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Showing posts with label Party Hat Visuals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Party Hat Visuals. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2012

"Party Hat" Visuals

I have still be working on this weeks  LESSON about Elijah's Majestic Ride Into Heaven.  This lesson will be taught this up coming Sunday.  I wanted some VISUALS...that were a "little" different than the VISUALS I have been using....So, I began to think.......(insert cricket sound here.)

Well, after a few days of pondering this is what I came up with... "PARTY HAT" VISUALS.  At least that is what I am calling them.   At first I was going to PRINT my visuals and then glue them to party hats....After all, I can get 8 for a $1.00 at Dollar Tree.  But, I was running short on time and really could not see that I was going to have the time to go by the Dollar Tree before Sunday.... 

Wicked Ahab and Wicked Jezeb
SO, what was I going to do....  That is when I began looking into my PATTERNS....NOPE---can you believe it---NO PARTY HAT PATTERN.    But, then, just as I launched my Printmaster Program--The PROGRAM I use for EVERYTHING,  (insert my hubby shuddering with concern...he is not a fan of the way Printmaster does not AUTO SAVE.)  I saw it had an area called PRINTABLE PARTY Supplies.  Holding my breath--not really long--I began looking at the projects.  That is when I saw that they had a FABULOUS (MAKE YOUR OWN) Party Hats area....YAY!!!!!!  I used their HAT as my Template! 

I used MY own BIBLE CHARACTER Drawings---except for the one of the Chariot of Fire...That came from

Because, I used my drawings---I was able to manipulate my characters in my Picture Editing program.  :-)

Elisha with Oxen
Now, if you could have been here you would have heard me do one of those "SQUEALS of EXCITEMENT" that I do when I get really excited about an IDEA.  BTW,  those SQUEALS have been known to happen ANY WHERE---They have happened in Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Ross, Walmart, Hardware stores, Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, Bible Book Stores!!!  My family has sort of gotten used to teenage son is the ONLY one that seems a bit embarresed by it.  :-)  

OK---Now the first few tries of making these DID not GO so well---LOL  It was all about the PLACEMENT of the FACES....I worked on it via my Picture Editing Program....and FINALLY came out with something I was happy with....So,  then I PRINTED, LAMINATED, CUT OUT and ASSEMBLED my Visuals.  

I think they turned out cute...and my KIDDOS will PROBABLY want to WEAR them on their HEADS.... Which has me to thinking...IF I have enough students here on SUNDAY...I may have them put the "HATS" on as a QUICK REVIEW of the STORY...If I run short on time...I will suggest it to my Wednesday Co-Teacher.  

My plan is to place one Party Hat on the table at a I tell the story to the KIDDOS.  


If these go over WELL with my KIDDOS, I will probably make MORE "PARTY HAT"  VISUAL AIDES in  the future.