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Showing posts with label Solomon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solomon. Show all posts

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Solomon Shares His Wisdom Through The Proverbs

This weeks lesson is ALL about Solomon Sharing His Wisdom through the Proverbs.  We will take brief looks at SEVERAL Proverbs....I really would LOVE to spend about 12 weeks on the PROVERBS....but, since I am trying to FOCUS on writing lessons for the KIDDOS focusing on GOD'S AWESOME PLAN for MAN....we only spend 2 weeks on the Proverbs.  (HOWEVER, ONE OF THESE DAYS I WANT TO WRITE AND ENTIRE LESSON SERIES, FOR THE KIDDOS, JUST ON THE PROVERBS.)   The PROVERBS are FILLED with wonderful LIFE LESSONS.  If you have never studied the PROVERBS then may I suggest you do.  I LOVE the book of Proverbs. 

I have our Do You Know? Wall ready to go...By the end of class time I want the KIDDOS to be able to ANSWER ALL THESE Questions.

We will be singing this SONG this Sunday for sure...Since we are focusing on Solomon Sharing His Wisdom with Us through the Proverbs.

For our TAKE HOME activity we will be making a SCROLL.  I used one of my favorite Proverbs for this project.   I love that it teaches that KIDDOS need to TREASURE the COMMANDMENTS taught with in the Bible.
These scrolls are made from BROWN construction paper and dowels.  I just ran the paper through the copier to get the WORDS and IMAGE on to it.  Then I ADDED the dowels to the top and the bottom.  (Remember, I do NOT believe crafts should take up a LOT of class time so, I do much of the preparation before class time.)

During class time the KIDDOS will COLOR the Scroll, Distress the paper (CRUMPLE IT UP) to make it look OLD and then roll it up like a Scroll.  Simple to make and yet very effective...I know they will LOVE having their very own SCROLL.  Simple things IMPRESS the KIDDOS!!!!

Our Memory Verse come from the book of PROVERBS!!!  I LOVE the fact that this verse teaches WHERE WISDOM comes from....It will allow me to REINFORCE the lesson we had on Solomon's Wisdom...and how we can have WISDOM too!!!  (We will sing this Memory Verse to a rough version of The Turkey In The Straw.)

Our REVIEW Game this week will be FUN.  We will gather on the carpet for this game....EACH of the KIDDOS will have a "YES" and "NO" paddle.  I will pull out cards and read them to the KIDDOS....If it is a BIBLICAL Proverb the KIDDOS will hold up their "YES" Paddle....If it is not a BIBLICAL Proverb the KIDDOS will hold up their "NO" Paddle.   

I have made up some pretty SILLY NON-BIBLICAL Proverbs... For example:   "Sandwiches are best eaten SOGGY."   I figured we could have a few LAUGHS while playing this game.  :) 

Next week we will REVIEW this LESSON and do our EXPLORER JOURNAL ACTIVITY.  For this Activity the KIDDOS will add SCROLLS of PROVERBS to their Activity Page....I feel like this one is best explained by the pics.  I did want the scrolls to be a bit 3D so the KIDDOS will attach them to the 3D double stick foam stickers...I have the stickers on the page already...that way the KIDDOS can spend their time coloring and then just PEEL and STICK their SCROLL on....I did use BRIGHT CARD STOCK for this activity....JUST FOR FUN!  The KIDDOS love it when I use COLORED Card stock...It is just those little touches that excite them.  :)

Once the KIDDOS complete this activity we will tuck it safely into the EXPLORER JOURNAL.  Since we are quickly approaching the end of a quarter the KIDDOS will be taking home their EXPLORER JOURNALS soon.  They are getting excited about SHARING their EXPLORER JOURNALS with their family.  



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

KIDDOS Build "Solomon's Temple"

Just a quick post to show you why my KIDDOS AMAZE me.  

As you know we "PLAYED" a REVIEW GAME during our LESSON on Solomon Builds The Temple.    The "GAME" went like this:  I asked the KIDDOS a question from the LESSON and they'd answer.  If they got the answer correct they added a BLOCK to the "TEMPLE."  

I was soooo impressed with the TEMPLE that the KIDDOS built I decided I really needed to SHARE it with you.  

The first Sunday of our lesson...this is what they had accomplished.  Each KIDDO adding a block for each correct answer they gave.  I was impressed with this.....BUT WAIT.......

The following SUNDAY the KIDDOS COMPLETED their version of Solomon's Temple....and this is what it looked like!!!!!!!!

This PIC is a side view of the KIDDOS Temple.  The 3 blocks in the back, with the single block on top...well that is their version of the MOST HOLY PLACE!!! Inside they placed a cylinder block to represent the ARK of The Covenant.

This is the FRONT view....COLUMNS and ALL!!!!   If you stop to think about this process it just might AMAZE you too.  My KIDDOS range in age 4 to 8.  We have a split number of boys and girls.  They had to be able to ANSWER QUESTIONS from the lesson individually.  Then they had to have a bit of TEAM the older ones really helped the younger ones figure out WHERE they should place the NEXT block (in order to make it look like SOLOMON'S Temple.)  Then they had to have patience with each other....Because, sometimes the one placing the BLOCK was just determined that they wanted the block to go a certain place.   I remind them that GOD wants us to WORK together to ACCOMPLISH HIS WORK....and so, we are SHOWING EACH other RESPECT by Listening to each other, Encouraging each other and Helping each other along.  So, not only did they have to know the FACTS from the LESSON...They also, had to put some Godly LIFE SKILLS to WORK!!!!  I LOVE it when a "GAME" is SOOOOOO much more than a "GAME!" 




Sunday, May 13, 2012

Solomon Builds The Temple

What a wonderful SUNDAY!!!  The KIDDOS were in a GREAT mood.  I love it when they all arrive early/on time and have seemed to have had a good nights rest.    

Our lesson this week was about King Solomon building the Temple.  This was a interesting lesson to teach 4-7 year olds.  They really seemed to GET the fact that GOD needed a PERMANENT place for the Hebrews to come and offer sacrifices and worship HIM.  

To set up the story, I reviewed the Tabernacle....talking about the fact that it was a PORTABLE TENT.  We reminded ourselves of all the vessels that were in the Tabernacle and the purpose for those vessels.  I was THRILLED at how much the remembered.  I was really excited when I asked if any of the KIDDOS remembered what was in the Ark of The Covenant.  And all of the KIDDOS were ready to tell me.   We listed them quickly:  10 Commandments, Aaron's Rod that had budded and a Pot of Manna.  I really am happy when the KIDDOS remember the "facts" from past lessons.  

We filled in our Who? What? When? Where? and Why? Chart.    The KIDDOS really used their listening skills today.  They were able to answer all of the Interrogative Questions.  I was thrilled!!!!  Makes me a happy teacher when the KIDDOS can answer all of these IMPORTANT questions!

I used 3D Visuals for this lesson.  I had the KIDDOS gather around this table and inspect the models of the Tabernacle and The Temple.   I asked them if there were any similarities and any differences.  I love using 3D Visuals when possible.  The KIDDOS loved them too.  (I explained that these are "paper" models and they had to be VERY careful when touching, looking, and examining them.)  The KIDDOS did GREAT!!!!!!

Because I am a firm believer in using LOTS of VISUALS, I placed these posters up on the white board....I LOVE these posters.  My wonderful mother gave them to me as a gift a loooong time ago.  (My family knows what type of gifts I love to get.)   I did jot down a few FACTS about the Tabernacle and Temple above the posters.  

Our Memory Verse is Habakkuk 2:20.  I feel this to be a PERFECT verse for this lesson.  We have a little tune that we sing this verse to...however, I do not believe it is a KNOWN tune.  I think it is a "RONDA Original" tune.  :)

The KIDDOS "Take Home" activity is a POP UP Temple.  They colored their Temple any color they wanted...All of my "older" KIDDOS chose "younger" KIDDOS chose Pink, Blue, and Green.  (I LOVE seeing the KIDDOS at different stages of development.)  We glued on the DIAMOND cut Roof Top, the Columns, and the inside of the door.  The KIDDOS were impressed that the doors opened and closed.  

Our "Review Game" was called "Build A Temple." It was played like this:  The KIDDOS had to answer a question from the lesson for an opportunity to add a block to the "Temple."  They did GREAT!!!  I am including a few pics. taken during class time so you can see how good they were.  

The Song on the "Song Board" is a "Ronda Original" and is sung to the tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat. 

Kiddos Listening Well
What They Built.

 Add A Block To The Temple

Next Sunday, when we review this lesson, the Kiddos will be making a "Puzzle Temple" for their Explorer Journal Activity. 

I have the Temple Pieces cut and in a baggie for each KIDDO.   
After they complete their Temple...they will have time to color in the details.  
(I am thinking I will let them color with my special GOLD markers.)


Teaching lessons, from the books of Kings, to this age group can sometimes be a bit mind boggling....But, I am truly enjoying this challenge.  I LOVE seeing the KIDDOS learning from ALL of GOD'S WORD.   I believe KIDDOS are greatly benefited when we "expand" their BIBLE learning into MORE areas of the BIBLE.  

Hope your Bible Classes went well this past Sunday.



Friday, April 27, 2012

Solomon Asks For Wisdom

Our next lesson is about Solomon being crowned KING.  Our focus during this lesson will be focused upon Solomon's request for WISDOM.    We will be looking at the IMPORTANCE of WISDOM and how we get WISDOM today.    

As you can tell from the picture on the left...we have added a few facts about Solomon to his crown....At the end of this quarter we are going to have a MAJOR review of the first 3 KINGS of Israel....We will scramble all those fact cards that are currently in those "re-purposed tissue boxes" on the floor and see if the kiddos can remember which KING is which. 

Because I believe this is the BEST way to make sure the KIDDOS understand what they learn.....We always have our Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How does this effect me? cards.  We review them as we go through the story...and then again at the end of the story. 

Since the focus of the lesson is on Solomon's request for WISDOM...I decided that the KIDDOS would make a BIBLE bookmark as their "Take Home" project.    They can color it anyway they would like....I have made 2 different colors of tassels...Yellow or Blue.  I will have my helper laminate and trim the bookmarks for the KIDDOS while we do our REVIEW GAME.

We will be adding two new words to our WORD WALL...  I felt these were IMPORTANT words for the KIDDOS to understand....So, we will introduce the words, explain the definition, then add them to our WORD WALL. 

Our Memory Verse comes from Proverbs 3:13....We will sing the memory verse to the tune:  "Rockin My Soul in the Bosom of Abraham".   The KIDDOS impress me with their ability to MEMORIZE these verses....we have had 100% participation and memorization this quarter!!!!

Our Review Game this week...does not come with a picture....because, we are going to be playing "SOLOMON SAYS."  My plan is to play it like Simeon Says...EXCEPT....the KIDDOS will have to answer a question from the lesson before they get to be "SOLOMON" for a turn.   I will start as "SOLOMON"  saying, "Solomon says, hop on your right foot....etc."  Then once we have one KIDDO that gets "OUT" then I will ask a question from the story...the KIDDO that answers it will get to then be "SOLOMON."  

This is a picture of our PEOPLE, PLACE and EVENT Chart....These questions are usually not they type of questions that you can give a one word answer too.  These questions normally ask the KIDDOS, "WHAT DO YOU KNOW?  OR "WHAT CAN YOU TELL ME?"  OR "WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER?"  ETC.  I like knowing WHAT the KIDDOS really think about these REAL EVENTS that took place in the BIBLE. 

Next Sunday, when we REVIEW this lesson we will be doing our EXPLORER JOURNAL activity....I struggled coming up with an activity for the KIDDOS this time...SO, I decided we would FOCUS on the WORD WISDOM!!!  The KIDDOS will COLOR the LETTERS of the WORD WISDOM and then stick them on the WORD "WISDOM" on the Explorer Journal Page.  They will be sticking them to some FOAM stickers that will elevate the letters from the the word a 3D effect.  The KIDDOS will really enjoy the fact that they are going to get to color these with MARKERS....Markers are a "SPECIAL OCCASION" event in our classroom....or, at least the KIDDOS think so.  LOL!!!

We are quickly coming to the end of this quarter's material....We only have 4 weeks left.  I cannot believe how quickly time goes by....My plan is to continue writing material on the Divided Kingdom....That is going to be very exciting and yet challenging all at once....I will keep you updated on the progress.  



Saturday, April 14, 2012

Trash Into Treasure....Solomon's Temple

OK, as you know we have been under some strange weather here in Oklahoma.  Matter-of-fact, we spent some time in our Tornado shelter this morning at 2:30.  I am thankful we have a shelter.    But, on with the story...  My darling hubby will be preaching a Gospel Meeting in another Oklahoma town this week.  So, I  wanted him to buy a weather radio to carry to the hotel with him.  Better to be prepared...IS MY MOTTO!!! 

So, to put his nervous wife at ease...he went to Walmart and bought himself a portable weather radio.  :)    When he unpacked the radio, this packaging was around the ends of the radio... I literally squealed..."LOOK SOLOMON'S TEMPLE."  My very loving and patient hubby....responded.  "You can have the packing material from the box."  I love the gifts he gives me.  :)    

I was busy most of the day, prepping my classroom for Sunday....prepping our Tornado shelter....and prepping my hubby's Suits, Ties, Shirts, etc.  But, I took a few minutes to paint one of these "Temples" to share with you.  

I have not done any DETAIL painting...but, just painting it GOLD makes it look MORE like Solomon's Temple.  :)

I am looking forward to using this during my lessons on Solomon.  I have another "Temple" Model that I will be using...but, this one can sit on the 3D visual  table...and the KIDDOS can have the Hebrews come to the Temple.  Believe me....If I could find 8 of these cardboard Temples....I would have each of my KIDDOS make a Temple as a Take Home Project....Just can't justify buying 4 Weather Alert Radios.  LOL

My encouragement to you is this....BEFORE YOU THROW IT AWAY....THINK!  Ask yourself, "Can I reuse, re-purpose, or remake this TRASH into something that will help me teach a BIBLE LESSON, STORY or VIRTUE? 


