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Showing posts with label Missionary Journeys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missionary Journeys. Show all posts

Sunday, July 9, 2017

When You Can't Find Visuals---Make Them, Use What You Have, Be Resourceful

Recently our 2nd through 4th graders were learning about Paul's Missionary Journeys.  However, we could not find a really good POSTER/BULLETIN BOARD set for the classroom.  So, what we decided to do was PART and PIECE various visuals for their "Bulletin Board" wall.  (As you can see they do not have a Bulletin Board in their classroom, so we use the wall.)

      We had the MAPS in our MAPS POSTER FILE.  
We had the Laminated Yellow Posters.

The KIDDOS get to Write the Name of Each City on these. 

PAUL, is borrowed from the 2-4 year old classroom.

  We have a Bible Character Set (no longer in print.)  We believe in sharing from classroom to classroom when needed.  

I printed the Boat and Anchors.  

I use the Printmaster Program.  I love that it does poster size!!  

For clarity, we know Paul did not SAIL to every stop he made.  But, for this display we had each ANCHOR for each Journey.  They wrote Paul's stops on each anchor ---First Journey on one Anchor.  Second on another.  Third on another.  

We have decided to PRINT the SHIP out on a much larger scale for the next time they teach the Journeys of Paul.

They displayed my 1st Missionary Journey song Poster Size.  I am still working on songs for the 2nd and 3rd Journey.  

The KIDDOS Added a "Paul" sticker for Attendance and a "Ship" sticker for arriving with a completed lesson. They printed the map from a website.  

They also reused our ABC'S though ACTS posters. These have a basic synopsis of each chapter based upon the letters of the Alphabet.  
   Chapter One

 Ascension of Christ

I want to suggest you laminate everything!!!  If you take the time to make something---LAMINATE if for later use!!!  

