I am so PLEASED with the KIDDOS progress on MEMORIZING the DAYS of CREATION!! They always IMPRESS me. I decided to do a LITTLE SOMETHING extra for the KIDDOS. This is HOW it happened. I was at our local DOLLAR TREE, just browsing around, when all of a sudden I saw these PILL CONTAINERS. My excitement was uncontrollable, my adrenalin was flowing and those wheels in my head began spinning!!
You see, as we work to Memorize WHAT GOD MADE and on WHAT DAY GOD MADE....We always talk about the BLESSINGS of each DAY OF CREATION!! ---I was wanting the KIDDOS to "MAKE" something special as a REVIEW of EACH DAY of CREATION. Well, those little PILL CONTAINERS are PERFECT!!! They have 7 (YES 7!!!!!) little individual containers and all screw together to make 1 LARGE container.
So, I began looking for TINY little items that would fit in the little compartments....I found erasers, stickers, cotton, flowers, etc. and I made a few of the items, too.
These TRAYS are perfect for holding the items the KIDDOS will be placing in their Pill Container turned DAYS of CREATION REVIEW TUBE.

For DAY ONE... the KIDDOS will place a ROUND LAMINATED DOT in the top compartment. It is HALF BLACK and HALF YELLOW to represent GOD MADE LIGHT!
FOR DAY 2 the KIDDOS will add a SMALL piece of cotton (CLOUDS) to the BLUE Compartment.
For DAY 3, I found some small TREE STICKERS, GRASS STICKERS and an artificial flower.

For DAY FOUR the KIDDOS will get a SMALL sun eraser, a small glittery star and a FOAMY MOON sticker.
For DAY FIVE, the KIDDOS will get "BUBBLE" Style stickers...one with a BIRD and one with a FISH. Because, they are stickers I attached my bird to the TOP of the COMPARTMENT and my fish to the BOTTOM of the COMPARTMENT.
For DAY SIX the KIDDOS will get to put in two ANIMAL stickers and a SMALL PRINTED (LAMINATED) cutout of ADAM and EVE.
FOR DAY SEVEN the KIDDOS will get to put a ROUND LAMINATED CUT OUT that has "GOD RESTED" printed on it...
THE KIDDOS will LABEL each COMPARTMENT with the CORRECT DAY of CREATION. These stickers were made by printing the DAYS on cardstock paper and running them through the sticker maker machine.

Here are several pics of the little items the KIDDOS will add to their "PILL CONTAINER" turned DAYS of CREATION REVIEW TUBE.

I know the KIDDOS will LOVE this activity. I LOVE the 3D objects that they will get to put in their little containers....I love it when I am wanting to do something "SPECIAL" and something comes together so easily. I suggest you wander through your local Dollar Tree and ask yourself, "COULD I USE THAT IN BIBLE CLASS?" If BIBLE CLASS is always on your mind---YOU WILL BE AMAZED at WHAT YOU WILL FIND!!!