECY.  Then print out card with each book of the Bible on them.  The kiddos would have to put them in the correct category box.    Or, you could do a JUDGE, KING, PROPHET set of boxes.  Then print out different Bible Characters and have them put them in the correct box.  Or, you could do a simple OLD Testament and NEW Testament box set.  Then print out Bible Character's names...the kiddos would then have to remember did the person live during the OLD or NEW Testament Time Period.  The ideas are endless!!!!!!!!  

Hope this helps you to GET CREATIVE with your BIBLE REVIEWS!!!!!  
You want your Review Time to engage a kiddo's learning in a positive way.  You do NOT want to bore a kiddo!  So, make REVIEW GAMES CREATIVE!!!!

