It has been a busy few weeks...We have been working on IMPROVING the Resource Room/Library at the church building. I LOVE Just makes me SMILE!!
Our congregation uses Discovering God's Way Curriculum for all of our classes except for mine. I am being allowed to
WRITE my Curriculum as I teach. I am so thankful that the elders have
allowed me the freedom to Write and Teach my Own material. I feel very blessed!!! If you are interested in the DGW Curriculum it is available via this link.
Just to let you know....The bags over by the FILE CABINET are ABEKA Flash A Cards. They are beautiful visuals and are suitable for ALL AGE GROUPS. (Some of my sets are missing as they are currently in USE in classrooms.)
I LIKE this way of STORING/DISPLAYING our selection of border paper. It is easy to see and is really OUT of the way. This little wall is right behind the door!
I LOVE storing TEACHING supplies in these plastic shoe boxes....However, without LABELS I think it would be HARD for us to FIND things we need. These boxes do NOT have art supplies in them...these have items TEACHERS might need for teaching a lesson.
We have a shelf FILLED with KIDDO friendly BIBLE STORY BOOKS and COLORING BOOKS. These are nice to have when you have to SUB for a class with just a few minutes notice.
We have a variety of Material: Flannel, Satin, Old Table Clothes, Sheets, Fleece, Fur, etc.
OH, that SORTER that has various colored construction paper on it---I bought that at a Garage Sale for $3.00!!!!
We also have a Scrap Paper Box....this is great when KIDDOS get in a drawing mood!!!
We have the FLANNEL GRAPHS organized in ZIP LOCKS and stored on that
ROD. Just above the Flannel Graphs is a place for Yarn. Above that is a
BUNCH of TEACHER IDEA BOOKS!!! (I have a book fetish!!! I LOVE
Teacher Idea Books...especially if they are COPYABLE.)
We are making PROGRESS....SLOW and STEADY PROGRESS...but, PROGRESS none the less.
I am THRILLED to have this CART!!!!! One of our elders built this for me right after we moved here. He even put it on wheels, which makes it easy to move around. I have these OVER SIZED items stored in LARGE (self made) ENVELOPES. I just took 2 pieces of Poster BOARD and stapled them together down the side and on the bottom. Added a LABEL and called it DONE. I did put them in "BIBLICAL" order.
Sadly, that AWESOME POSTER about the life of Moses is to BIG to fit into the we gave it a HOME behind the cart. It is safe and easy to see.
This is truly an ongoing project...We are still FILING, FILING, and FILING!!! That BLUE BASKET, you saw up on the table is VARIOUS ITEMS than need to be filed! When that is done we have 2 more HUGE STACKS of VISUALS, FLANNEL GRAPH, MAPS, ETC. to go through and find them a home.