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Showing posts with label Greedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greedy. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2012

Gehazi Gets Greedy

Do You Know Wall?
I am excited about this weeks lesson...IT REALLY SEEMS that I am ALWAYS EXCITED about the LESSONS.  I just CAN'T help it!!!!  I enjoy spending time with the KIDDOS and seeing their excitement and understanding of GOD grow!!!  I am truly BLESSED to be a Bible Class Teacher.

This week the KIDDOS will be learning about Elisha's servant Gehazi.   Gehazi had been with Elisha and had seen the miracles Elisha had performed....THOUGH THE POWER OF GOD....and yet, Gehazi makes a terrible choice.  (2 Kings 5)

This lesson will allow me not only to teach the HISTORY of Elisha, Naaman and Gehazi....but, it will allow me to EXPAND and talk to the KIDDOS about GREED!!  I did not purposefully intend this lesson to fall within the month of Christmas....BUT, with the GIMME, GIMME, GIMME attitudes all around, I think this is a TRUE blessing  that this lesson did fall within this month!! 

There are several WORDS that we will be adding to our WORD WALL.  I want to make sure the KIDDOS understand how these WORDS relate to our story,.    I want the KIDDOS to understand that GOD wants us to be CONTENT and GENEROUS....but, NEVER GREEDY!!!

The KIDDOS learned a NEW SONG with this LESSON and the LOVED IT!!!!  I think it is because the had the opportunity to say "SHAME ON YOU!!!"  (This song is a RONDA original tune.)

This weeks MEMORY VERSE is from Proverbs 28:25.  We will sing this to the tune:  "The Three Blind Mice."

This weeks VISUALS AID comes is made from a SCRAP of FOAM CORE BOARD, CLIP ART and Markers.  I cut some very thin slices in the foam core board...that way I can SLIDE my characters around...I added some trees and a background, that I printed from my Printmaster Program.  Elisha, Gehazi and Naaman all came from the and the chariot came from do NOT receive any financial benefits from mentioning these clip art programs...I mention them solely as a service to you.)

 I really am happy with the way this turned out....So much so, that I have asked my Darling Husband to make me a WOODEN version....when he does I will make sure to SHARE the finished product with you. 

The KIDDOS will be making a simple "WREATH" as their TAKE HOME project.  

The KIDDOS will color the HEARTS and GLUE them on to the "WREATH." Then they get to add stickers of HAPPY FACES and BIBLES to their WREATH. (THE LOVE STICKERS!!!)

This project was  sooooo  cheap to make...I have a TON of these white, wire hangers.  I already had the CONSTRUCTION paper--(I bought several reams of construction paper at a garage sale a few years ago...and I still have a BUNCH!!!)  I already had the stickers from PROJECTS in the past!!!    So this was a very economical TAKE HOME Project! 

We are going to play "PING PONG TOSS" for our REVIEW GAME.  The KIDDOS will bounce the ball into the MUFFIN pan and then answer the question that their ball "lands" on.  

BTW, this is a very fun and cheap way to REVIEW Bible Facts, BOOKS of the BIBLE, Memory Verses, etc. 

I put the "science fair board" behind the muffin pans to help my Little KIDDOS....However, you could just let the WALL be your backboard.  (I have stuff hanging on the wall....LOL)  

To use this idea for the BOOKS of the BIBLE Review....I just fill up the tins, with the names of the Books of the Bible,  in a SCRAMBLED fashion....and then when the KIDDOS Ping Pong Ball lands on a NAME of a BOOK of the BIBLE...I have them tell me the book that comes BEFORE or AFTER the book that they land on.  I also have them tell me if it was an OLD or NEW TESTAMENT BOOK.  

To use this as a Memory Verse Review...Just list the SCRIPTURES and when they land on one...they have to tell you the Memory Verse...With my KIDDOS, I put a PICTURE that went along with the Memory Verse.  (I teach the Pre K-1st Grade Class.) 

These MUFFIN pans came from the DOLLAR TREE.  I think I have 12...I know I have 11....because their are 66 books in the BIBLE....BUT, knowing my propensity to buy an EVEN numbers of items...I probably bought 12!!  

Next week we will REVIEW this lesson and the KIDDOS will do their EXPLORER JOURNAL Activity.... With this activity they will add a 3D sticker of a pile of clothes and a BAG with 2 "Talents of Silver" in it.    If you know the story Gehazi asked Naaman for clothing and Silver Talents.....So, that is why the KIDDOS will be adding these to their Explorer Journal Activity.

The clothes came from my Printmaster clipart.  I just printed, laminated and added a 3D foam sticker to them.  The Silver Coins were originally Gold....Aluminum Foil fixed that for me....and the little bag came from the DOLLAR TREE wedding section.  

 I am looking forward to SUNDAY!!!!  

