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Showing posts with label Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2014

Adam & Eve Sin and Concequeces

We are moving right along in our study of Genesis.  The KIDDOS are enjoying Exploring the Book of Genesis.  This week we will be learning about Adam and Eve's SIN and the consequences of their sin.  

This is our DO YOU KNOW? wall.  In my opinion when the KIDDOS can answer these Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How is this important to me? questions then they have a real grasp on the lesson.  

We have a new card to add to our GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN timeline.

We have a new word for our WORD WALL.  I want the KIDDOS to understand the meaning of the word SLY.    Since I will be using this word during the story as a description of the serpent.  

The KIDDOS memory verse is James 4:19.  We will sing it to the tune:  "Ten Little Indians."

The KIDDOS  TAKE HOME project is this spiral serpent. They will color it, cut it out, add a tongue and an eye.  

The KIDDOS Review Game is simple.  They will get to PICK a piece of fruit from the tree...and then answer the question.  

I purchased the fruit at Hobby Lobby a LOOONG time ago.  I made the tree by printing out a poster size clipart from Printmaster.  I then printed out questions on sticker paper and attached the questions to the various fruits. The fruit is attached to the tree with Velcro dots.    

Oh, that snake---it is a PET toy and came from Dollar Tree.  I have had it for a long, I do not know if they still have them there or not....I will try to check and see if they still have them the next time I am at Dollar Tree. 

 I enjoy having items for the KIDDOS to place in our GOD AWESOME PLAN boxes....This week they will be adding a snake....This way when we REVIEW the book of Genesis---when I get the snake out they will be able to tell me WHAT event the snake represents.  Of course, I will teach them that it represent the FALL of ADAM and EVE...The CONSEQUENCES of SIN... and a WARNING of SATAN'S SLYNESS.  

Next week will be our REVIEW week.    The KIDDOS will be doing this activity to add to their EXPLORER JOURNAL.    They will color the picture, add the SUN and FLOWER stickers and the SERPENT in the tree.    The KIDDOS will get to choose their FLOWERS and the color of their serpent. 

I hope you can see the 3D flower sticker and sun.  I think the KIDDOS will LOVE making these.  

This is a SAD lesson for me to teach...however, there are so many important LESSONS for the KIDDOS to learn.  They  must learn to OBEY GOD.  They must learn that GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING.  They must learn that LYING never solves anything. They must learn that BLAMING others is NOT acceptable.   They must learn that SIN has CONSEQUENCES.  My prayer is they will learn and apply these concepts.  



Monday, September 9, 2013

GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN BOXES!!! Box One----Before Time Began through the Tower of Babel

Before Time Began, GOD had a PLAN for MAN!  It is an AWESOME PLAN!!!  

This is our  Before Time Began -Tower of Babel Box. 

I wanted to have you PEEK in the box.  :-)

As you can see, we have all the MAJOR stories covered!   Creation to the Tower of Babel!  :-)

In the BOX we have toys/items to represent CREATION!   (These toys came from various sources---garage sales, thrift stores, kid meal toys, my son's toy box, etc.)  

We have toys for the Garden of Eden. Notice we have a "Tree of Life" and a "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." We have a serpent --blech!  We have

We also have a Cain and Abel.  These came from my son's Little People set--it was a dinosaur set--As soon as I saw them I thought Cain (the one with the leaf) and Abel (the one with the bone.)  That is just the way I think.  LOL

Now for the story of Noah.  I added a Fisher Price Noah and Wife.  An Ark--this was supposed to be a Christmas Tree ornament.  A wooden Dove--I think I bought this at Hobby Lobby, and the SLINKY RAINBOW!!  The Rainbow was a gift from my friend Laura.  :-)

For the Tower of Babel I decided to make one....I made it out of foam cubes that I purchased at the Dollar Tree.  

I hope you enjoyed the "TOUR" of our FIRST BOX of "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" boxes.  

 Join me soon as we PEEK and see what is inside our NEXT BOX!!!  



Friday, March 25, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit----Self-Control

I  cannot believe we are coming to the end of our study of the Fruit of the Spirit.  The kiddos have enjoyed this material very much.  They have learned sooo much.  This material was a continual challenge for me....normally I write my material in a chronological fashion....however, with this material we looked at several different Bible examples/stories.  We used events from the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS so as to "drive" home the meaning of the attribute.  I have enjoyed the challenge of coming up with these lessons.  However, I have more enjoyed the excitement I see in the faces of the children each week.  I am sad to see us finish this study and yet am looking forward to the next EXPLORATION we will be making.  I am in hopes of writing material about Eli, Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon.  This should be a wonderful adventure and I am praying fervently about this undertaking.  :-)
We had our lesson on Self-Control this past Sunday.   I decided to use the story of Adam and Eve...and their partaking of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Showing that they LACKED SELF-CONTROL.  I figured that this story would help the children understand the concept of controlling oneself.  IT WORKED!!!!!!    I was so pleased with the kiddos.  They really seemed to understand that SELF-CONTROL IS ---to control your own actions, reactions and behavior.  YAY!!!!!  They made me smile!!!!!!


To help the kiddos understand Self-Control, I read them this little FLIP Book.  It was allowed me to apply each of the situations to Adam and Eve....asking the kiddos if Adam and Eve had practiced Self-Control.   
The book reads....
Self-Control means I will...
Think and Pray Before I Act. 
Control My Sudden Desires.
Weigh Consequences.
Make Good and Safe Choices. 
I just used computer clip art to illustrate the book.
Our TAKE HOME activity was a  coloring book version of the BOOK I read to them before telling them the story of Adam and Eve.  We made it out of Cardstock and copy paper.  Easy Take Home!!!

Our memory verse this week was  the verse Proverbs 25:28.   I explained that a city that was broken into and left without walls was an unprotected city.  Anyone and anything could come into that city.  I then explained that when we do NOT have Self-Control...anyone and anything can take over our mind and actions.  (Kind of deep for the kiddos...but, I think they understood the concept in the end.)  We sang this to the  tune Ten Little Indians.  They all had it memorized very quickly.   Putting a verse to a familiar tune ALWAYS helps them memorize their memory verses.
Our Game/Activity for this week was a game based on the RED LIGHT/GREEN LIGHT game.  Here are the basic rules....
 1.  The student answers a question from the Tree of  Good Knowledge...see pic on left. 
 2.   They line up.
 3.   You say:  READY, SET, _____!
 They cannot "GO" froward 1 step until you say "GO."  However, for fun I used all sorts of "G" words.  (Gravy, Goodness, Granny, Grapes, Greek, Giant, etc.)  If they moved before they heard the word "GO" they had to take a step back.  This was sooooo fun.    They could pick a fruit...answer the question...then CONTROL THEMSELVES....waiting till I said, "GO!"  FUN TIME and TEACHES THE CONCEPT!!!!!!   

We added a few new words to our "WORD WALL."  We added the words: Self-Control, Impulse and Consequence.    The children are THRILLED WITH all the words they are learning.  I am glad to have the WORD helps me BRING UP the words they have learned in the past.  Progress and Review....Two very important things in my Bible Class!!!  

On  Wed. Evenings the children do an activity that they add to their EXPLORER JOURNAL.  For this story they colored  the picture of Adam and Eve  (I believe this is from a FREE coloring page website)  and added the Serpent in the tree.   We just cut two slits for the snake to be threaded through....the snakes came from Walmart.  They enjoyed  making these and adding them to their NOW COMPLETED Explorer Journal.

Next week we will spend our time REVIEWING ALL that we have learned over this study....then the kiddos will get to take home their EXPLORER JOURNALS!!!!  We will have a short (in the classroom) conference with the parents...and the kiddos will get to GIVE their Explorer Journal to their parents.  This is one of MY FAVORITE things to do.  I look forward to "Explorer Journal Presentation Day!!!!!!!!"  I am going to try to remember to take PICS of the children presenting their Explorer Journals....that way you can see their excitement!!!!

