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Showing posts with label King Saul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King Saul. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013


Welcome to BOX 5. 
This is our period of the KINGS BOX.

Here is a QUICK PEEK.  

This is what I currently have in this box.  I do NOT have all my little KINGS of JUDAH in the box---they are currently on display on the table, since we are learning about them!  

Here are our KINGS from the UNITED KINGDOM.  King  Saul, King David and King Solomon.   

Notice, I have several item to go along with David.....Sheep, Sling Shot, Bag of Stones, Harp. 

For King Solomon I have the TEMPLE behind him! 

(At some point I hope to find some small donkeys to go along with King Saul.)   

I am sure you can figure out that is the Prophet Elijah ---heading to heaven in a whirlwind....I do not have a chariot, yet.  So, for now I just stuck him in the whirlwind.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
The little windup toys represent PROPHETS, in general....the KIDDOS get sooooo excited when I get them out and we sing, "A PROPHET IS A MESSENGER." 

We have a RAVEN---finger puppet---came in a KIDS MEAL.  I have a LARGE FISH and "Jonah" is inside the belly.    I have a WICKED QUEEN---she can be Ataliah or Jezebel depending on which story we are focused upon reviewing. 

Here is a quick peek inside of the Great Big Fish.

I have a MAP of the Divided Kingdom and the Kings of the tub. 

I am enjoying sharing these boxes with all of you. Hope you are RETHINKING about TOYS.   Sometimes toys are the PERFECT teaching TOOL!!



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

REVIEW WEEK---Milk Carton Chute

Our Review Week is coming up soon.  We ALWAYS have a BIG REVIEW at the end of a QUARTER.  I normally PULL out something from each PAST lesson to display on REVIEW SUNDAY.  I will post pics of our REVIEW SUNDAY soon. 

But, in preparation for REVIEW Sunday, I made a simple and yet FUN Review Game for the KIDDOS.  I was reminded about these easy to make Card Chutes while cruisin on Pinterest.  I had FORGOTTEN all about these...  The funny thing is, I remember making these way back when I was in the Third Grade.  (Thank to Mrs. McMillan.)  When we made these were used them to practice our Times Tables!!!  However, we will be using THIS Milk Carton Card Chute to Review Bible Questions on the First Three Kings of Israel! 

The construction of this is fairly easy...and if you are a follower on Pinterest just look at my board on Bible Class...I pinned the instructions on the construction of the Chute there.  To make the chute you will need, a Carton, Cardstock, and Tape or Glue.  You can cover your Chute with Paper, Duct Tape, Paint, Contact Paper, etc. Then print out or hand write your QUESTION cards.  Making sure the cards will fit through the chute.  I hand wrote the answers on the back of each card with a sharpie...I have not mastered the double sided printing thing to well, yet!!  :)

BTW, I think this would make a great EAA.

To use this REVIEW Game I let the children "draw" a card from the box....then they had to tell me the it in the Chute and see if they were right.  If they did not know the answer then all the KIDDOS would "help" the one that did not know the answer...and then check to see if they were correct.  The KIDDOS love any type of REVIEW that is NOT just me asking questions...and this seems to give them OWNERSHIP of their REVIEW...They pull the question card.  They answer.  They check.  (I do have to help with reading the cards for my KIDDOS that are not reading yet.)

Another GREAT thing about this REVIEW GAME.....My family is taking a VACATION!!!!  We are going to Myrtle Beach, SC.  This makes an EASY GAME for my substitute teacher to play with the KIDDOS.  Plus there are TONS of REVIEW Questions.  I love REVIEWS that are fun...and they help me know if the KIDDOS are MISSING anything from their understanding of past lessons.  It is a great way to show me what I need to "RECOVER," "REEXPLAIN," or "REEMPHASIZE,"  before we MOVE on to "NEW" material.

How this works:  Put Card in top of Chute....And it will SLIDE out the bottom with the Answer Showing.

The View From The Back Deck of My Father-In-Laws Home
While posting this I am sitting in the Mountains of North Carolina.  Spending a bit of time with my husband's family.  It is BEAUTIFUL here....The mountains are GLORIOUS, the SKY is so BLUE and the STARS seem so close I could almost REACH out and touch them.  GOD'S creation is AMAZING!!!!!! 

Hope you are having a WONDERFUL Summer. 



Monday, May 2, 2011

Saul Anointed King of Hebrews by Samuel

Our recent lesson on  Saul being anointed King of the Hebrews was a WONDERFUL success.    The kiddos were very excited about this lesson.  

We began by reviewing the life of Samuel.    Samuel was a wonderful JUDGE for the Hebrews.  The Hebrews loved Samuel very much and knew he was getting e other old.  They decided they needed a KING just like all the other nations.  Even though they were warned by GOD that a king would make there life hard they continued to complain and ask for a king.

God decided to give them what they wanted.  So, Saul was chosen as The King of the Hebrews. Saul was out looking for his father's lost donkeys when Samuel found him and anointed him king.  However, when it came time to be presented before the people at Gilgal, Saul became a bit shy and hid in the baggage.  

So, with the idea of Saul hiding in the baggage, I decided we would make "Binoculars" out of toilet paper tubes (as our Take Home Project)...and we would go on a KING HUNT.  

 Our Memory Verse was Psalm 145:1 "I will praise YOU, my GOD, O KING, I will bless YOUR name forever..."  We sang it to the tune '10 Little Indians.'

We added two new placed to our Map.  We added the Land of Zuph and Gilgal.  The kiddos, once again, AMAZED ME.    They remembered that Joshua had set up the 12 Memorial Stones at Gilgal.  I am so happy when they remember facts that they learned a long time ago. 

For a Visual aid I used a clip art program I have and printed out a large "Samuel" and large "Saul."  I set them in a cookie pan, because I used water (as oil) to pour from the shofar (which was made from a costume viking hat.)  I just sliced the bottom off the horn and it would hold water. The kiddos LOVED this visual.  And it really drove home the point of one being anointed.  BTW, "ANOINT" is one of our WORD WALL WORDS.   

This is my homemade "shofar."  However, I am planning on adding detail to it later.   (When I do I will post another pic.)  It was a quick fix and filled a need.  My daughter had a viking hat, that she had worn for a school project.  However, the little brothers had got a hold of it and for some reason it only had 1 horn, just prior to pitching the hat in the plastic recycle bin...I thought, "Hey, I could use this horn as a shofar."  I ended up slicing the end off so that it would be opened and I could fill it with water.  This was sooo easy.  This plastic was so soft I was able to cut it with an exact-o knife.   My encouragement to you is:  BEFORE YOU THROW IT AWAY, STOP AND THINK!!!!  Ask yourself, "Could I re-purpose this for a Bible Class item, visual, review, game, etc." 

For our REVIEW/GAME we went on a "KING HUNT."  As the kiddos were working on getting their "Binoculars" made, my assistant hid SAUL in the classroom.  Then I asked a Review Question from the lesson....after the kiddos answered the question they went on a hunt for SAUL.  As we hunted for King Saul, we chanted, "We're Going On A King Hunt..." (see the pic to the right.)  The kiddo that found Saul was then given the opportunity to hide Saul for the others to find.  It was a lot of fun.  
** On a funny note----later that day, I heard one little girl walking around the foyer of the church building chanting, "I'm going on a King hunt.  I'm looking for King Saul.  I'm going on a King Hunt.  But, He's hiding from us all!!!!"  I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

This is the kiddo's Explorer Journal Activity.  They made these on Wednesday evening.  This was really fun for the kiddos.  They are able to make Saul pop up from hiding in the baggage.  I love how they turned out!!!

Teaching the Kingdom History of the Hebrews to little ones is not necessarily an easy task...but, it is so fulfilling.    I want these kiddos to know their Old Testament History!!!!!!  The desire for them to know more and more is what keeps me motivated.    Well, until next time.




Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tissue Box Turned Review Game!!!! KING SAUL

Today has be one of  "THOSE" days.  I had a TON of things to get done and nothing seemed to be working out right.  So, when I began working on this idea I was NOT sure how it would turn out.  However, I am happy to say that I am happy with the results.  This is a fairly simple thing to make....and I feel it will be VERY useful in my efforts to teach the kiddos about the first 3 Kings of Israel.  

Today, I was able to make the REVIEW box for Saul.  As, I get the other two made--I am currently waiting for some of the tissue boxes around the church building to be emptied---I will post pics here on the blog.  I have been going around all the classrooms and checking to see if any of the boxes happened to be emptied.  Not yet, but I have my eye on one box...I figure it will be emptied either tonight or at least by Sunday.  I know I lead an exciting life---waiting around for boxes of tissues to get emptied----how exciting is that!!!!!!  :-)

So, this is what I did....  I took an empty tissue box and traced it onto the self-adhesive Fun Foam.  (I had bought a TON of this at the local Hobby Lobby during one of their clearance sales.)  I then applied the fun foam to each side of the box.  I did attach the top then cut slices in the opening area.  I just pushed the foam up to the bottom of the top of the box.  I did make several slices in the opening area...that made it easier to push it up under and stick it to the inside top.  I did NOT like the "raw" edges at the corners of the box.  So, I cut strips of yellow fun foam and covered the edges!  I LOVE how the box looks!!!!

Next, I printed out "FACTS" about KING SAUL.  These are facts that the kiddos know or WILL LEARN in the next few lessons.  We will review ALL these facts about KING SAUL...and I will allow them to put them in the box.  However, it will become more and more challenging of a REVIEW...when we add a DAVID box and fact cards and then a SOLOMON box and fact cards.  I want to challenge my kiddos in fun and exciting ways.   I know they will amaze me and do GREAT with this type of REVIEW!    


The possibilities with this type of idea are endless....You could make a box for each division of the the Bible.  LAW, HISTORY, POETRY, MAJOR PROPHETS, MINOR PROPHETS.  GOSPEL, HISTORY, EPISTLES, PROPHECY.  Then print out card with each book of the Bible on them.  The kiddos would have to put them in the correct category box.    Or, you could do a JUDGE, KING, PROPHET set of boxes.  Then print out different Bible Characters and have them put them in the correct box.  Or, you could do a simple OLD Testament and NEW Testament box set.  Then print out Bible Character's names...the kiddos would then have to remember did the person live during the OLD or NEW Testament Time Period.  The ideas are endless!!!!!!!!  

Hope this helps you to GET CREATIVE with your BIBLE REVIEWS!!!!!  
You want your Review Time to engage a kiddo's learning in a positive way.  You do NOT want to bore a kiddo!  So, make REVIEW GAMES CREATIVE!!!!

