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Showing posts with label kitten holy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitten holy. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Lumber Janes

Who needs lumber jacks, when you have Lumber Janes? I want to be a LumberJane. I was never a Girl Scout. I can't even tell you what Girl Scouts do other than sell cookies. I have a vague notion that they do out door activities based on the cookie boxes. I could only hope that it is like LumberJanes. 
LumberJanes Beware of the Kitten Holy is a fun first volume of what I hope will be the first of many volumes. It is fun, upbeat, complex with out being intimidating story of resourceful  quirky girls. I had just as much fun reading the excerpts of the handbook as I did following the adventure.  If summer camp was really like this, I would sign up to be a camp counselor in a heartbeat. 
There is a beautiful blend of real and not so real that has a way of charming the reader. While stumbling into poison ivy is a rather normal experience, stumbling into a quad of hipster yetis is not. (I can't be sure if quad is the correct plural for a group of yetis or if I am making it up. ) I want to earn the experience badges. I wish I could do that as an adult, just because I think it would be fun to be recognized for bad puns. 

I am looking forward to the next volume and would recommend this to all ages but especially the 8 to 10 age range since I feel they would really enjoy embarking on a quest for Kitten Holy.   The art works well with the story and  does enough to keep the readers attention while passing out information like candy on Halloween.  Over all this was another brilliant pick from my husband.