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Showing posts with label Early Arrival Activity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Early Arrival Activity. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Bible Class Bags!!!

We are beginning  a NEW "QUARTER" this upcoming SUNDAY.  I am already so excited about getting the opportunity to teach the KINGS of JUDAH to the KIDDOS.  I LOVE to start out a NEW "QUARTER" with a LOT of FANFARE!!        When we start a new "QUARTER" we don our EXPLORER HATS and sing our "WE ARE BIBLE EXPLORERS..." SONG.  We "TRAVEL" around the room and view all the exciting changes.  We do a BRIEF,but very exciting overview of WHAT WE ARE GONG TO BE LEANING!!!!  It is truly a special time.    

To make this even MORE special, I wanted to give the  KIDDOS a "SPECIAL BAG" for their Bible Class items.    In the past, I  have had the KIDDOS decorate their own canvas bag. This is always a FUN activity...but, it is also TIME CONSUMING.  I try to use EAA Time for activities like DECORATING a BAG...but, when you have a few "LATE ARRIVERS" it makes it much more difficult to complete during class time. 

Since I have a WHOLE new crop of KIDDOS and I know that KIDDOS love to decorate their OWN BAG, I was considering doing the CANVAS BAGS again.  But, when I went to the DOLLAR TREE, to buy some new canvas bags (THEY HAVE THEM IN ALL SORTS OF COLORS FOR THE SPRING!!), I happened to see these NYLON, BACK PACK bags.

I really LIKED these BAGS.   Then I began to think....HUM, (that is how I think)..."I have NEVER done BACKPACKS for the KIDDOS!!!!"  So, I quickly tossed several of these backpacks into my buggy.  (YES, I know it is called a SHOPPING CART...but, I have ALWAYS called it a BUGGY.)  :-)  I bought blue for the boys and pink for the girls.  

I decided to  do the decorating of these bags.  I wrote the KIDDO'S names on the Back Packs, DREW a BIBLE and Wrote the PURPOSE for the BACK PACK.  I used METALLIC Sharpie Markers.  I think they turned out really SWEET.  I hope the KIDDOS LIKE them!!!  (If the KIDDOS want to further decorate their bags they can color on them outside of class time.) 

The purpose for these BAGS is simple.  When the KIDDOS leave my classroom they often have several things to carry.  They have a MEMORY VERSE card, their TAKE HOME project, their "I CAN TAKE NOTES DURING WORSHIP" sheet, etc.  So, my hope is that this will expedite the getting things from our CLASSROOM to home and back again.  A TEACHER CAN HOPE!!!!!!  :-)

Starting a NEW QUARTER is so exciting and RECEIVING a SPECIAL BAG with their NAME on it should REALLY EXCITE the KIDDOS.  I know I am excited!!!  

BTW, Jeremiah is no longer in my class....but, since he is my son...and he saw what I was making for all my KIDDOS...and he asked me very, very nicely.  I MADE HIM A BAG TOO.  :-)



Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Milk Cap for Memorizing the Books of The Bible

I LOVE to teach KIDDOS the BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.  I love to hear them SAY the Books of the Bible.  My favorite is to hear them attempt to say Deuteronomy!!!    

I have used several different METHODS of encouraging the KIDDOS to MEMORIZE the books of the BIBLE.  We have made a BOOKS of The BIBLE CHAIN!!!  We have made a BOOKS of The BIBLE PUZZLE!!!  We have done an INCH WORM on LEAVES method of encouraging the KIDDOS to memorize the BOOKS of The BIBLE,  etc.  

However, I have a "NEW" set of KIDDOS in my classroom.  You see, the  OLDER KIDDOS moved up into the NEXT class, this Past Summer.   I had some of the 4 Year Olds MOVE up  from the NURSERY CLASS.  Then we had a family move to the area....All this means I have a SLEW of "NEW" KIDDOS in my classroom.  :-)  

Having "NEW" KIDDOS means it is time to work on  MEMORIZING the BOOKS of THE BIBLE.  This is one  challenge that I like to help the KIDDOS succeed meeting.  I LOVE to hear their little voices as they say the BOOKS of THE BIBLE and I LOVE seeing their faces when they realize that they MASTERED saying all 66 Books!!!!! 


So, I began thinking about HOW to get the KIDDOS excited about memorizing all the BOOKS of THE BIBLE.  I wanted something DIFFERENT!!!  I wanted something EASY to make!  I wanted something FUN for the KIDDOS to use!!  I wanted something that was NOT Terribly Expensive!!  I wanted something that WOULD be EXCITING!!! 

Well, I already had a BUNCH of MILK (WATER, JUICE, ETC.) Caps.  You see, I just mentioned to the congregation that I would appreciate the donation of all these types of CAPS.  (If you let member know you are needing something they LOVE to DONATE to your cause.)  I use  MILK CAPS for several OTHER GAMES and ACTIVITIES.  So, I am ALWAYS collecting them!!!  

I decided to use a EMPTY WIPE CONTAINER!!  We have some of these SAVED up...but, I just let the member know I need more and the donations have been ROLLING in.    Each KIDDO will have their OWN CONTAINER to decorate!!!  I just PRINTED a "LABEL" using my PRINTMASTER PROGRAM.  The KIDDOS will color theirs and then we will glue them onto the container.  We have a few extra stickers for embellishments. 

I printed each Book of The Bible onto a 1 INCH circle Sticker.  Stuck them to to TOP of the CAPS and WALLAH they are READY!!  I did divided up the COLORS of CAPS to go along with the Division of the Bible---  5 Clear caps for LAW, 12 Green Caps for HISTORY,  5 Purple Caps for POETRY, 5 Dark Blue Caps for MAJOR PROPHETS,  12 Green Caps for MINOR PROPHETS, 4 Green Caps for GOSPELS, 1 Brown Cap for HISTORY, 21 Blue Caps for EPISTLES AND 1 Pink Cap for PROPHECY.  

 I used VARIOUS CLIP ARTS for the Books of The Bible Stickers.  I used clip art from the PRINTMASTER Program that I own.  I just picked out clip art that I thought represented the BOOK I put it with.

I use clip art from Phillip Martin at       
I used clip art from Cool Clip art at

 The KIDDOS will ADD a CAP for EACH BOOK of the BIBLE they Memorize.  I will have the KIDDOS memorize them in small groups of books.    WE will also be doing this during the EAA!  Early Arriver Activities.  Since, MOST of the KIDDOS are EARLY ARRIVERS this will be a WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to use that time for going over the BOOKS of THE BIBLE and PUTTING the CAPS into the CONTAINERS. 

This is what it LOOKS like when ALL 66 Milk Caps are placed inside the cylinder.    I am PRAYING that the KIDDOS will LOVE to PLAY with this AFTER they get to Take it HOME.  My SON (he is 8 years old) said, he thought this was "COOL."  I asked him if he would find a way to PLAY with it...He said, "SURE, MOM!!"  Then he said he would STACK the CAPS UP INTO A TOWER as he said the BOOKS of the BIBLE.   I feel if it is APPROVED by Jeremiah it is a KEEPER! (BTW, Jeremiah is a really TOUGH critic. He is BRUTALLY honest!)

Memorizing the BOOKS of THE BIBLE can be tedious and difficult on young KIDDOS.  But, if you make it FUN and ENJOYABLE the KIDDOS REALLY GET INTO THE CHALLENGE!!  



Thursday, January 17, 2013


Just wanted to share some pics of one of my KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH.    We took pictures of All of the KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH!  We will be using the pictures in the future.  The KIDDOS LOVED getting in the FISH!!!!

I LOVE this one!!!!   PRAYING "JONAH." 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bible Detectives!!!!

We are starting something NEW.  This is an opportunity for all of OUR KIDDOS, that attend Bible Classes here at our congregation, to expand their Bible Knowledge!!!

We are going to encourage all of our KIDDOS to be BIBLE DETECTIVES!!!  

We have an area in our classroom hallway that is PERFECT for displaying this BOARD.    It is in a central location and very easy for ALL parents, visitors and students to see.  

Detective Notebook and Special Pencil. 
Each KIDDO will be given a Detective Notebook and Pencil.  Then they will go to the board and jot down the BIBLE Question for the week.  

Date, Question, Answer and Reference. 
They will have a WEEK to FIND the Answer....On WEDNESDAY following the posting of the NEW Question....we will post a CLUE that will help the KIDDO find the answer.  That way if they are STUMPED by the question...they know they will get a bit of help on Wednesday Evening. 

We plan on making the Bible Questions RANGE in difficulty.  We want our little ones to be able to, we will have a few "easier to answer questions"...but, since we want to challenge our older Kiddos we will have some questions that will put their Detective Skills to WORK.  

The area that we will be posting the questions is simply a laminated piece of yellow cardstock paper.  Makes it easy to CHANGE the question.  We simple write on it with an Erasable White Board Marker.  


We want this to be FUN and Educational.  We know that FACTS are very Basic Learning Skills ...but, if we can get the KIDDOS searching the Scriptures for answers then we will be helping to establish a LIFE PRINCIPLE.  

The little POCKET on the bottom right of the board will house PAST Questions (we will write the past questions on those little Magnifying Glasses)...that way if a KIDDOS misses a question they have the opportunity to go back and add the question to their Detective Notebook.  

We are excited about this activity....ALL the teachers are going to participate as well...We are asking them to submit various Bible Questions to be added to the Board.  

NOW,  just some technical info.  The Blue Board is a Science Project Board...I purchased it at Hobby Lobby with a 40 % off coupon.  The Detective Dog, Magnifying Glasses and Border all came from a Classroom Bulletin Board Poster Kit that I purchased at Mardel (school supply store.)  The little box on the bottom right corner came from Dollar Tree.  The words "Bible Detective" were printed from my computer graphics program.  The little Detective Notebooks are from Dollar Tree (4 for $1.00)...I just printed a Label and recovered the front of each Notebook.  The pencils came from Dollar Tree.  I had the Yellow Cardstock Paper in my supplies.  

Hope this might inspire you to challenge the KIDDOS that attend your congregation....Help them LEARN to LOVE EXPLORING their BIBLE!!!  The BIBLE holds all the ANSWERS to LIFE!!!  Let's get the KIDDOS SEARCHING their BIBLE today!!!!



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

REVIEW WEEK---Milk Carton Chute

Our Review Week is coming up soon.  We ALWAYS have a BIG REVIEW at the end of a QUARTER.  I normally PULL out something from each PAST lesson to display on REVIEW SUNDAY.  I will post pics of our REVIEW SUNDAY soon. 

But, in preparation for REVIEW Sunday, I made a simple and yet FUN Review Game for the KIDDOS.  I was reminded about these easy to make Card Chutes while cruisin on Pinterest.  I had FORGOTTEN all about these...  The funny thing is, I remember making these way back when I was in the Third Grade.  (Thank to Mrs. McMillan.)  When we made these were used them to practice our Times Tables!!!  However, we will be using THIS Milk Carton Card Chute to Review Bible Questions on the First Three Kings of Israel! 

The construction of this is fairly easy...and if you are a follower on Pinterest just look at my board on Bible Class...I pinned the instructions on the construction of the Chute there.  To make the chute you will need, a Carton, Cardstock, and Tape or Glue.  You can cover your Chute with Paper, Duct Tape, Paint, Contact Paper, etc. Then print out or hand write your QUESTION cards.  Making sure the cards will fit through the chute.  I hand wrote the answers on the back of each card with a sharpie...I have not mastered the double sided printing thing to well, yet!!  :)

BTW, I think this would make a great EAA.

To use this REVIEW Game I let the children "draw" a card from the box....then they had to tell me the it in the Chute and see if they were right.  If they did not know the answer then all the KIDDOS would "help" the one that did not know the answer...and then check to see if they were correct.  The KIDDOS love any type of REVIEW that is NOT just me asking questions...and this seems to give them OWNERSHIP of their REVIEW...They pull the question card.  They answer.  They check.  (I do have to help with reading the cards for my KIDDOS that are not reading yet.)

Another GREAT thing about this REVIEW GAME.....My family is taking a VACATION!!!!  We are going to Myrtle Beach, SC.  This makes an EASY GAME for my substitute teacher to play with the KIDDOS.  Plus there are TONS of REVIEW Questions.  I love REVIEWS that are fun...and they help me know if the KIDDOS are MISSING anything from their understanding of past lessons.  It is a great way to show me what I need to "RECOVER," "REEXPLAIN," or "REEMPHASIZE,"  before we MOVE on to "NEW" material.

How this works:  Put Card in top of Chute....And it will SLIDE out the bottom with the Answer Showing.

The View From The Back Deck of My Father-In-Laws Home
While posting this I am sitting in the Mountains of North Carolina.  Spending a bit of time with my husband's family.  It is BEAUTIFUL here....The mountains are GLORIOUS, the SKY is so BLUE and the STARS seem so close I could almost REACH out and touch them.  GOD'S creation is AMAZING!!!!!! 

Hope you are having a WONDERFUL Summer. 



Thursday, May 24, 2012

Puzzle Frames Review Game

As you know I LOVE shopping at the Dollar Tree.  When I walk through the doors of that store I can not stop thinking, "Bible Class, Bible Class, Bible Class."  Every aisle I  walk down I am asking myself, "What Do I See that I Can use in Bible Class?


One day while shopping at our  local Dollar Tree Store I saw these adorable Puzzle Shape Picture Frames.  I was soooo excited.  I immediately thought, "GOD'S PLAN FOR MAN."    Since GOD'S Plan For Man fits together JUST LIKE A PUZZLE.  Needless to say, I was THRILLED!!!  

I just added the pictures to make these little frames into a REVIEW Activity for the KIDDOS.    To "PLAY" this Review Game,  I scatter the puzzle pieces on the table and let the KIDDOS put GOD'S PLAN FOR MAN in order.  

Bonus...these are also magnetic.  So, I can place them on my magnetic board too.  

    The Kiddos LOVE "PLAYING" with this PUZZLE.  

These little frames have so many possibilities.  You could use them for a Bible Class Bulletin Board that says "We Are A Perfect Fit."  Placing Pics of the Kiddos in the Frames.  Or you could use them as a Review System for any BIBLE FACT list....Days of Creation, Sons of Jacob, Plagues, 10 Commandments, Judges, Kings, Prophets, Apostles, Attributes of Love,  Fruit of The Spirit, etc.   You could also use them to TELL a BIBLE story...Showing that if you leave a PIECE of THE PUZZLE out it is an INCOMPLETE STORY. Then let the KIDDOS put the story in the correct order.  SOOOOO many possibilities!!!!!  

If you find yourself in a DOLLAR TREE....take time to BROWSE and think...  "BIBLE CLASS!"  



Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Personal White Boards Make GREAT Teaching Aides.

As you know, I ALWAYS have some sort of EAA (Early Arrivers Activity) for my KIDDOS.  I usually have the same EAA for 2 weeks.  I try to CHANGE out the EAA'S often...yet keep a bit of consistency during a particular lesson.

If this is your first time coming to the HANDS ON BIBLE TEACHER website, let me explain what EAA'S are....If you have been here before, just SKIP ahead!  :)  

I believe it is very important to use EVERY minute of Bible Class time as TEACHABLE Moments.  From the second a KIDDO comes into the is time to be teaching.   And,  do to the fact that I have several "EARLY ARRIVERS" I want to make sure to have something that is relevant to BIBLE LEARNING for the KIDDOS to do....Thus became the need for EAAS.  

By the way, these PERSONAL size whiteboards came from LOWES.  I purchased a LARGE sheet of WALL BOARD and then had the very sweet and helpful guy, that ran the saw at the store, cut them down to size for me.  There were several cuts that had to be made....but, when I explained that they were for teaching Bible Class...they did not even charge me for all that cutting!!!  (We now have these personal whiteboards in every classroom!!!!!)  

This past Sunday I wanted the KIDDOS to draw me a picture of their Favorite story about David.  So, before Bible Class I coded each board with "Favorite Story About David."    When the KIDDOS arrived they were instructed to draw their FAVORITE STORY about the life of David.   

He really enjoyed DRAWING me a picture of his Favorite Story About David.  This KIDDO decided to draw a picture of KING David singing Psalms to The LORD.   I LOVE David's ROBE and CROWN!!!...and the "LO, LO, LO, LO, LO, LO" is David Singing.  (I LOVE KID DRAWINGS!!!)

This KIDDO decided to draw me a picture of David and Jonathan.  She says she LOVES that they were BFF'S.  I LOVE her drawing!!!!   She said Jonathan needed curly hair!!!!  :)

I was impressed at how much the KIDDOS remembered about the life of David.    Even though the KIDDOS were having FUN drawing....this gave me an opportunity to SEE what the had learned about the life of King David.  This was a way of TESTING my past me a way to know if they are really "GETTING" the lessons I am teaching.   These "TESTS" are fun...and the KIDDOS do not even realize I am "TESTING" their memory!!!  :)

I always try to find FUN and EXCITING ways to make sure the KIDDOS remember their past lessons.  This just happens to be one of my FAVORITES!!  



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Paint Paddles Turned Bible Facts Review Sticks!!!

Paint Paddles are NOT just for mixing paint.  :)  I Decided to make some Bible Facts Review Sticks. These are based off something I saw on Pinterest.  (BTW, I love Pinterest!!!)    

I have by no means exhausted ALL the Bible Facts, List, People, etc.  Matter-of-Fact, I need to finish the one I am making for the Kings of Israel, The Prophets of both the Northern and Southern Nations, The Beatitudes, Acts of Worship, Parables, Jesus Attributes, etc.

These will be used as an EAA...for the first few weeks....However, I am probably going to be using them as I teach on the topics, too.  Letting each one of the Kiddos ADD a piece as we talk about the subject.   

I am also considering using this method as a WAY of telling the Bible Story....If I do, You will see it here on the website.  

Enough of my rambling.....This is how I made these.   I purchased these LARGER paddles for $0.28 each at Walmart.  Then,  I printed and laminated pictures from our Bible Flip Facts Charts....making sure to make  ONE picture for the HEADER pic that I glued on the TOP of the paddle.  I then attached the prickly side of adhesive VELCRO strips to the paddle.  I then attached the soft side to the pics.  My thoughts being... LITTLE HANDS would be holding the pictures and I did not want them to get stuck by the prickly Velcro.  

It really did not take much time to make these....Cutting out the little pieces took the longest time....but, I can "watch" more like LISTEN to a movie or the news while cutting out laminated items.  :)  

Days Of Creation Paddle
Putting It In Order.
This is how we will use the Review Sticks.   I will be handing the KIDDOS a Paint Paddle with all the Velcro pieces in a baggie.  Then they will have to PUT the pieces on the Paint Paddle in the CORRECT ORDER.  
(With my help and encouragement, of course.)   


These are ready to go for SUNDAY.  We will be using them as this weeks EAA!!!!!  I love it when I get to give the KIDDOS something "NEW" to do.  And, anything that helps them LEARN their Bible Facts!!!!!  

Hope you are excited about this FUN, EASY and CHEAP way to help our KIDDOS learn their Bible FACTS!  

