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Showing posts with label Review Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Review Games. Show all posts

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Abraham "GET UP and GO."

Do You KNOW?  Wall.
We have begun our EXPLORATION of the Patriarchs.  I am excited.  The KIDDOS are excited, too. They LOVE new adventures!!!

The KIDDOS "NEW" Explorer Journals are READY!!  These are used to keep their Explorer Journal Activities.  The KIDDOS get to take them home at the end of the study.  

Our "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" timeline had Abraham and Sarah added to the PATRIARCHAL time period.  

I went with something very simple for our TABLE TOP Visual.    I am using one of the toy tents my hubby bought me...using-toys-to-teach-bible-stories   with "Abraham" and a laminated number 3 that highlights the 3 SPECIAL promises that GOD made to Abraham.  We will be talking about those 3 SPECIAL promises  a LOT!!!  :-)


NOW, on to the BIG 3D visual!!!!    I am so excited to get to use this TENT!!!  I bought it several years ago.  I LOVE the colors and thought it would be GREAT to use when I taught on Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  I found the tent on clearance at Target.  It is supposed to go on top of a twin bed....  but, I think it is perfect for this lesson!!!  

Just for fun, I added a blow up palm tree, I purchased it at Dollar Tree several years ago.  

**The KIDDOS had SO MUCH FUN getting in the TENT as we REVIEWED our lesson.  We took pictures of each of the KIDDOS.  

This is one of the KIDDOS favorite songs to sing....we normally sing this song at the beginning of a NEW Quarter....we put on our EXPLORER HAT and march around the room singing, "WE ARE BIBLE EXPLORERS..."

The KIDDOS will be learning several songs about Abraham.  I like to start with this is SHORT and easy for the KIDDOS to remember.  I LOVE to hear them SING!!

This is the KIDDOS Memory Verse...we sang it to the tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb.    I will share the KIDDOS  NEW Memory Verse Tracking System, soon!!!!  

The KIDDOS  Take Home project is a NUMBER highlights the SPECIAL Promises GOD made to Abraham.  The KIDDOS  colored their 3 attached Abraham with a brad and glued the 3 to a paint paddle.    The KIDDOS would hold them up every time I asked, "HOW MANY SPECIAL PROMISES DID GOD MAKE TO ABRAHAM?"   Then I would have them tell me the PROMISES!!  They did really well.  

Our REVIEW GAME is a MATCH GAME.  I used stars with pictures of various things that went along with the story.   

We PLAY this as a CLASS REVIEW...the KIDDOS answer a question from the KIDDO gets to turn over a set of stars....if they match, we stack them together and leave them laying out on the floor...competition at this age in NOT a great motivator.  

The KIDDOS Explorer Journal Activity is very simple and is BASED on their Memory Verse. The KIDDOS colored some of the stars, added 3D stars and then glittered some of the stars....BTW, the GLITTERING was their FAVORITE!!!  We keep it under control by giving each KIDDO a cookie pan...we then guide them with their GLITTERING SKILLS. :-)  

We have had a few other changes in the, I will share pics.    I normally have a star pocket chart under the light switch....but, I want the KIDDOS to work on their CHRONOLOGY of Bible Events in, I decided to hang up our GENESIS VELCRO BOARD....that way if we have a few minutes, waiting on parents to pick up KIDDOS, we can PUT the STORIES in ORDER.  There is something about VELCRO the KIDDOS LOVE!!!   

I decided to move our REVIEW GAME CRATES from under the white board to the area right by the KIDDOS cubbies.... they are "out of the way and yet easy to, for now, that is where they will be staying.  

I LOVE the "BACK to SCHOOL" time of the year!!!  It always seems to inspire me to make changes in my BIBLE CLASS ROOM!!!  



Thursday, August 29, 2013

Isaiah Prophesies The Coming of Jesus

We have a NEW lesson for this Sunday.  We will be leaning about Isaiah prophesying  the Coming of Jesus.  I am excited about this lesson...I get the blessing of showing the KIDDOS one of the FAITH building prophecies of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST!!!  

We will be adding this CARD to our "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" Time Line.   We will add it under the Isaiah the Prophet Card...That way the KIDDOS understand that this is a PROPHECY of the Coming of JESUS.  

My Visuals for this lesson are very SIMPLE...I am using my "self drawn"  Isaiah with a SPEECH BUBBLE...and a Clip art picture of Baby Jesus in a CLOUD---sort of to represent "IN THE FUTURE."    I think it works.  :-)

We will be adding THREE new words to our "WORD WALL."  I think these are very important WORDS for the KIDDOS to KNOW in order to truly understand the lesson.  

The KIDDOS will have a NEW Memory Verse for this week....  I LOVE this verse....It is so descriptive of our LORD!!  

To hear the tune that we will be using to help in Memorizing this verse please click on the link below.  It will route you to the Facebook Page for  

We sung this song  when we learned about Isaiah being "CALLED" to be a PROPHET. We will sing it again this week...It will help the KIDDOS REVIEW the fact that Isaiah was CALLED by GOD to be a PROPHET.  It will help remind the KIDDOS that Isaiah was speaking what GOD wanted him to speak.  He was GOD'S "MOUTH PIECE."  

To hear this song click on the link below.  You will be routed to the Facebook page for  

The KIDDOS "TAKE HOME" Project is fairly simple....I am sure you have seen something similar.  

I designed the "stable" on the computer....The BABY JESUS came from Oriental Trading Company.  I believe it went with a different type of project ---I buy a LOT of items from Oriental Trading when they have their Clearance Sales!!!  

During class time the KIDDOS will color their stable and baby Jesus.  They will attach their baby Jesus and STAR to the Stable.    


(The cards have questions on them...I will read the question and the PICTURES on the Bingo Card answers the questions!)

Each card has the same pictures on it...they are just arranged in various orders...that way each question is answered on EVERY CARD!!  :-)

I LOVE it when the KIDDOS get to sit on their carpet squares and "PLAY."


This is what I "CAME" up with.  I was shopping at HOBBY LOBBY when I saw these little cuties hanging the the Christmas Ornaments for Miniature Trees area.  

So, .I purchased them removed the strings then hot glued them to the green checkers.  I LOVE how they turned out!!!  One of those things that makes me SMILE....Because, it will allow further conversations about our TOPIC!!!

Next week will be our REVIEW week. During REVIEW week the KIDDOS make an activity that they add to their "Explorer Journal."    Because, I use the over all theme of being a "Bible Explorer" we each have an "EXPLORER JOURNAL."

This is the activity that the KIDDOS will be making and adding to their "Explorer Journals." 

They will add the tongue depressor style craft sticks to make the manger.  They will add the  crinkle paper for the "hay."  Then they will add their own Baby JESUS wrapped in SWADDLING CLOTH---(scraps of blue flannel that I had in my scrap box.)

I am REALLY happy with how these turned out...We will be talking about the various descriptions of JESUS...HE is truly WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER and the PRINCE OF PEACE.  

I am so excited about this lesson.  I LOVE teaching the OLD TESTAMENT---especially when I am able to show the KIDDOS how the OLD TESTAMENT is fulfilled in the NEW TESTAMENT.  :-)



Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Milk Cap for Memorizing the Books of The Bible

I LOVE to teach KIDDOS the BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.  I love to hear them SAY the Books of the Bible.  My favorite is to hear them attempt to say Deuteronomy!!!    

I have used several different METHODS of encouraging the KIDDOS to MEMORIZE the books of the BIBLE.  We have made a BOOKS of The BIBLE CHAIN!!!  We have made a BOOKS of The BIBLE PUZZLE!!!  We have done an INCH WORM on LEAVES method of encouraging the KIDDOS to memorize the BOOKS of The BIBLE,  etc.  

However, I have a "NEW" set of KIDDOS in my classroom.  You see, the  OLDER KIDDOS moved up into the NEXT class, this Past Summer.   I had some of the 4 Year Olds MOVE up  from the NURSERY CLASS.  Then we had a family move to the area....All this means I have a SLEW of "NEW" KIDDOS in my classroom.  :-)  

Having "NEW" KIDDOS means it is time to work on  MEMORIZING the BOOKS of THE BIBLE.  This is one  challenge that I like to help the KIDDOS succeed meeting.  I LOVE to hear their little voices as they say the BOOKS of THE BIBLE and I LOVE seeing their faces when they realize that they MASTERED saying all 66 Books!!!!! 


So, I began thinking about HOW to get the KIDDOS excited about memorizing all the BOOKS of THE BIBLE.  I wanted something DIFFERENT!!!  I wanted something EASY to make!  I wanted something FUN for the KIDDOS to use!!  I wanted something that was NOT Terribly Expensive!!  I wanted something that WOULD be EXCITING!!! 

Well, I already had a BUNCH of MILK (WATER, JUICE, ETC.) Caps.  You see, I just mentioned to the congregation that I would appreciate the donation of all these types of CAPS.  (If you let member know you are needing something they LOVE to DONATE to your cause.)  I use  MILK CAPS for several OTHER GAMES and ACTIVITIES.  So, I am ALWAYS collecting them!!!  

I decided to use a EMPTY WIPE CONTAINER!!  We have some of these SAVED up...but, I just let the member know I need more and the donations have been ROLLING in.    Each KIDDO will have their OWN CONTAINER to decorate!!!  I just PRINTED a "LABEL" using my PRINTMASTER PROGRAM.  The KIDDOS will color theirs and then we will glue them onto the container.  We have a few extra stickers for embellishments. 

I printed each Book of The Bible onto a 1 INCH circle Sticker.  Stuck them to to TOP of the CAPS and WALLAH they are READY!!  I did divided up the COLORS of CAPS to go along with the Division of the Bible---  5 Clear caps for LAW, 12 Green Caps for HISTORY,  5 Purple Caps for POETRY, 5 Dark Blue Caps for MAJOR PROPHETS,  12 Green Caps for MINOR PROPHETS, 4 Green Caps for GOSPELS, 1 Brown Cap for HISTORY, 21 Blue Caps for EPISTLES AND 1 Pink Cap for PROPHECY.  

 I used VARIOUS CLIP ARTS for the Books of The Bible Stickers.  I used clip art from the PRINTMASTER Program that I own.  I just picked out clip art that I thought represented the BOOK I put it with.

I use clip art from Phillip Martin at       
I used clip art from Cool Clip art at

 The KIDDOS will ADD a CAP for EACH BOOK of the BIBLE they Memorize.  I will have the KIDDOS memorize them in small groups of books.    WE will also be doing this during the EAA!  Early Arriver Activities.  Since, MOST of the KIDDOS are EARLY ARRIVERS this will be a WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to use that time for going over the BOOKS of THE BIBLE and PUTTING the CAPS into the CONTAINERS. 

This is what it LOOKS like when ALL 66 Milk Caps are placed inside the cylinder.    I am PRAYING that the KIDDOS will LOVE to PLAY with this AFTER they get to Take it HOME.  My SON (he is 8 years old) said, he thought this was "COOL."  I asked him if he would find a way to PLAY with it...He said, "SURE, MOM!!"  Then he said he would STACK the CAPS UP INTO A TOWER as he said the BOOKS of the BIBLE.   I feel if it is APPROVED by Jeremiah it is a KEEPER! (BTW, Jeremiah is a really TOUGH critic. He is BRUTALLY honest!)

Memorizing the BOOKS of THE BIBLE can be tedious and difficult on young KIDDOS.  But, if you make it FUN and ENJOYABLE the KIDDOS REALLY GET INTO THE CHALLENGE!!  

