Today was our FIRST of two REVIEW DAYS!! I, personally feel that REVIEW days are so beneficial. It lets me ascertain the KIDDOS progress. I want to make sure they understand what they have been learning. I want to make sure they can tell me the stories in order. I want to make sure they remember their MEMORY VERSES and I want to FILL in any "holes" in their understanding.
One of the ACTIVITIES we did was to have the KIDDOS pick an item out of the box and tell us what story it relates to and why it relates to that story.
But, in order to PICK something out of the box, the KIDDOS had to first answer a REVIEW QUESTION...I have about 50 different REVIEW QUESTIONS covering Creation-Tower of Babel. :-)
I pulled out my foam number line. This allowed the KIDDOS can put the DAYS of Creation on the correct number.
Another Review Activity we did was "PUT the BIBLE STORIES in sequential order" board. This is a simple yet FUN activity for the KIDDOS.
This is what the board looked like when the KIDDOS arrived. I asked the KIDDOS if the stories were in correct order...I wished you could have heard their very loud and very authoritative, "NO!"
So we cleared the board....btw, it is strips of velcro on the BOARD. For the KIDDOS to get to help put the stories into correct order they had to answer one of my many. many REVIEW questions.
REVIEW VISUALS are easy...I just use our PAST EXPLORER JOURNAL ACTIVITIES. Since they are always on display---it makes it so convenient.
The KIDDOS TAKE HOME project was a very simple Memory Verse/Story REVIEW "GAME." The idea behind this is for the KIDDOS to be able to MATCH the MEMORY VERSE to the CORRECT STORY. MOST of my KIDDOS are NOT independent, it will be a game where PARENTS read the verse and the KIDDOS match the correct picture to the verse.
During class time the KIDDOS will be using my cookie sheets...I purchased a bunch of these at the Dollar Tree. We use them ALL the time. They are great for magnetic games, individual activities, puzzles, etc.
I wanted to show you the help keep cost down, I cut each little magnet in half. The worked great!!! They did not fall off the pans!!! Save your pennies where you can. :-)
I have these FUN zipper, each KIDDO got one to put their pieces in for easy transport. I did have one KIDDO who wanted to take home my cookie pans....until I told him he could put them up on his refrigerator and helps his brother's and sister's learn the Bible Stories and Memory Verses in order.
I will share their EXPLORER JOURNAL ACTIVITY soon.

Sorry for the delayed posting of our Explorer Journal Activity. The KIDDOS will be making these and adding them to their Explorer Journal.
I made the stickers by printing them on cardstock and then running them through my sticker maker. This will be a quick and fun activity for the KIDDOS. They LOVE stickers!!